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    jeroen429's Avatar Member
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    [Guide]: Argent Crusade Reputation Guide


    The Argent Crusade is a faction created from the union of the Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand. It was formed shortly after the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. He assumed a leadership position over the Argent Dawn and united the two factions in order to take the fight against the Lich King to Northrend.

    Author's Note: This guide is completly written by me, if you find it at any other place than MMOwned or WoW-Pro, please report it to me. If anyone needs prove that this is actually my work, scroll to the bottem at post #7.


    The Argent Crusade has something in store for everyone, but just like all the other factions, you need a significant amount of reputation to receive the ability to get access to them. In this section are all possible ways described to gain reputation with the Argent Crusade.


    Once you are friendly or higher with the Argent Crusade, you can buy their tabard at the Argent Crusade Quartermaster. When you wear it, all reputation gained while killing mobs in a 5-man dungeon or heroic, will go to your standing with the Argent Crusade.

    Here is a map where you can find the Argent Crusade Quartermaster:


    There are a lot of quests available to you to improve your standing with the Argent Crusade. And you can complete the most of them while you are still leveling! Below is a list with all the normal quests you can do to earn reputation, and how much reputation you get awarded by completing them. Faction specific quests are indicated with an [A] for Alliance Quests, and an [H] for horde quests. Quest Chains are separated with blank lines.

    Howling Fjord

    1. [A] [71] The Shining Light
    2. [A][71] Guided by Honor (+75 rep)


    1. [74] The Call of the Crusade (+25 rep)
    2. [74]The Cleansing of Jintha'kalar (+250 rep)

    1. [A][72] Imprints on the Past
    2. [A][72] Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore
    3. [A][72] The Murkweed Elixir (+250 rep)
    4. [A][72] The Forgotten Tale (+250 rep)
    5. [A][72] The Truth Shall Set Us Free (+500 rep)


    1. [75] Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper (+350 rep)

    1. [75] This Just In: Fire Still Hot! (+250 rep)

    1. [75] In Search Of Answers (+150 rep)
    2. [75] Orders From Drakuru (+250 rep)
    3. [75] Crusader Forward Camp (+25 rep)
    4. [76] That's What Friends Are For... (+250 rep)
    5. [76] Making Something Out Of Nothing (+250 rep)
    6. [76] Light Won't Grant Me Vengeance (+350 rep)
    7. [76] A Great Storm Approaches
    8. [76] Gymer's Salvation (+250 rep)
    9. [76] Our Only Hope (+75 rep)
    10. [76] The Storm King's Vengeance (+500 rep)

    1. [75] Taking a Stand
    2. [76] Defend the Stand (+250 rep)
    3. [76] Parachutes for the Argent Crusade (+250 rep)
    4. [76] Pa'Troll (+250 rep)
    5. [76] Something for the Pain (+75 rep)
    6. [76] Throwing Down (+75 rep)
    7. [76] Creature Comforts (+75 rep)
    8. [76] Lab Work (+250 rep)
    9. [76] Skimmer Spinnerets (+250 rep)
    10. [76] Crashed Sprayer (+250 rep)
    11. [76] A Tangled Skein (+250 rep)
    12. [76] Pure Evil (+250 rep)
    13. [76] Death to the Necromagi (+250 rep)
    14. [76] Malas the Corrupter (+350 rep)
    15. [76] Cocooned! (+250 rep)

    1. [76] New Orders for Sergeant Stackhammer (+10rep)
    2. [76] Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! (+250 rep)
    3. [76] Mopping Up (+250 rep)

    1. [76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals! (+250rep)

    1. [76] Gluttonous Lurkers (+250rep)

    1. [76] Leave No One Behind (+250rep)

    1. [75] Siphoning the Spirits
    2. [76] Stocking the Shelves (+250 rep)
    3. [76] Clipping Their Wings (+250 rep)


    1. [80] Jagged Shards (+250 rep)
    2. [80] I'm Smelting... Smelting! (+250 rep)
    3. [80] The Runesmiths of Malykriss (+250 rep)
    4. [80] By Fire Be Purged (+250 rep)

    1. [80] Tirion's Gambit (+500 rep)

    1. [80] Preparations for War
    2. [78] Judgment Day Comes! (+25 rep)
    3. [78] Honor Above All Else
    4. [78] Scourge Tactics (+250 rep)
    5. [78] Curing The Incurable (+250 rep)
    6. [78] Defending The Vanguard (+250 rep)
    7. [78] If There Are Survivors...
    8. [78] Into The Wild Green Yonder (+350 rep)
    9. [78] A Cold Front Approaches (+10 rep)
    10. [78] The Last Line Of Defense (+500 rep)
    11. [78] Once More Unto The Breach, Hero (+10 rep)

    1. [78] The Purging Of Scourgeholme (+250 rep)

    1. [78] The Scourgestone (+250 rep)
    2. [79] The Air Stands Still (+500 rep)
    3. [78] The Restless Dead (+250 rep)
    4. [79] The Stone That Started A Revolution (+250 rep)
    5. [79] It Could Kill Us All (+250 rep)
    6. [79] Into The Frozen Heart Of Northrend (+250 rep)
    7. [79] The Battle For Crusaders' Pinnacle (+250 rep)
    8. [79] The Crusaders' Pinnacle (+500 rep)

    1. [A][80] The Skybreaker
    2. [H][80] Orgrim's Hammer
    3. [80] A Tale of Valor (+10 rep)
    4. [80] A Hero Remains (+250 rep)
    5. [80] The Keeper's Favor (+150 rep)
    6. [80] Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare
    7. [80] The Boon of Remulos (+250 rep)
    8. [80] Time Yet Remains (+10 rep)
    9. [80] The Touch of an Aspect (+150 rep)
    10. [80] Dahlia's Tears
    11. [80] The Boon of Alexstrasza (+250 rep)
    12. [80] Hope Yet Remains (+10 rep)
    13. [80] The Will of the Naaru (+150 rep)
    14. [80] The Boon of A'dal (+250 rep)
    15. [80] Light Within the Darkness (+500 rep)

    1. [80] I'm Not Dead Yet! (+250 rep)

    Daily Quests

    There are only 2 daily quests for the Argent Crusade. I guess this compensates the massive amount of normal quests you can do. The daily quests are:

    Pa’trol requires you to a task for 4 different memebers of the Argent Crusade. And you get 500 extra reputation if you succeed in completing it under 20 minutes.

    A big help when trying to get it done under 20 minutes is this addon It shows the ingredients you need for Dr' Finklestein's Task. Which can normally be a pain to find.

    Instead of describing in words how to do these quests, here is a great video on how to do them.



    Argent Crusade rewards can be bought from the Quartermaster in Icecrown:

    The rewards at the following reputation levels are:



    • Arcanum of the Fleeing Shadow - 50g - Mediocore enchant, woudn't recommend it.
    • Cloak of Holy Extermination - 21g 9s 13c - Nice physical DPS cloak, not worth grinding rep for, but good to pick up if you're working towards Revered/Exalted
    • Standard Issue Legguards - 46g 18s 42c - Very solid Holy Pala leggings, would advice you to pick it up as paladins are going to grind this faction anyway.
    • Special Issue Legplates - 46g 36s 29c - Solid Tanking leggings, can't find much better outside Heroics. Unless you're not def capped yet.



    This concludes my Argent Crusade guide, if you still have any questions, feel free to post them.
    Last edited by jeroen429; 05-12-2009 at 10:35 AM.

    [Guide]: Argent Crusade Reputation Guide
  2. #2
    Syncness's Avatar Legendary
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    Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors

  3. #3
    xerotsuda's Avatar Member
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    Ouch Burn. GJ Sync
    I love how the kid is trying to act like he wrote it for another site and to "report" it to him... LOL
    Wasting your time costs you $15, wasting 24 other peoples time costs $360. Raid right or dont raid at all.

  4. #4
    Cenimap's Avatar Member
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    Author's Note: This guide is completly written by me, if you find it at any other place than MMOwned or WoW-Pro, please report it to me.
    He's lying or you need l2read

  5. #5
    T-ReX's Avatar Member
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    i am just quoting "Author's Note: This guide is completly written by me, if you find it at any other place than MMOwned or WoW-Pro, please report it to me."

    But it can be fake.

    +rep if you prove you maked it.

  6. #6
    Distanced's Avatar Member
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    Actually Sync, if you read the beginning of it, he does infact say, if you find it in any place OTHER THAN Mmowned or WoW-pro, then to report to him. So this could actually be his guide.

  7. #7
    jeroen429's Avatar Member
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    Here is the prove

    The guide was originally posted on Argent Crusade Reputation Guide | World of Warcraft Pro by me, my account on that site is 'Unbreakable'

    Notice me being logged in on that site, (you can see it in the top right corner)

    This is the account information, notice how the e-mail address matches my username.

    This is the original source code of my guide, it can't be accessed by anyone other than me and the admins on WoW-pro

    A list of revisions and stuff, note that Jame is the Admin of WoW-Pro (you should know him from his leveling guide)

    If this wasn't enough just tell me what to do.

  8. #8
    asad1212's Avatar Member
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    Even still. The guide's outdated. The Argent torunament quests also give Argent Crusade rep.
    +250 per quest at the rank of champion.

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