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    dunyasi's Avatar Member
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    [Hunter PvP guide] Night Elf Edition; w/ Macros

    Hey guys, I have read a few guides and received help and guidance from a few of you! So I thought I should further add to the community.

    I wrote this guide a week or so ago and was intended for the Hunter forums on the main WoW website but it was over shadowed with all the wotlk news.

    Well I hope you enjoy and find this guide helpful if you play a hunter, and especially a Night Elf hunter.

    My main is Velkyrie: Night elf hunter.

    If you want me to prove that Velkyrie is me, I will post a number or something at your request under Velkyrie on the wow websites.


    I was planning on doing this a while ago but with all the WotlK spam, I think now is a good time! Most of you that do know me, know that I origianlly used to play a Blood Elf hunter and back then I used to create macros specifically around the Blood Elf racial. Now that I play a Night Elf hunter, my macro list in conjunction with my hunters Racials has grown!

    Keep in mind that the macros that are about to follow, most don't just apply to night elf hunters and everyone can use them. Some however revolve around shadow meld and the ease of play!

    If you put a ! mark before an aspect it will only cast that talent without canceling it, for example Cast !Aspect of the hawk when Aspect of the cheetah is on, it wont attempt to cancel aspect of the cheetah, instead it just casts aspects of the hawk. If aspect of the hawk is already active, it wont cancel it and simply cast it again. There is a minor duration between replacing or casting another aspect if you dont use any of the macros I am about to list.


    /cast !aspect of the hawk

    /cast !aspect of the viper

    /cast !aspect of the cheetah

    /cast !aspect of the pack

    This macro is designed for those who have detterence, it works perfectly if you dont have it either (it just wont cast deterrence). It simply casts both deterrence and aspect of the monkey without canceling either one.
    /cast !aspect of the monkey
    /cast Deterrence

    Mount Macros:

    Flying mount macro

    /cast <Flying mount>

    Ground mount macro
    (I have like 5 different ground mount, so I just randomize which one I use to mount up on)

    /castrandom Swift Palomino, Swift Brown Steed, Stormpike Battle Charger

    Pet Macros:

    Because I dont always put my pet on prowl, I have a key bind for prowl. I have the pet bar hidden, this macro enables me to put the prowl skill on my hot bar to watch for cool downs.

    /castsequence reset =9 prowl, null

    Other pet abilities that I have a macro for to enable me to put them on my Hot bar.

    /cast charge

    /cast dash

    /cast Dive

    /cast charge

    /cast Growl

    This macro, which isnt really needed is simply used to put pet on passive and moving to another to shadow meld. I know that there is a keybind already for this, but I personally replaced it with something else.


    Do you find yourself using mend pet before its 15 second duration has ended? Well this macro will put a 15 second cool down on it:

    /castsequence reset=15 Mend Pet, null

    If you are a BM hunter and want to save mana dispelling disease, curses, etc off of your pet just use this macro. It comes with a 15 second cool down also.

    /castsequence reset=15 Mend Pet(Rank 1), null

    Shadowmeld bound macros!
    If you want your pet to stop attacking, return, feign death and shadow meld: All in one button

    /cast dash
    /castsequence reset=30 feign death, shadowmeld

    Or if you want to mount up after FD instead of shadow meld

    /cast dash
    /castsequence reset=30 feign death, <Mount>

    Aimed shot macro with rapid fire, concussive shot and steady shot. Steady shots damage is increased by concussive shot and its not on the global cool down, so I like it to follow right after it so it can benefit from the bonus damage.

    /cast !rapid fire
    /castsequence reset=8 aimed shot, concussive shot, steady shot

    Drink + shadowmeld + prowl (You can replace Purified draenic water with your own water)

    /castsequence reset=8 Purified Draenic Water, shadowmeld, prowl, null

    Eat + shadowmeld + prowl (You can replace Telaari G@%@*s with your own food)

    /castsequence reset=8 Telaari G@%@*s, shadowmeld, prowl, null

    Eat+ drink + shadow meld + prowl

    /castsequence reset=8 Food, water, shadowmeld, prowl, null

    Pet follow, prowl, Feign death and shadowmeld:

    /cast prowl
    /castsequence reset=30 feign death, shadowmeld
    /cast prowl

    Shadowmeld and prowl ONLY

    /castsequence reset=9 shadowmeld, prowl, null

    Start attack + Arcane shot + multishot all in one!

    /castrandom arcane shot, multi-shot
    /cast arcane shot
    /cast multi-shot

    Or mana saver multishot macro

    /castrandom arcane shot, multi-shot(rank 1)
    /cast arcane shot
    /cast multi-shot(rank 1)

    Focus macros:

    /cast [target=focus,exists][] silencing shot

    /cast [target=focus,exists][] viper sting

    /cast [target=focus,exists][] Scare beast

    PvP guide and how/When to use the macros I listed and why you shouldn't do certain things, such as keeping prowl on auto cast all the time.

    When to use shadowmeld:

    When fighting warriors, if you shadowmeld before they are in range, you can cripple their charge by stealthing and putting your pet on them. This will leave them with one intercept all the time.

    If you name your pet after yourself, the following method will work wonders against almost every class in the game, especially in arena:

    X class targets you, FD and shadowmeld but with your pet attacking them, this will give you max 5 second window to get a jump or recover if you are being focused.

    If a rogue jumps you and you FD + Shadowmeld, they will target the next closest person to them or the person attacking them, this will give you a window of opportunity to Wing clip and get away.

    Casting flare before shadowmelding on yourself will cripple most stealth classes (most of the time). If you have Track hidden on at all times you should be able to use shadowmeld, flare in your advantage!

    Why you shouldnt always have Prowl on auto cast OR when to use prowl and how to use it.

    Why you shouldnt have prowl on Auto cast:

    Prowl in battle grounds usually cripples your dps when trying attack anyone for a moment with your pet in Prowl mode and stealthing up to the target, so I usually leave it off so it can maximize its speed rather than being slowed to 60%.

    With the macros I listed, use prowl up to and when you mount, upong dismounting an unstealthed pet will get to its target really fast versus a 60% cat.

    When to use prowl and How to:

    When drinking use your keybind to put your cat in stealth

    In Arena put your pet on Prowl

    When shadowmelding, put prowl on.

    When Shadowmelded and want to crawl up onto your target

    Keep in mind that it is very important to handle Prowl like a fel hunters talents. A good warlock will have most of their fel hunters talents with exception to 1 OFF at all times so he or she can have control over them. As a hunter you should do the same!

    Weaknesses about every other class that you should know about!

    Every class, including hunters, have numerous weaknesses. Knowing these weaknesses can help you better yourself in preparing to counter them regardless of the situation. The following will highlight those weaknesses and what abilities/traps you should use the most against them.

    Difficulty meter: 10 is the hardest while 1 being the easiest.

    Lets start alphabetically:

    Druids; Traps to use:

    Feral druids: They are exceptionally easy to control as a hunter, I recommend using frost trap against feral druids all the time, unless its a 1v1 situation and he or she has used their trinket and you are about to die, then I recommend using Freezing trap. The weakness that feral druids have is that they have no snares in Cat form (which is the form they put the most dps out.)

    Difficulty 5/10

    Resto druids: the only weakness resto druids have is that their dps is terrible, but their survivability is one of the best in the game. I personally recommend Snake trap in conjunction with viper sting + scare beast to get them off of you.

    Difficulty 8/10 for hunters.

    Moonkin druids: Moonkins, if you ignore them, you will die faster than you can count to 3, however if you do come across them, snake trap and viper sting will make their Wrath ability useless. They do have a ton of armor though so pace your abilities versus them.

    Difficulty 6/10 for hunters, or 10/10 if you dont prepare for them.

    Hunters:; Traps to use:

    BM hunters: Most of a Beast master hunters dps comes from their pet, but its best to get into melee range of them to minimize the masters dps. Snake trap for the initial burst OR explosion trap if they use snake trap on you. Use aspect of the monkey and try to face their pet as much as possible since pets will jump behind hteir target now if they dont have their attention.

    Difficulty 8/10 for hunters

    Survival hunters: Survival hunters excel very well against Melee classes but when it comes to ranged, their dps can also be minimized by simply getting into their face. Snake trap works wonders here also but frost trap can be situationally important to kite their pet (to minimze the pets dps) and keeping the hunter in your melee range. Use arcane shot, serpent sting and wing clip as much as possible...if you crit use Kill command.

    Difficulty 5/10

    Marksman hunters: Marksman hunters also fall into the same catagory as survival hunters but with the exception that their damage output will be a little higher. Snake trap will force them to never use steady shot (or if they do use steady shot, the will not ever get it off).

    Difficulty 6-7/10

    Mages; Traps to use:

    Fire spec mages: Most of a fire mages damage will come from instant abilities when encountering a hunter. So the best trap to use to counter them will be frost trap with viper sting. Drain their mana, dispel their shields and keep kiting them within Frost trap.

    Difficulty 7/10 (situational) or 10/10 if you ignore them.

    Frost spec mages: The weakness that frost mages have might also be their strength, in a 1v1 situation, they wont really be able to get that many (if any) casts off, for example: frost bolt. But at the same time they will be forced to move as much as possible and depend on frost nova and ice lance which can crit a for a ton. So to use this to your advantage, always keep moving, use Frost trap and never melee (not even wing clip). Use viper sting and save your trinket for when they Frost nova you. When you are frozen in place their ice lance will hit like a truck.

    Difficulty: 7/10

    Arcane spec mages: They dont have that many snares, the one that they do have can easily be dispelled or trinketed out of. Mana drain them with in frost trap.
    Difficulty 3/10

    Paladins; Traps to use:

    Prot paladins: Prot paladins donot do much dps but they take a ton of damage, however they can be controlled like Feral druids. So use viper sting, wing clip and Frost trap while using poison sting in between viper.

    Difficulty: 1/10

    Holy paladins: The same applies to holy paladins in the case of Prot paladins.

    Difficulty: 1/10

    Retribution paladins: Their weakness is that they have only 2 CCs or stun like abilities on a very long cool down and very low mana. Viper sting + frost trap + arcane shot should cripple them.

    Difficulty 5/10

    Priests:; Traps to use:

    Holy Priests: Weakness that they have is they cant dispel viper sting, so if you drain their mana they will be crippled. However they do have an AoE fear on a short cool down (30 sc I believe) that can make or break any encounter. So frost trap is idealy what you should be using if they dont go on the offensive, however if they do, use Snake trap. Their DPS output is pretty bad so you should be able to drain their mana before they drop you below 40% hp (that is if you have a healthy amount of HP)

    Difficulty 4/10

    Disc Priests: Very good offensive and defensive abilities, however like holy priests they can be controlled easily if you get 2-3 viper stings off. Snake trap is ideal for fighting Disc priests.
    Difficulty 6/10

    Shadow Priests: shadow priests have amazing dps but if you dispel their armor buff they become very squishy. YOu must use snake trap in this case to cripple their dps. Viper sting is also a must! Drain their mana and you cripple them. FD as much as possible also.

    Difficulty: 9/10

    Rogues:; Traps to use:

    Subtlety rogues: Frost trap is idealy the perfect trap to counter any rogue. When fighting a rogue use aspect of the monkey, usually you should get 25% Dodge which is very good when falling on the defensive. Always keep your back to them and save concussive shot for once they use shadow step. Always have detect hidden ON and flare as much as possible. If you do manage to get them down to a point where Cheat death procs, use serpent sting.

    Difficulty: 8/10...or 5/10 if they have sprint down.

    Combat rogues: The same applies to combat rogues in the case of Subtelty rogues, however they will not have shadow step or cheat death so they will be easily kiteable. Frost trap is ideal to counter this class.
    Difficulty 6-7/10

    Assassination rogues:The same applies to combat rogues in the case of Subtelty and combat rogues with exception to the fact that assassination rogues will be dagger spec which depends on Crit. With the high amount of resilience, assassination rogues will not have a high dps out put so just kite away. Frost trap is ideal to counter this spec/class.
    Difficulty 6/10

    Shamans:; Traps to use:

    Resto shamans: Resto shamans have the ability to put out a lot of damage compared to other healing spec/classes. Frost shock with 2000 + healing can crit for upwards of 1200-1500 and on a very short cool down. It is also a snare that can cripple us. However their weakness is that they depend on their abilites to outlast other classes so use viper sting to keep them concentrated on dispelling that and arcane shot. Always watch out for Mana tide, poison dispel totem.
    Difficulty 9/10

    Enhance shamans: Enhance shamans can be mana burned in 2-3 viper stings - that is their only weakness. But their HIGH Dps out put and short snare duration (-50%) and frost shock, they can be
    Difficult to keep at a ranged distance. Frost trap + viper sting are your best assets against them. Keep in mind that they are really squishy!

    Difficulty: 5/10

    Elemental shamans: Elemental shamans can put out a ton of damage but if you put your pet on them, viper sting and Snake trap, they will almost never get a single cast off. They will be cornered to only healing.
    Difficulty 5/10

    Warlocks:; Traps to use:

    Affliction warlocks: Snake trap and frost trap are equally worth using against these types of warlocks, the only weakness that I can think of against Afflicction warlocks is to kill their pet if they are alone. With they pet dead, you can blow throw them like butter.
    Difficulty 9/10 but with a dead pet they are useless.

    Destruction Warlocks: They are really squishy and depend of shadow bolt for most of their damage. Snake trap is a perfect trap to counter this spec/class.
    Difficulty 5/10

    Demonology Warlocks: Strong pet and lots of damage from dots but like Affliction warlocks, kill their pets and their defense will plumet.
    Difficulty 9/10

    Warriors:; Traps to use:

    Fury warriors: Fury warriors are very similar to enh shamans with exception to frost shock and no mana. They will not have many important talents from the arms tree which will enable you to kite them easily with frost trap.
    Difficulty: 4/10

    Prot warriors: They will have low dps out put but lots of damage intake. Can be controlled very easily with Frost and freezing trap.
    Difficulty 1/10

    Arms warriors: The weakness of an arms warrior is that they have no way of getting out of a snare other than their trinket. If they use their trinket, you should be able to kite them with in a frost trap with minimal effort. Always keep your distance and always face them. Never turn your back, they will simply destroy you. Prepare for intercept with FD and OR Freezing trap OR Wyvern sting OR Intimidation.
    Last edited by dunyasi; 07-30-2008 at 09:41 PM.

    [Hunter PvP guide] Night Elf Edition; w/ Macros
  2. #2
    Newblet1's Avatar Member
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    You....are amazing. Thank you so much for posting all of this information.

    The bad news is I have no rep power. +karma is all i got :confused:


  3. #3
    Ajex's Avatar Member
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    props to you for the guide, I enjoyed reading it and it wasn't tedious to read like most I come across. the only problem that I found with it was that some of these strategies are mildly out, dated not to big for a deal at all. they are still really good. +Rep

  4. #4
    dunyasi's Avatar Member
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    NP guys, I will be editing and fixing it up in the following days to make it more interesting (if it isnt already )

  5. #5
    EzMac's Avatar Member
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    Finally a guide that isn't all common sense. I knew almost all of this, but thanks

  6. #6
    [Blaze]'s Avatar Banned
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    Grapes is censored? Whoa.

  7. #7
    dunyasi's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Blaze611 View Post
    Grapes is censored? Whoa.

    lol it actually is, oddly enough

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