First one didn't work, second one leeched.
First one didn't work, second one leeched.
I hate leechers!
/sigh me too
espcially the ones that take it without even posting anything
Character Level: 63
Goal: 80
We should make the access to Giveaway Section harder...
Well, let's think about it this way:
You're just leeching the game-cards as well, leechers may be stealing these gamecards, but the fact that you guys came to take these game-cards as well doesn't make much of a difference.
Seeing as you're directing to the people that have posted in this thread that were at the least willing to increase the OP's reputation.
Reputation here isn't entirely useless since once one reaches 'Constributer' he has access to more area's on MMOwned; thus if one of the posters above, instead of a leecher - would've gotten the codes, the OP would've gotten something back for his time.
As such, there's always a significant difference between 'us' and leechers.
lol ur not allowed to give rep in the section
Sure I get your point.
Sure we all got more than 50 posts to get to this section - but we are still trying to take the things that the person is giving away.
And it easily could not have been a leecher :O
What about us site donators? Are we leechers too?
I think i depends with us, ehhehehe >_>
Technically - Yes lol
Didn't work