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  1. #556
    nemiz's Avatar Member
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    hello guys, i was thinking if any of you could make me a AOE macro for warrior, here is the one im using atm, but its not doing what i want it to do, so please tell me what i need to change in it.

    #showtooltip Whirlwind
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Bloodrage") if (d == 0) then CastSpellByName("Bloodrage") end
    /run if UnitBuff("player", "Slam!") then CastSpellByName("Slam") end
    /run local _,a,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Whirlwind") if (a == 0) then CastSpellByName("Whirlwind") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Bloodthirst") if (d == 0) then CastSpellByName("Bloodthirst") end
    /run if UnitPower("Player") > 60 then CastSpellByName("Cleave") end
    /run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");

    this is what i want it to do
    Bloodrage whenever possible
    Whirlwind when not on cd
    when im over 25 rage it uses cleave as a rage dumb
    when im over 60 rage it uses bloodsurge if it procc'd
    when im over 60 rage it uses Bloodthirst if its not on cd

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  2. #557
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by Viral Fly-by View Post
    It worked fine for me in ToC. Grab the latest version from my post because I have made some minor changes. It used to get very confused if you were out of range of the focus. Are you staying in range of the people that need healing? People tend to run around like idiots on that fight.

    Regardless there's absolutely zero reason it would work on one fight (or instance) and not on another.
    I made sure everyone was in range as that was my first thought, Did you update the holypaladin script since my post concerning this error?

  3. #558
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Did you update the holypaladin script since my post concerning this error?
    Taking the most recent version in the post and comparing to the one you have is hard.

  4. #559
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Not really, but is it even harder to answer a simple question? You should by now have realised i'm a complete novice when it comes to these scripts, perhaps nurturing rather than mockery, would be a little more helpful and productive.

  5. #560
    reveng_'s Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Not really, but is it even harder to answer a simple question? You should by now have realised i'm a complete novice when it comes to these scripts, perhaps nurturing rather than mockery, would be a little more helpful and productive.
    Welcome to reality, we're not here to hold your hand through everything.

  6. #561
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by reveng_ View Post
    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Not really, but is it even harder to answer a simple question? You should by now have realised i'm a complete novice when it comes to these scripts, perhaps nurturing rather than mockery, would be a little more helpful and productive.
    Welcome to reality, we're not here to hold your hand through everything.
    I not those who will not help themselves. Also, you also have to ask yourself why someone else should be so concerned helping you in your nefarious ways.

  7. #562
    reveng_'s Avatar Member
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    Tested your rogue and feral macro, works great, no issues. Just wanted to confirm for you if you didn't get confirmation from the previous posters.

  8. #563
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Anyway back to the original point, the script that's posted is more or less the same as the one i'm using currently. The parts that are different do not relate to the healing logic.

  9. #564
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Anyway back to the original point, the script that's posted is more or less the same as the one i'm using currently. The parts that are different do not relate to the healing logic.
    The macros are a complete entity though...If I have steps A, B, C, and HEAL...HEAL may not work because there is a problem with B.

    I agree that it is unlikely there is much different. But there are only 3 possibilities I can think of that would make it not work:
    1. The problem with the focus being dead or out of range.
    2. You added something that messed it up.
    3. For whatever reason, the functions like UnitIsInRange do not work inside ToC.

    The problem is that all of those seem very unlikely. You have said your focus was alive and that you made sure you were in range. If you had added something or changed something I'm sure you would have said so. The last one just seems preposterous but stranger things have happened. Someone else used my resto shaman one in a 10man ToC to great success and it's logic is basically the same. There's nothing in the macro that would make it work in one place and not in another. I am not sure what to tell you.

  10. #565
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Thank you for taking a look Viral it didn't ocur to me that everything was so interelated, it means more than likely its the non-heal stuff i've added that's causing the issues. I'm not getting an more LUA errors but that probably doesn't mean much. What i'm using is:

    #showtooltip Holy Light
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    /use [combat] 10
    /use [combat] 13
    /use [combat] 14
    /run if not UnitBuff("player", "Seal of Light") then CastSpellByName("Seal of Light") end
    /run if UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")<0.10 and GetSpellCooldown("Divine Shield")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Divine Shield") then CastSpellByName("Divine Shield") end;
    /run if GetSpellCooldown("Divine Plea") ==0 and UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")<=0.80 then CastSpellByName("Divine Plea") end;
    /run if GetSpellCooldown("Arcane Torrent") ==0 and UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")<=0.80 then CastSpellByName("Arcane Torrent") end;
    /run if GetSpellCooldown("Lay on Hands") ==0 and UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")<=0.40 then RunMacroText("/cast [@Player] Lay On Hands") end;
    /run local dp=({UnitBuff("player","Divine Plea")})[7]; if dp~=nil and dp-GetTime()>10 and GetSpellCooldown("Avenging Wrath")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Avenging Wrath")==1 then CastSpellByName("Avenging Wrath") end;
    /run if UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")<0.50 and GetSpellCooldown("Lay on Hands")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Lay On Hands")==1 then RunMacroText("/cast [@Player] Lay on Hands") end;
    /run if UnitPower('player')<4000 then RunMacroText("/use Runic Mana Potion") end
    /run if UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")<0.30 then CastSpellByName("Divine Shield") end;
    /run f=0; if UnitExists("focus") then for i=1,40 do d={UnitBuff("focus",i)}; if d~=nil and d[1]=="Beacon of Light" and d[8]=="player" and d[7]-GetTime()>=3 then f=1; break end end if f==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@focus] Beacon of Light") end end;
    /run FoL=3000; HS=6000; HL=8000; t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; e=UnitExists; n=UnitName; h=UnitHealth; hm=UnitHealthMax; s=nil; f="focus"; fh=0; if e(f) then fh=hm(f)-h(f) end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if e(tt) and (e(f)==nil or n(tt)~=n(f)) then a=hm(tt)-h(tt); if a>m and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then m=a w=tt end end end; if fh>2*m then m=fh end; if GetSpellCooldown("Holy Shock")==0 and m>=HS then s="Holy Shock" elseif m>=HL then s="Holy Light" elseif m>=FoL then s="Flash of Light" end; if s~=nil then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] "..s) end;
    /run if GetSpellCooldown("Judgement of Light") == 0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@focustarget] Judgement of Light") end;
    /run f=0; if UnitExists("focus") then for i=1,40 do d={UnitBuff("focus",i)}; if d~=nil and d[1]=="Sacred Shield" and d[8]=="player" and d[7]-GetTime()>=3 then f=1; break end end if f==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@focus] Sacred Shield") end end;
    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; w=nil; m=0; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then for j=1,40 do d={UnitDebuff(tt,j)}; if d~=nil and (d[5]=="Magic" or d[5]=="Poison" or d[5]=="Disease") and d[7]>m then w=tt; m=d[7] end end end end; if w~=nil then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Cleanse") end;
    /run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
    Assuming for a second there's nothing wrong with script (which i'm sure there is now) is there a way or addon or somesuch that will follow the script while in use and show what its doing in relation to the script and hopefully what's causing it to cause the problems i've mentioned?

  11. #566
    nemiz's Avatar Member
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    no help to my macro?

    hello guys, i was thinking if any of you could make me a AOE macro for warrior, here is the one im using atm, but its not doing what i want it to do, so please tell me what i need to change in it.

    #showtooltip Whirlwind
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Bloodrage") if (d == 0) then CastSpellByName("Bloodrage") end
    /run if UnitBuff("player", "Slam!") then CastSpellByName("Slam") end
    /run local _,a,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Whirlwind") if (a == 0) then CastSpellByName("Whirlwind") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Bloodthirst") if (d == 0) then CastSpellByName("Bloodthirst") end
    /run if UnitPower("Player") > 60 then CastSpellByName("Cleave") end
    /run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");

    this is what i want it to do
    Bloodrage whenever possible
    Whirlwind when not on cd
    when im over 25 rage it uses cleave as a rage dumb
    when im over 60 rage it uses bloodsurge if it procc'd
    when im over 60 rage it uses Bloodthirst if its not on cd

  12. #567
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Thank you for taking a look Viral it didn't ocur to me that everything was so interelated, it means more than likely its the non-heal stuff i've added that's causing the issues. I'm not getting an more LUA errors but that probably doesn't mean much. What i'm using is:

    <snip />

    Assuming for a second there's nothing wrong with script (which i'm sure there is now) is there a way or addon or somesuch that will follow the script while in use and show what its doing in relation to the script and hopefully what's causing it to cause the problems i've mentioned?

    Lines 8 and 15 BOTH attempt to bubble...but only the first does it correctly....line 15 will just keep trying to bubble even if it can't because of Forbearance.

    Lines 11 and 13 both attempt to the second one this time does it correctly....

    I know mine does get stuck trying to judge if you don't have a seal up, but you've taken care of that by ensuring SoL is active in line 7.

    Did it get stuck after you used Wings, Bubble, LoH, or mana pot? Because I could see it just trying to spam one of those over and over while it's on cooldown or whatever because of the bad logic.

    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Which works great in hc's low level raids, even ICC10. However tried a TOTGC10 to really test it and when we got anub to P3 and the shit's hitting the fan people are on low health mana is dropping. It does nothing, I have sufficient mana to do something, yet the script doesn't. almost as if it doesn't know what to do. Any Ideas?
    Based on this that you said...I'm guessing something like that got low on mana or health or whatever...used an ability like Bubble or Lay on Hands. Then you were below either the health (30% in your bad logic line #15) or mana (40% in your bad logic line #11) and tried to use bubble or lay on hands. Since you can't use that ability, the macro just fizzled right there...and your raid died...and yes, it was your fault.

    Also I believe if you had already drank a potion and got back below the threshold (4000 mana in your line 14) it would also get stuck spamming potion while it was on cooldown.

    A few comments:
    1. If you are going to "/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()", then don't complain when you don't know WTF is're telling the damn thing to not show you errors. It might have been useful to know "You can't do that right now." or whatever the message would be...
    2. My willingness to support/assist/help when you take my macros and add a bunch of rubbish is very very limited...especially when you do it so poorly.
    3. If you really can't stop smashing the macro long enough to use abilities like potions and lay on hands...then Reactive bubble to save your life I can see....divine plea since you use it so much I can see...but mana pot, arcane torrent, and lay on hands? Even Divine Plea should be used more intelligently than the macro does but it's "good enough"...

  13. #568
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Ouch! and mostly deserved, i'll fix the bits you pointed out. The "/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()" was added perhapd half hour before I posted this here while running a hc. I added this at the same time as the sound squelch, but I know you had no way of knowing this. Prior to its addition there were no lua errors.

    Yes I understand i'm probabbly making a car crash of your good work and if that troubles you i apologize, but i've got to start somewhere and hopefully soon i'll have a far better understanding that I do now, and who knows maybe things will start to look less like car wrecks. (I think part of the problem i'm having is that the SDM input area is so small its hard to see the script, think i'll write [or butcher] them in notepad or something and copy into wow to test.)

    Very good points concerning some of the extra's I've added, I'll definately take a second thought with those and morethanlikely remove them. With regards to the raid when the script fubar'd I went back to HB which I still have active (and will do indefinatley just in case) we still wiped just not toally my fault, just mostly.

    Once again thank you for your help.
    Last edited by Mynewt; 12-30-2009 at 12:33 PM.

  14. #569
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Mynewt View Post
    Ouch! and mostly deserved, i'll fix the bits you pointed out. The "/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()" was added perhapd half hour before I posted this here while running a hc. I added this at the same time as the sound squelch, but I know you had no way of knowing this. Prior to its addition there were no lua errors.
    That won't block the Lua blocks the red text top center.

    Like say I have a macro that has as it's top priority to cast Judgement of Light. But I don't have a Seal on and I spam the macro...nothing will happen...because it will constantly try to Judge but it can't. There won't be a Lua error because the Lua is perfectly fine. But when you hit the macro it will attempt to Judge...and so you'll get the red text saying "You can't do that yet." or whatever it you can see that it's trying to do something but it can't... If you hide the error frame you don't know.

    So how can I deal with a situation like that...let's consider that exact example:

    1. Make it just skip the Judge if no Seal is active...

      • Sure, that would work...but then people will complain it doesn't Judge...or they don't even realize it's not judging and so they're sucking.
    2. Make it check for a given seal and put it up if it's not...

      • That would also work...but now the macro is forcing a specific seal so you lose the ability to actually play your character and use a different seal if you need to... (I know I know...heaven forbid people actually play their character.)
    3. Make it put up a given seal only if no seal is active at all...

      • This is probably best...but to be honest, if you can't be bothered to put up your seal as a paladin, then you're just too damn lazy and I don't want my macros to work for you. Should it also do your buffs and pop your flask? Where's the limit?

    And that's just one scenario. Others are more complex and less clear. I make these macros mostly out of my own fascination with coding, the game, the rotations, and the logic. I use them to help me understand my own characters better so I can play them better. I don't make them so complete noobs can push 1 button and literally have every single thing happen for them. Like I could make the healing macros detect that you don't have a focus and automatically look for someone marked MT or for the tank in a LFG heroic...and automatically set the focus. But I won't....that's just crazy.

  15. #570
    Tardo's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Viral Fly-by View Post
    Not always...what if there is no other shaman in the raid in a 10 man? You really going to be that guy who drops magma rather than flametongue? And are you the guy always breaking sheep/shackle with your magma totem?
    I don't know WTF you mean with the FT totem but yeah we do use Magma Totem (and Fire Nova if sim gives a dps increase) on single target, ofc not when there is CC thats common sence but if you're keeping that in mind, you better make 3 macros.

    And to FT totem, I know it might sounds weird but Enhancement Shamans don't do that shit.

    Glad IF I helped you do the macro better, don't get offended, just trying to help...

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