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  1. #16
    Sensisativa's Avatar Contributor
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    Great work Viral, glad to see you made your own thread.

    I was wondering if you could make a macro for MM hunters. I was hoping to have it:

    1. Only use Hunter's Mark if mob has 200K+ hp
    Kill shot When available (-20%hp)
    Silencing Shot
    3. Serpent Sting
    4. Aimed shot
    5. Chimera Shot
    6. Steady shot only if it will not delay an Aimed or Chimera
    7. Only use Arcane shot if moving

    I would love if there was a way to use Tranq. Shot if the mob gets an enrage/buff that it can remove.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit - I will be happy to test anything you do for hunters.
    Edit 2 -
    I was hoping it could switch from aspect of viper to aspect of the dragonhawk at a % of mana.
    Edit 3 - Hoping the Silencing shot line can be commented out, so I can save my interrupt when needed for fight like faction champs.
    Another way would be to have it so it will save Silencing Shot for interrupt if the target is a spell caster (mana user).
    Last edited by Sensisativa; 01-05-2010 at 02:22 AM.
    "A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better"

    WOW Macro Library (DPS Rotations, Healing, Tanking, etc)
  2. #17
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by sensisativa View Post
    I was wondering if you could make a macro for MM hunters. I was hoping to have it:

    1. Only use Hunter's Mark if mob has 100K+ hp.
    Kill shot When available (-20%hp)Silencing Shot
    Silencing Shot
    3. Serpent Sting
    4. Aimed shot
    5. Chimera Shot
    6. Steady shot only if it will not delay an Aimed or Chimera.

    I would love if there was a way to use Tranq. Shot if the mob gets an enrage/buff that it can remove.
    Added to queue.

  3. #18
    Evilphtbstrd's Avatar Active Member
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    wow viral , just wow

    your layout is awesome , thank you very much for this thread

  4. #19
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Evilphtbstrd View Post
    your holy pala macro works great , i ran it on a 70 belf pala and it worked just as well as the resto shaman one , my pala was even in tanking gear and managed to heal thru the instances
    Are those latest versions as posted in this thread? I've updated them to be better written with their variables and use local where appropriate and stuff and a few tweaks. That's why I have them marked as awaiting confirmation...because I don't know if I messed anything up with those adjustments.

  5. #20
    Evilphtbstrd's Avatar Active Member
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    sorry viral , still using the old ones , my 80 pala isnt spec'ed to heal and the new healing macro isnt working on my 70 , but it could be my level , any 80 holy pala's want to test this ?

  6. #21
    Elitetech's Avatar Contributor
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    Hey Viral mate. I'm working on the resto druid one (Just used about 20 minutes writing the code and testing it) and I've come to this.

    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then a=UnitHealthMax(tt)-UnitHealth(tt); if a>m then m=a w=tt end end end; local _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("..w..","Lifebloom"); if m>7000 and GetSpellCooldown("Nature's Swiftness")==0 then CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness") elseif m>5000 and GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend")==0 and UnitBuff("..w..", "Rejuvenation") then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Swiftmend") elseif m>1500 and (c~=3) then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Lifebloom") elseif m>1000 and not UnitBuff("..w..", "Rejuvenation") then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Rejuvenation") elseif m>2000 and not UnitBuff("..w..", "Regrowth") then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Regrowth") elseif m>4000 then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] Healing Touch") end
    What I'm wondering is how I should do the Lifebloom-count check other than the way I've done it now. (I'm currently only level 72 so using healing touch instead of nourish(level 80 spell))
    The code in it's current state will just spam lifebloom if m>1500, instead of actually checking the count.

    Edit: Tested it without Lifebloom. I think it's the UnitBuff("..w..", that doesn't work. It doesn't check if I haven't gotten the buff, so doesn't matter what heal I use, it'll just spam it.

    Edit2: Also is 2 typos in your Resto Shammy macro. you're using tt="player in line 6 and 7. It should be tt="player"
    Last edited by Elitetech; 12-30-2009 at 06:15 PM.
    Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow.

  7. #22
    Gnobiwan's Avatar Member
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    Thank you for the organized layout and all your work on the macro's. +Rep from me.

    I would be most interested in a Disc priest macro if your counting requests for them.

  8. #23
    Elitetech's Avatar Contributor
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    Okay I've worked out the druid macro myself, and it's working pretty good in random heroics and stuff. I'll wait with raiding on my resto druid until you release one (since I know how well you look into details such as hot-checks, rebirth, buffs, keeping hots on tank etc etc) but until then. This seems like a really good alternative.

    Healing Macro
    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then a=UnitHealthMax(tt)-UnitHealth(tt); if a>m then m=a w=tt end end end; if m>1000 then RunMacroText("/target "..w.."") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Innervate") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>6000 and GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend")==0 and UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/cast Swiftmend") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>8000 and GetSpellCooldown("Nature's Swiftness")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>1000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Wild Growth") and GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Wild Growth") end 
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>2000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Rejuvenation") end 
    /run local _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("target","Lifebloom"); if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>2500 and (c~=3) and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Lifebloom") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>3000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Regrowth") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Regrowth, moo") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Healing Touch") if (d == 0) and UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>4000 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Healing Touch, moo") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")>=1 then RunMacroText("/use Super Mana Potion") end
    /run RunMacro("dispeldruid")
    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; w=nil; m=0; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then for j=1,40 do d={UnitDebuff(tt,j)}; if d~=nil and (d[5]=="Curse" or d[5]=="Poison") and d[7]>m then w=tt; m=d[7]; if d[5]=="Curse" then s="Remove Curse" else s="Abolish Poison" end end end end end; if w~=nil then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] "..s) end
    Last edited by Elitetech; 12-30-2009 at 07:29 PM.
    Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow.

  9. #24
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Elitetech View Post
    Edit2: Also is 2 typos in your Resto Shammy macro. you're using tt="player in line 6 and 7. It should be tt="player"
    Thanks bro...good catch...same typo in Holy Paladin one. /cheer

  10. #25
    Mynewt's Avatar Sergeant
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    Hey Viral,

    Is tehre a way or method to allow easier/auto targetting of aoe spells, specifically the dk Aoe, Death and Decay? I know its just a mouselcik but i generally use keybinds for 99% of my gameplay and the second or two saved it takes to click the mouse could at times be really useful.

  11. #26
    Viral Fly-by's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Elitetech View Post
    Okay I've worked out the druid macro myself, and it's working pretty good in random heroics and stuff. I'll wait with raiding on my resto druid until you release one (since I know how well you look into details such as hot-checks, rebirth, buffs, keeping hots on tank etc etc) but until then. This seems like a really good alternative.

    Healing Macro
    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then a=UnitHealthMax(tt)-UnitHealth(tt); if a>m then m=a w=tt end end end; if m>1000 then RunMacroText("/target "..w.."") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Innervate") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>6000 and GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend")==0 and UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/cast Swiftmend") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>8000 and GetSpellCooldown("Nature's Swiftness")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>1000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Wild Growth") and GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Wild Growth") end 
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>2000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Rejuvenation") end 
    /run local _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("target","Lifebloom"); if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>2500 and (c~=3) and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Lifebloom") end
    /run if UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>3000 and not UnitBuff("target", "Regrowth") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Regrowth, moo") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Healing Touch") if (d == 0) and UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target")>4000 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Healing Touch, moo") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")>=1 then RunMacroText("/use Super Mana Potion") end
    /run RunMacro("dispeldruid")
    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; w=nil; m=0; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then for j=1,40 do d={UnitDebuff(tt,j)}; if d~=nil and (d[5]=="Curse" or d[5]=="Poison") and d[7]>m then w=tt; m=d[7]; if d[5]=="Curse" then s="Remove Curse" else s="Abolish Poison" end end end end end; if w~=nil then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] "..s) end

    That's a very novel approach man...switching the target around to do the hots. BTW you can just do TargetUnit(unit) rather than having run text to do /target.

    Yea I've been working on one but it's more crazy...checking the buffs and calculating expected healing and stuff. I like what you've done with this though...simplistic but effective for a pretty complex way of healing.

  12. #27
    Elitetech's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Viral Fly-by View Post
    That's a very novel approach man...switching the target around to do the hots. BTW you can just do TargetUnit(unit) rather than having run text to do /target.

    Yea I've been working on one but it's more crazy...checking the buffs and calculating expected healing and stuff. I like what you've done with this though...simplistic but effective for a pretty complex way of healing.
    Ey thanks mate. Well doing TargetUnit instead of /tar is just like using CastSpellByName instead of /cast. It's just 2 ways of doing exactly the same thing. But until you've worked something amazing Viral-like out this is, as you're saying, a simple and effective way of healing. What this macro is best at is battleground healing(or maybe just as good, but it's just more effective that many human players could be). I found myself at 500k healing in a level 70-79 battleground. The second best healer was at 200k, so it definately is doing it's job. I really like macroing this way, because it lets me focus 100% on tactics, surviving, cd's, potions and all that kind of stuff.
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  13. #28
    Elitetech's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Elitetech View Post
    Ey thanks mate. Well doing TargetUnit instead of /tar is just like using CastSpellByName instead of /cast. It's just 2 ways of doing exactly the same thing. But until you've worked something amazing Viral-like out this is, as you're saying, a simple and effective way of healing. What this macro is best at is battleground healing(or maybe just as good, but it's just more effective that many human players could be). I found myself at 500k healing in a level 70-79 battleground. The second best healer was at 200k, so it definately is doing it's job. I really like macroing this way, because it lets me focus 100% on tactics, surviving, cd's, potions and all that kind of stuff.
    Also updated the macro to work with percentages instead (I like that much better, will allow my swiftmend and other heals to fully instaheal lowhealthed players and they'll heart me for my quick reflexes<33)

    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then a=UnitHealthMax(tt)-UnitHealth(tt); if a>m then m=a w=tt end end end; if m>1000 then RunMacroText("/target "..w.."") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Innervate") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.40 and GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend")==0 and UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/cast Swiftmend") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.25 and GetSpellCooldown("Nature's Swiftness")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.90 and not UnitBuff("target", "Wild Growth") and GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Wild Growth") end 
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.85 and not UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Rejuvenation") end 
    /run local _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("target","Lifebloom"); if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.80 and (c~=3) and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Lifebloom") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.70 and not UnitBuff("target", "Regrowth") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Regrowth, moo") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Healing Touch") if (d == 0) and UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.40 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Healing Touch, moo") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")>=1 then RunMacroText("/use Super Mana Potion") end
    /run RunMacro("dispeldruid")
    that's pretty much the final version ^^
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  14. #29
    Gnobiwan's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Elitetech View Post
    Also updated the macro to work with percentages instead (I like that much better, will allow my swiftmend and other heals to fully instaheal lowhealthed players and they'll heart me for my quick reflexes<33)

    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; m=0; w=f; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then a=UnitHealthMax(tt)-UnitHealth(tt); if a>m then m=a w=tt end end end; if m>1000 then RunMacroText("/target "..w.."") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Innervate") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.40 and GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend")==0 and UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/cast Swiftmend") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.25 and GetSpellCooldown("Nature's Swiftness")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.90 and not UnitBuff("target", "Wild Growth") and GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth")==0 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Wild Growth") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.85 and not UnitBuff("target", "Rejuvenation") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Rejuvenation") end
    /run local _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("target","Lifebloom"); if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.80 and (c~=3) and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then CastSpellByName("Lifebloom") end
    /run if UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.70 and not UnitBuff("target", "Regrowth") and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Regrowth, moo") end
    /run local _,d,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Healing Touch") if (d == 0) and UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.40 and UnitExists("target") and UnitInRange("target")==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")~=1 then RunMacroText("/castsequence reset=1.6 Healing Touch, moo") end
    /run if UnitPower("player")<1000 and GetSpellCooldown("Innervate")>=1 then RunMacroText("/use Super Mana Potion") end
    /run RunMacro("dispeldruid")
    that's pretty much the final version ^^
    Did you post your /run RunMacro("dispeldruid") Macro? I couldn't find it anywhere.

  15. #30
    Elitetech's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Gnobiwan View Post
    Did you post your /run RunMacro("dispeldruid") Macro? I couldn't find it anywhere.
    look 2 posts back rofl

    /run t="raid"; nps=1; npe=GetNumRaidMembers(); if npe==0 then t="party"; nps=0; npe=GetNumPartyMembers() end; w=nil; m=0; for i=nps,npe do if i==0 then tt="player" else tt=t..i end; if UnitExists(tt) and UnitInRange(tt)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(tt)~=1 then for j=1,40 do d={UnitDebuff(tt,j)}; if d~=nil and (d[5]=="Curse" or d[5]=="Poison") and d[7]>m then w=tt; m=d[7]; if d[5]=="Curse" then s="Remove Curse" else s="Abolish Poison" end end end end end; if w~=nil then RunMacroText("/cast [@"..w.."] "..s) end
    Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow.

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