idk if this guy is from mmowned or not but i was trying to get out of wow and i put my account up on for 200$ so he sent me a message blah blah blah and then i got the 200$ in my paypal but then it got reversed if anyone know who dido9527 plz tell me because i either want my 200$ back or my account and i know i shouldnt have fell for it but it said i had my money in my paypal and now im overdrawn because i bought assassin's creed 2 so if anyone can help me get my 200$ back plz and ty will give rep for help
Recall your account back using your ID or CDkey and secret question and resell it, I'd suggest using a TWV person on MD buy WoW Accounts AION FFXI Darkfall Warcraft bot Sell and Trade Gold
yess yss ys
Paypal don't deal with virtual goods so good luck winning this one if you call and say yeah i sold my wow account.
If you need me you have my skype, if you don't have my skype then you don't need me.
just refund the money and recall your account. Not because someone wire you money in your PP that its a safe bet, always call the person to confirm and such, don't be a noob.
Agreed recall your account from blizzard if you have the S&Q + CDKEY
At the end of the day.... its night
@.@ hey man next time, use my guide on how to not get scammed when selling online.
youll get alot of useful tips out of it.
i dont believe that an mmowned member did this. cause craig list scams are growing and growing.
As for getting your money back, i dont see that happening, cause like everyone has stated, paypal does not give support on intangible goods such as
woW accounts n stuff