Im not quite sure what your question is?
But take a look in the scam section, most of the threads have a step by step guide.
Hello, i made a donation of $15 to get access posting a thread on this forum.
I am wondering if there is ANY thing what can help me getting people scammed, so i can get gold from them, or their account.
There is some site with a fake-login pannel of accountmanagement from wow-europe, people promise you a spectral tiger when you visit that site and get a code if you log in with your account information, but the info they fill in will be sended to your e-mail. (Many people got hacked by this scam)
Is there any scam like this i can make? Or is there one wich is done already wich i can buy? No matter how much money it is. Just looking for a awfull and awesome scam
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Im not quite sure what your question is?
But take a look in the scam section, most of the threads have a step by step guide.
My question is kinda lame, how to set up a very good scam wich people get ripped of their account or money?
I loveee the FBM scam you should check it out (btw...thanks for that [Banhammer] lol)
Inactive dood. I check in with my diggy dawgs every now and then though.
Anyone else know a very good scam wich rip off people their money or account? Like someone said in trade channe; WTS Spectral tiger, willing to give code as first. than he leads u to a fake login website for WoW Account and he got hacked, than they continue on their account and type again WTS Spectral tiger, willing to give code as first. And so on.
Im able to pay for a very good scam..
I would appreciate if there is something if someone fills in their account information, that it will be send to my e-mail inbox
Check the scams section, theres loads.
Mudkipz91, send me a PM and I'll be able to help you out with the scam you're looking for.