Originally Posted by
Blizzard won't do anything to your account. Less money for them.
Hate to break it to you, perhaps blizzard are getting more involved, but that is VERY wrong.
Lemme fill you in on my last two days events.
A few weeks ago I scammed a lvl 80 priest. This char was ****ing insane, it had realm firsts, protodrakes, nearly full 8.5 for both main/offspec. Very very very nice char, I had to have it. I did the traditional bnet merged + bnet merge my acc, xfer the char $30, unmerge (help plx bliz omfg my bro merged!), and ban the other account.
A few days after doing this, i scammed an account of 9k gold (only), which i was going to sell to a chinese gold farmer.
Yesterday, I received these two emails:
Account Name: XXXXXXX
Date of Violation: 20/07/2009
Character Name Involved: [NAME OF CHAR I TOOK GOLD ON]
Type of violation: Unauthorised Access of a third-party account
Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 24 hours
We are writing to inform you that we have had to place a warning on your World of Warcraft account and temporarily suspend it. It is with regret that we take this type of action, but it is in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game. After your suspension has expired, you will be able to access the World of Warcraft servers again.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.
I thought shit.. my priests on that account.. oh well it'll be cool. Whats the worst that can happen right.
5 hours later I got this:
This is to inform you that we have temporarily suspended your World of Warcraft account.
Account Name: XXXXXX
Date of Violation: 16.7.2009
Type of Violation: Terms of Use violation
Details of Incident: Account Scam
Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 48 hours (2 days).
While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.
Also note, it is necessary for you to log into the game after 48 hours (2 days) have passed; this will update the status of your account displayed on the Account Management page.
Then I thought.. Omgwtf checked the armory and yes, the lvl 80 priest is GONE!
I followed everything to down to a T on how-to-keep-shit w.e covered my back the WHOLE way. And I've lost 9k and a pretty ****ing sick char. (Not that I actually care, lets be honest, i scammed that shit in the first place)
Now for those of you out there who are about to say "LOL YOU DIDNT DO IT RIGHT NEWBBBB!", that is if you havn't pressed reply to flame me already, all of this happened around the date of me merging my account to the scammed account. So, I thought i'd send a webform email to blizzard saying wtf is going on this DEFINATELY wasnt me you can check my acc got merged it must have been someone else. This was their response..
Following a review of your case, we can confirm that the evidence presented was correct, and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands, and will not be overturned.
Please note, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations, beyond the information given in the original notice mail, for privacy and security reasons.
We now consider this matter closed, and would not look to enter into further communication on the matter.
If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at:
Does that not spell it out?