Done, named is sterex 55
Done, named is sterex 55
Thanks , name sWooZiefan06 and setup alot of views *)
Sent Zeil.
Mrs.Braniac, I will send you yours when I get more in.
Thank you sir.
Are you really getting them that quick?
Read the rules..
" Youtube Videos - There are two threads stickied for giving and receiving comments on your Youtube videos. Any thread in the Scams or Scams Help sections having to do with giving or receiving Youtube video comments/ratings/subscribes/views will be deleted and punishments will be given. Here is what I will say just to clarify the situation with Youtube videos in the Scamming section(s):
- No Youtube video commenting/rating/subscribing/view increasing of any sort outside of the "giving Youtube services post here only!" thread.
- No requesting Youtube video commenting/rating/subscribing/view increasing of any sort out side of the "Need youtube comments/views post here!" thread.
- No posting Giveaway threads where in return you need people to comment/rate/subscribe/increase views on your Youtube video. If you have some thing to give away, you must give it away with out expecting any thing in return."
I'm safesell, comment rated and subscribed
Skype: hattifnatt93
Selling 2 D3 Accounts -
Done! name is: Aberchugger
Done Name: Darkclouder14 good luck with it
NoT A ZomBie~BuT iLL~EaTuRBrainS