Also, may I add, scammers should not scammers as long as they are not Chinese and use scammed paypals and screw u over in the ass. Especially don't, don't! Scam anyone on mmowned!
Hey guys,
Well lets start this off! Nice and simple but still short:
What is a scam or "Scammer" as you would say?
1. a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle.
–verb (used with object)
2. to cheat or defraud with a scam.
The man scammed the child out of one dollar.
Yes! That is what a scammer is. Why am I saying this do you ask? Well...I'm saying this because many people have been scammed. Many people have also written a guide on how to not be scammed ect. But i'm going to tell you today...How a scammer works!
First off:
Every scammer has to look for a potential victim. He does this by going through and looking for a very un-knowing victim. You will commonly find these victims if they have "First time. No Scammers plzzzz!". This will obviously show if you are new to the world of trading/buying/selling accounts.
You should always try to avoid things that make you look vunerable or easily tampered with. Scammers don't stop at you just saying..."Are you a scammer" and log off. They will keep you on the hook and reel you in.
The Second Part
Scammers are scared of people who look like they have a high ammount of knowledge. Use grammar in every line of your sentence and when you advance in the trade...Take hold of it! Scammers like to back down if you start giving you orders. Scammers don't have a heart as you might say. They could give a shit if you needed money for your dieing grandma: Why would they need to? They don't even know you!
The Last Step
Scammers will take advantage of your questions and twist them around to find your details of sorts... A buying scammer is one that buys accounts(They normally use scammed paypals) Everytime there is a scammer you will notice by there spelling
"hi,you sale account" is a typical Korean(Not trying to be racist) scammer. They will ALWAYS use a scammed paypal account which you will know if they send you the payment with the name "Dave Smith". This is evidently a fake paypal because who has the name Dave Smith and is Korean? Got my point? Very good
Everyone should read guides on "How to sell/trade accounts" ect for a better guide. This is just showing you how scammers work! I'm accepting people to pitch in on ideas and so fourth.
We stand as one, to remember Mirror.
Also, may I add, scammers should not scammers as long as they are not Chinese and use scammed paypals and screw u over in the ass. Especially don't, don't! Scam anyone on mmowned!
The easiest way I found so far to avoid most scammers is to ask them to send me PM or post in my thread from their ownedcore account so I can see who they really are in the forums, many scammers blocked me right after I asked them to do that.
Why are pople writing in white? I can't see without hurting my eyes![]()
Or maybe it's because you bumped a thread from 2009... Back then the site had a different theme.
Had black theme.