Begging/Trading isn't aloud on these forums unless you are have donator status or higher. I would recommend reading the rules before you post.
Well ive posted about this alot but now i really need a regular world of warcraft cd key, if i can get the money sent to you and you get the key etc, will you be able to help?
Well i can get the required money sent to you by scamming someone easily, as long as you get the keys , and get your self seomthing nice, if we have enough Battlechest would be nice
I am willing to offer:
Comments - 5 star - favorite - and subscribe on youtube video 5 accounts
Getting your self seomthing on the scam i need help with
An account if you include WOTLK! with the order
Why can i just do it myself?
Because when i try to make a payment on any paypal account it says Some random shit like "Paypal can not make your order, Please select a different payment method"
Oviously no one has helped me with this issue or i would do it myself!
Contact me at
Aim - KreweLife
Msn - [email protected]
Scamming is not hard; Just way to damn easy.
Begging/Trading isn't aloud on these forums unless you are have donator status or higher. I would recommend reading the rules before you post.
For 1 im not trading 2 im not begging im simply asking for help ; maybe you should read my post first?
Scamming is not hard; Just way to damn easy.