none of these work
Hey guys I dont have an account at this time and i got some extra gamecard keys from a scam video!
Try them I don't know if they work!!
I beilve there all US
Thanks, Also Give me a PM Or A comment on this thread wich ones work and wich ones dont..!!
to Continue with these And more!! comment Mah video!! and w/e u want to promote it!
Scamming is not hard; Just way to damn easy.
none of these work
All invalid.
Fcking Leechers...
Last one is in use..
First 3 are InValid.. Fcking Leechers roaming the forums for free stuff when they are too lazy to earn it themselves..
Ok Sorry Guys!!!
Just Trying to Give something to Yah!
Scamming is not hard; Just way to damn easy.
pm them instead, so no leecher gets
Skype: hattifnatt93
Selling 2 D3 Accounts -
Shit...need badly a gamecard.
Same herezor
If you'll get any, I'll change them for 2x +rep
The MMOWNED should make a rule that no leecher should be allowed into scam and account giveaway forums!
commented your vid :]
Seriously guys, I'm getting tired of people just posting down the gamecards because they are too lazy to pm them... if you can't take 30 seconds to check your messages for people who actually CONTRIBUTE, you're as bad as the leechers... either pm them, or we don't want them, because all you're doing is giving it to leechers. You're not even helping us.
Dyslexics... UNTIE!!!! ---- 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions