Did it the last time but didnt recieve an account, I will redo it now then
EU please if u got one
edit: voted again
Hello MMowned.
I got pretty meny accounts, both US and EU and i dont know what characters on basicly all of them, only 2 i know characters of, thats a level 80 DK and a level 80 BE paladin !
Not on same account, but both is US!
Those who is doing this from more than 5 computers is getting one of those accounts, and i check it
btw, when you have done this (Also if its only from 1 computer) Reply to this post!
i will check if you have voted for me
here is what you have to do:
1.) Go to mmmovie.dk and click (ja)
2.) Press (Luk) in the conor of the window that apears on your screen
3.) Hold your mouse over the little arrow in the uper left conor of the screen and press (Film Galleri)
4.) Press on the video (Vægtløftning med)
5.) Now press 6 at (Din Rating)
Now you have voted for my video, i will check if you have done so after reply'd to this thread, and then i will PM the accounts.
Thanks alot !
Did it the last time but didnt recieve an account, I will redo it now then
EU please if u got one
edit: voted again
I've done all, but I think I don't really get the point of this video oO
but still I'm laughing
edit: would love an us account
Ill do it now, please save an account for me
Edit: Done it now, please PM me with an EU account.
Also, er du dansker?
Last edited by LGizzle; 02-19-2009 at 12:33 PM.
Jesus walks on water - I walk on Jesus.
ok voted for the video i got ss to in case u want to see it... i would like a eu account
Rated EU Account if you have
Rated, Us Please!
I voted for you.
Would like an EU account
thanks in advance ;>
Money while PvP as a Rogue? https://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-guides/219299-make-money-3-1-rogue-while-pvp.html
US please ;D
Voted for you!
I would like an EU acc.
Thanks a lot :>
Klavs can lift some people huh?
Done US Pleaseee
Offering Powerleveling 1$perlevel Aim me Zackattack7230
doing so now, US pweeze
EDIT : rated, btw my favorite part was when they fell. But then again, that's always the best part ;P
Last edited by Nub; 02-19-2009 at 02:52 PM.