OH, And can i change the E-mail address its assigned to Without going into the Emaill adress account?
OK I need help Fast, I Have all the INfo on the account, Acc name, Pass, Firt, Last name, S Q And Answer, How do I change the Email adress to Mine? WIthout GOing into his Email adress? PLease help Fast, I types this Very quick so might be lots of Errors. HELP!
OH, And can i change the E-mail address its assigned to Without going into the Emaill adress account?
Yes, call Blizzard. Oh wait. On monday.
Call Blizzard, tell them that you no longer have access to the e-mail address and you want to change it. They will do that for you. Don't worry! He can't do anything now. The only thing he can do is if you both call in about 4 times to change the e-mail, they will block the account. Just call in at like 10 30 PM EASTERN, change the e-mail, and at 11:15 PM EASTERN just change the password on the account. = OWNED.
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