Please give it to me, and delete the Account Information, thanks.
k heres name and pass....its frozen and trials alrdy been used so idono whats on it...its prolly 50-60's though bcas kid played for a couple of months....anyways heres name n pass gl
i know it works bcas i just got it like letirarly 5 min ago its just frozen n i dont want to whoeva gets it peace
Last edited by Jon Lajoie; 12-30-2008 at 10:06 AM.
Please give it to me, and delete the Account Information, thanks.
i want it >< but i see heph be taking it..
edit: heh i could use an account >< havent played for months lol
Baeh, Joker.
You can get it, i dont even need it anyway
just change the pass to yours and its urs if u got it tell me so i can lock up thsi thread