me?<3 i win
first poster wins I have already recalled if you win you get the email(I changed it to) the last name ,cd keys no SQA I had to use cd key to change email(he forgot his SQA)you also get account name and password I have changed the location to some BS place in New york I haven't changed the phone POST AWAY or a US gamecard=insta yours EDIT:I also sent him a ban letter EDITarknz has won it
Last edited by Liquid Malfunction; 11-21-2008 at 06:57 AM.
me?<3 i win
memememe.... :P
Damn I have been looking for something like this and it's leeeched
Last edited by Liquid Malfunction; 11-21-2008 at 09:58 AM.
How long will it be till you have another accs,. Im really in need of one.
i r in deadly need of one too...i want an acc with full info that can finally call my own and not scam/compromise its security =p
Can i have one for scamming plz ?
Might you score one, I have something in return
Silentkenny I already gave you an account.
still got the acc?