Hey, I have playing around with Ardamax Keylogger for a few days now. And I have some really nice geared high level accounts.
But the problem is that I only have the account name and password, is there so I could get full control of the account ?
If someone out there got an idea, I could reward them with an Level 70 character.
Last edited by dhzi; 06-01-2008 at 02:54 AM.
The victims account has 5 level 70s, if I could figure out he’s sqa and full name I could transfer the characters to new accounts registred in his Name.
Last edited by dhzi; 06-01-2008 at 07:44 AM.
this is simple!i did th is bout 3 times. u call blizz and u tell them that when u 1st created the acc u just put silly info because u didin't thought u'll need it.u tell them that u want change u're info but u forgot sq/a,then u ask them for the whole acc info because u want to chage it to u're real addres name etc.
after that u got 100% control over the acc.
Can you prove it worked for you?
I sended a mail to blizzard trough their billing support on wow-europe.com.
The web-form required account name and full name. On the first name I just copy pasted, on the last name I did take a chance on something that begins on K. In the actual mail I told them that my account got scammed and I don’t have access to email or sqa, bla bla. Hope it works .
just call them.i can't give u an ss or something ,i did this about 3-4 months. OMFG
rofl u want pics of an telephone conversation?)) do u want me to make a photo of my telephone?
very inteligent![]()
I'd like to know how you got an ardamax keylogger on someone's computer without it sending off warnings left, right and centre.
i have readed on this forum something that you talk to GM ingame and you say "i bet you that you dont know my real name etc" dunno if it works
Sorry forgot to add that this only works for US accounts...if theres something = to whitepages for EU use it!