me plz (filler)
Account Name: joeyfigueroa
Account Password: 7VVEK878
Email: [email protected]m
Secret question: 1
Secret answer: Hemet
First Name: joey
Last Name: figueroa
Phone Number: 9517336498
Address 1: 34691 dalea rd
City: winchester
State: california
ZIP: 92596
Country: USA
me plz (filler)
A Dynamic Dns from hits Hamachi LogMeOn in the face....Hamachi Dies! Dynnds Ftw!
Blizzard Authenticator code? O.o
me too lol
I guess the real question is...Who got it and congrats
lol owned by the authenticator. Legit password and account, but with the authenticator nothing can be done.
lol 6 digits ....wont take that long to crack?!
A Dynamic Dns from hits Hamachi LogMeOn in the face....Hamachi Dies! Dynnds Ftw!
I don't really check the accounts, just post them when i have too much in stock.
Just checked the account and it didn't ask me for an authenticator?
Last edited by Indigoextend; 10-21-2008 at 08:40 PM.
Well let me know if you can get the blizzard auth thing figured out!
IT doesnt seem to be on it lol.
I don't have the time to recall it but it doesn't seem to have an authenticator
I wants t6 pally =(
Is this eu are Us?
My spider senses say it is EU. But when you use your eyes....
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
its US , look at the address!?! And im getting the authenticator yoke-a-ma-bob too >