So you fear that your actual reason won't do as an excuse?
This makes me curious about what your actual reason is ^^
Would you mind..? :3
So, I am going to call Blizzard to get my account un-attached from my main World of Warcraft account, which I am the OO of.
But, like many others, I need a valid excuse to tell Blizzard why I need it un-attached.
Those who give mature and good answers will receive +Rep.
Thanks in Advance.
So you fear that your actual reason won't do as an excuse?
This makes me curious about what your actual reason is ^^
Would you mind..? :3
I want to sell my account, tada?
The excuse that worked for me was telling them that the merge was done purely by accident.
I told him that I have several accounts that I play with and while attempting to merge one of the accounts ,this one (The account you want Un-merged) was merged instead.
If he asks why you want it un-merged if you can still use it B-net anyways, I went with telling him about how I multi-box for my guild and how I like to keep one account off of my account encase of hackers and any account threats that may occur.
That is the way I went with and it went through pretty smoothly.
Since both the account and your account are under the same name most "OMG I got hacked" excuses will not work.
Also beware of any other excuses you use, If you tell them that the account was scammed and merged to someones account they will just lock the account, require you to send in your ID and such, BUT will not let it be, you will have to create another account for it to be merged with.
Just some extra precautions.
Last edited by [xRyan123]; 07-11-2009 at 03:08 PM.
But... here's the thing...
My account was merged AGES ago. (Like, Near April)
*None of these are tested or proven to work*
1) Contact Blizzard and explain how the account was used by both you and your wife (or husband). You just recently divorced and no longer wish for her to have access rights to the account
This may or not work depending on a few factions.
-Your people skills.
-How fast you can make something up if they throw you some questions
-May work because account sharing is allowed within family (At least I know it used to be)
2) Contact Blizzard and begin talking about how you believe your computer has been keylogged. Go on to say that you have already entered your SQA/Password/Email Information so they have full account access currently. Tell them how since the account is now vulnerable you would like to have your "main" account un-merged for safety.
This may or may not work depending on:
-How you explain how the keylogger got onto your computer. Don't tell them you were looking at hacks Q.Q (Say it was an Add-on or suttin)
-Your ability to be dramatic to make it seem as if you are truly scared for your account.
-May work because Blizzard is usually pretty helpful when it comes to keylogger incidents.
More excuses soon to come!!
Last edited by [xRyan123]; 07-11-2009 at 03:25 PM.
maybe say that some hacker merged it without your permission, you were inactive and he has been playing on it, and now that you wanna play again you find your account attached to a bnet? this is the only thing that comes to my mind atm
Fap, the only problem with that is that both the b-net account and the regular account are both in his name, any hacker would not make it in the OO's name when they can just as easily convert it to there's.
This also will not Un-merge the account but just get it locked and re-merged to another account ( 85% or the time)
mhhhh then i cant think of anything else
Yes, that is a great excuse xxxryandurxxx!, But, if Blizzard was smart they would check my age and say "WTF".
I am just so tired of this long account name, and besides, I forgot the password to this e-mail address so now I can't really access it!
That wouldn't get your account banned lol.
Blizzard allows account sharing within your family.
If they didn't why would they allow character transfers between accounts with the same last names?
And the parent feature for those under 18, even though it is meant to manage play time it is still account sharing.
*And Jess~, if they ask about the age just say that you made this account awhile ago and just put in a random age (They really won't care 99.9% of the time)
You know, Trollin makes a very good point.
i seriously did get banned for that, about a year ago. yes i did say i shared it with my brother, someone repoted me and i got a suspension for that. where does it say that they allow account sharing within the family? im very curious