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Active EU Giveaway(#2) - 70 Priest

To get this account is simple.
First toPost the answer to this[NO EDITING, IF YOU EDIT I WILL NOT GIVE U PRIZE]
(Reason for that is because you could be the first to post gibberish, see someone else below you post the correct answer, then copy it and say u were the first, so NO EDITING)
(12!) x 9 + 2 - 19 = X
Solve for X.
! = factorial
WARNING: The account owner is currently active, he doesn't know I have his info.
Acc/User only
Acc given to Raggon
Last edited by drano; 05-17-2008 at 12:23 PM.
Oh... this... um seems ... easy...
Site Donator
Not even close opirity, lol
i htougt u meant: 12 x 9 + 2 - 19 = ?
Site Donator
12 factorial x 9 + 2 - 19
Active Member
can you give something mor easy. For exampl first who will write in Russian will get an account lol ^_^
12 factorial x 9 + 2 - 19???????
what on EARTH are u talking about?
i dont get it
Site Donator
google "factorials" if you need to :P
Love being in college =D
Site Donator
Actually thats not the answer I got praesto
is it 6463
Active Member
aww he beat me to it 
Site Donator
Raggon wins
Praesto, in your first answer, you multiplied by 2 one too many times