So you are trading the EU accounts for an US account? Or they are free?
If they are free..can I get one?
I have A LOT of EU Accounts to giveaway.
Not sure what is on them. I do know that they are all active. Post a reason why you want one and I will let the winners of the giveaway know later on tomorrow.
Account and PW only!
I will also trade for US accounts with Account and PW only if you want to offer those as well.
NO LEECHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by champion538; 05-16-2008 at 10:13 AM.
So you are trading the EU accounts for an US account? Or they are free?
If they are free..can I get one?
Both. I will trade EU for US if you have one. Otherwise I will be giving them all away tomorrow.
Ok, So I'm in :P I would want any account
i will trade a us account with time till october for a level 60+ hunter or pally
:Swift Leveling: <Cheap Swift Power Leveling>
I would like one for the sheer and awsome exitement to see whats on one of them, its like the christmas i never had last year
I would like a account because I love WoW and MMOwned very much. I have played wow for almost 3 year now and I really want a account. :wave:
I really love the game and i really love this forum.
This forum is the best i have ever visited.
lastly but not least, im not a leacher
May I have one?
gief thanks in advance
I have no wow acc's atm. I went through a lot of trading and got scammed.
hey mate
my friend just got scammed by a keylogger, and he really loves wow and is kinda depressed atm so i want to cheer him up .))
Would like to start GLiding on EU Server and need an account, so would be nice to get one
can me haz one cuz me is nub
"Trade with the best, Get scammed like the rest"
I would like an account because i dont have one now and WoW is so good game.
Can rep you for it.
I can't understand why some people write that they got scammed/hacked. Why would he want to know that the accounts are going to waste? :S
Myself could really need an account. I've played wow since the release .
Would be funny to try some new classes (been playing same almost all the time).
I glide so another account wouldnt be bad for more gold. (have not got epic flying mounts on my 2 mains ;E).
If you pick me I will always owe you something (almost like having oralsex )
I throw up @ Leechers who tries to be funny.
If you have an tehepic thread or post I will +rep you. I hope you do the same.