I would like it
Heya guys, I'm giving away / trading this account. I got user, pass + e-mail not sq tho and this account is completly safe to play on.
It's a lvl 70 warlock with 3/5 S3, rest merciless, also got some good PvE gear.
If any of you are interested post why here, won't give it to leechers. If you could trade me something back (gametime, cdkey, US/ EU account) that would be great but if you dont feel like it you can have it for free.
I would like it
Me Tho!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like it bcz i always wanted to play lock
I'll take it i can give you a FREE guild wars account (100% mine)
If you need help with scamming, go to
That thread includes a list of my guides, including
Scamming Tip (How to obtain e-mails easily)
Phone Conversations you may have with blizzard
I was first!
As my account got banned today ( Only 72 hour ban ) For Sending a Big "MMOWED" to a Gm master ( Supposed to be a MMOWNED ) For the Mayhem contest.
Thats WHY I am wanting it..
Link to My mayhem Entry.
Last edited by Rav3n; 04-27-2008 at 01:52 PM.
I can give you a (Non-Elite) Glider Key that is personally mine (ie I paid the $25).
I only use Glider to lvl fishing nowadays (But dont that much as I'm 375), and as long as it doesnt stop me doing that then I'm happy to share :P
Its attached to the forum (and I can prove its not from Kazaa, Limewire or Newsgroups :P )
I won't beg, plead or come up with some sob story pertaining to an account that has been banned or uan out of game time (because of course THATS a reason you should get another one..... to get it banned again).
So other then the glider key all I can offer is my gratitude.
Last edited by Anotherfox; 04-27-2008 at 05:41 PM.
I would like it. I will give some random guy's paypal, got ~15 dollas on it.
Last edited by spike999; 04-27-2008 at 02:00 PM.
discover the secret to getting off your flight path anywhere HERE.
Hey Seductive, can I please have the account? My mom wont let me get Retail WoW anymore (because I got scammed and the info got reveiled to the scammer) and I would be really appreciated if you can give it to me.
I never had a 70 in retail ever since I dont have BC. I always wanted to try out a 70 in Retail. Thank you.. and you OWN!
ps. Warlock r deh pwnz.
Btw.. if you need keys. I have a few glider keys my friends gave to me (they dont use it anymore)
5 normals and 2 elites
If I do not win, congratulations to the winner!
Last edited by [Blackstorm]; 04-27-2008 at 03:45 PM.
my main level 70 warlock got scammed and i am very depressed since that was the account i had full info of and wasnt scared it will get recalled if i gain something valuble and no im not lying this would realy help me out again just by giving me this you make a human being realy happy ..The name was yasmira on server Malganis i loged on yesterday and the scammer was on it it seems i had a "Perfect Keylogger" on my computer when i raned Spy bot search and destroy i also lost my email...you may say call blizzard and get it back..i called and they said i had to give them some kind of code since someone just called to chnage info a few days ago.I also know i won a few accounts around here i got to play alevel 70 thanks to the lich for 4 days it was fun while it lasted but like most of the scamm accounts it got reccaled and most of the account do get recalled With this one i hope to play on it longer wont scamm anything on this account as i will treated as my own..if i dont get this account u understand all the other tryint to get it pick who you ever think deserves it more. pce
Im so sorry for the text of wall...Gratz to who ever wins/ will give in return a glider key much luv and a account with a credit card on it only gots a level 50 hunter on it had it for 4 months now but i luv locks as you can see mine got stolened ((
Last edited by omgcool7; 04-27-2008 at 02:04 PM.
I think my brain just melted from the Blue on Grey text
Actually I hate beggers and ppl who make the same post over and over again on other giveaway posts, i'll wait a bit more before actually choosing "the one". Keep posting I want to give ppl a chance rather than having the fastest "Giveaway spammer" win..
lol sorry (
I recently lost wow due to retarded GMs, won't get into more details, however, I bought a new account, and lvled with my friend, but when I was 70 and got nearly full epic gear, I got hacked And when sent an email to Blizzard, they investigated it, and concluded that they had to shut the account down due to it being insecure... I reformated my computer _AGAIN_ and I shouldn't have any problems now... grats to anyone who gets it! If I don't I'll lvl a new char I guess...
Well mine is copyed but i did make it. And it is tru unlike some other people Even if i did right again i was gonna wright the same thing because thats the only My story of why i want to win this account.