meeeh fioller
First non-leecher to post here gets the acc.
3/3 shadoweave and other rep/kara epics, 768 something shadowdmg.
no healing gear.
i used to have the account but lost the email in a trade, got an acc, the guy changed pass to the same which he had on the acc i got, had it for about 6months now though.
still has some gametime from a 30d recruit.
its an EU troll female priest on a pve realm, also have full info except for cd-keys if wanted.
meeeh fioller
Szharz got it, next to reply will get a acc with 70 warrior, no gametime on it though, can be used to whatever purpose, this one is EU too.
will also receive email if wanted.
ME! (filler)
ill take it if decap doesnt want it lol
Gief me teh account pl0x -- Leecher language
Please can i have the account -- Member language :P
They are already given it seems.
can i have the account please?
He already gave both them away........ leechers........... read...................
n00bs........ xD
Hello I would like to have it
He gave it away already!
I hope you are kidding or you have serious problems , are you both idiot MisterEMU and jakeyclarkey?