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    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Diary of a byteboter ;)

    PROGRESS : /played 13 days, 9 hours, 27 minutes, 14 seconds - Level 60 (19th day)

    Here is my story:

    I've decided to make a human female warrior just because I feel like doing a warrior . (This is inspired from Kurios and his Diary of a glider)

    IS installation process (you can skip this if you already have it)
    First of all for those who have no clue about IS and want to install it.
    It took me about a whole morning to figure everything out so I will simplify you this as much as I can.

    - www.lavishsoft.com register (you need to pay to use it 10$/3months)
    If you don't have a referrer you can put me
    ("As a GamingTools Subscriber, you are eligible for the following referral bonus system: If a friend you refer subscribes for 3 months, you get 30 free days and they get 15 free! If a friend you refer subscribes for 1 year, you get 45 free days and they get 30 free!")
    - Go to the download tab and download innerspace (latest version)
    - Install IS (not much to say...)
    - download ISXWarden http://www.ismods.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1765 (you need to register to the ISmods forums and don't forget to put your working key)
    - extract and put the .dll in the extension folder in IS (program files/innerspace)
    - Download ISXWoW
    http://www.ismods.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2503 (just run the .exe and all the files will be at the right place )
    - You need to install an update from DirectX EVEN if you have directx 9c (you can find it on microsoft.com but you need to download a program to verify that you have a real version of microsoft (WGAPluginInstall.exe) and then you validate with the key you get and you can actually download the update (dxwebsetup.exe))
    - At this point you need to restart
    - Ok launch Innerspace
    - Right click the Innerspace icon in your tray (you'll have to enter your username + pass) and click configuration
    - Click game configuration, select WoW
    - Press startup, insert, click 'New entry', type ISXWarden
    - Under 'Command to execute' type ext ISXWarden (this automatically launch ISXWarden who is launching ISXWoW at WoW startup)

    It took me a long time to figure that because the information is split everywhere QQ.
    (Installation process for IS stops HERE)

    Day 1
    After that i thought I could use Bytebot but apparently you need to pay in order to use it so I download WoWbot instead. (http://www.isxwow.net/forums/viewtop...309f11deb3cc25)
    Uninstall and put the folder WoWbot in the script folder in your IS folder (Program files/innerspace)

    I launched WoW using the IS launcher, log in my account, create a war. I pressed F12 (to open the console), I typed run wowbot/wowbot, I got all the message telling me the files were created for my new character.

    Now you need to close everything, open your wowbot folder, double click server, double click your char name, now you need to put a routine in there so I choose the war one (Daemonic warrior routine 1.3 http://www.isxwow.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=926). Unzip and put it in your char folder (inside the wowbot folder... inside the script folder... inside the IS folder ok you get it :P). You should open your char setting with notepad and change the nochecktarget to something like 20+.

    Then I reloaded IS, WoW and I load the WoWbot again : now I need to set a path to gy, path to merchant, path to hunting path, and finally hunting path. After a few attempt, I've figured out how to make a working path and such.

    So I've grind at the human starting spot grinding kobolds until level 5, after that I went to Goldshire from lvl 5-10 (atm hopefully 12-13 tomorow) grinding on wolves.

    Day 2
    I've woke up at level 11 and a half (the mob area where I was grinding was a bit too low) so I just change my path and went to Forest's edge grinding on Riverpaws. I'm sitting at a good (?) 6k xp/h. Not so good xp after all due to Hogger patroling and killing me every path loop and because of poor pathing from myself running in grouped mobs... Trying to find a good place to go. I am now lvl 13 with a good 2 hand sword (8.3 dps +3 stam).

    OMG!!! Ok, thanks to Hazelnut : he told me that Bbot was in fact free. So I've installed it, REALLY SIMPLE. Wow, I was a bit disapointed with wowbot, but bytebot IS GODLY!!! Well for installation, it's pretty normal, download http://www.isxwow.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=760
    and fallow this faq http://www.isxwow.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=806.

    So I set up my roam points in Westfall and I am now lvl 15 with one gold (everything is trained). BTW bbot is lvling WAY FASTER. Humm well bytebot is better for the grinding/targeting part but it ****ing sucks for rezing, he's just chain rezing in a bunch of 4 mobs... Trying to fix this atm >.<

    Day 3
    I was level 16 when I woke up but unfortunatly, during the day, my internet connection went down so I am only lvl 16 and a half , I'll hopefully be lvl 18 tonight. I am grinding in Westfall withw roam spots almost everywhere and I'm doing a good 10kxp/hour =).

    Day 4
    Not so nice, extended maintenance on US and I was stuck at the university untill 10pm so I am only 19 and a half still in Westfall. As soon as I can I'll go bot in Darkshire, I currently have 2g and I am specing fury. I'm having a lot of work to do this week so I might not add too much things.

    Day 5
    I hit level 22 and I am grinding south of Westfall (Dagger hills) and it's pretty good xp.

    Day 6
    Grinding in duskwood, I am currently level 25.

    Day 7
    I had a rough night and I am only level 27, hope to get to 30 tonight. I am still grinding west in Duskwood and planning to move to Strangletorn Vale as soon as I can. I am currently recording some footage for the upcoming video.
    Today I had a problem with bbot, while following the road to go back to the vendor, he was attacked by a monster which at low health ran away, so my char follow him behind a tree so my path was broken because my char was just going foward backward, performing the collision test on the tree.
    Solution : open your bbot folder, open your map folder and simply delete the <zone>.iso, after that log into the game and simply rewrite a working path.

    Day 8
    I woke up at level 30 and I'll let the bot grinding in duskwood until level 31-32, then I'll move to STV. I've found the sentry cloak (best melee twink cloak in the game I believe) and sold it for 30g, I am now sitting at a good 50g and level 31. I moved to STV, and I've found a quiet place to grind without hordes (pvp server) and it's going good (15k xp/hour). I'm just having little problem with the hills and bridges in STV . For those who wonder, my played time is 5d 22h 45min 2sec and I have 70 gold at level 32, almost enough to buy my mount.

    Day 9

    I just hit level 35 while grinding panthers and tigers in STV, I'm about to move closer to booty bay to find higher level mobs because I'm dropping below 10k xp/h. I've found a blue sword one hand 20 dps (the black knight) and it's improving my grinding time a lot!

    Day 10

    My bot was stuck and he exit WoW in the night so he's only level 36 this morning =(. I have 90g and my played time is 7 days 2 hours 18 mins 02 sec.

    Day 11
    My bot is still grinding in STV but I'm having a few problems with my bot which I will try to fix as soon as I can.
    1) Auto-pvp on even if in the config file it's on FALSE
    2) Routine not changing stance to intercept/beserker rage to break fear, etc.
    3) Random hearting and logging out while grinding (I have destroyed my heart to temporary prevent this)

    My warrior is level 39 right now with a good 120g, I might not buy my 60% mount and just save to buy my epic mount skill and pvp for a panther, but I am not sure yet.

    Day 12

    Only level 40, I was busy trying other bots and fixing stuff... I'm slacking I know :P
    So yea level 40, 50g and a mount
    (I found the problem with the hearthstone -will edit tomorow)

    Day 13
    I've been busy as hell but here is the update : I just ding lvl 44 (in STV) with 120g. I love bbot =)

    Day 14

    I've found my first epic ever!! Staff of jordan =)
    I'm now level 46, still grinding in STV! :P

    Day 15
    Level 50 and 400g, I've been grinding in Tanaris, killing scorpid, dogs and flying mofos.

    Day 16
    Level 53! Moving to Un'goro Crater

    Day 17
    Level 55 I am grinding in Un'goro Crater, as soon as I hit lvl 56, I will move to silithus to hit 60! I am sitting on a good 600gold =)

    Day 18 and 19
    I just hit level 60!! I've been grinding in Silithus for the last levels. I am sitting with 300g and my epic panther =) (Yea I cheated, I've done some non-bot pvp :P)

    I use VNC to keep an eye at my bot while I'm at the university/somewhere else where I have internet.

    This post is copyright by the user posting it and MMOwned.com - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce this information on any other site without written permission from both the poster and MMOwned.com
    Last edited by Zag; 05-20-2007 at 06:57 PM.

    Diary of a wowboter
  2. #2
    Flying Piggy's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Thank you for the tips , its a nice guide and im sure it will save time for a lot of people .
    Good luck on your leveling : )
    Last edited by Flying Piggy; 04-01-2007 at 03:46 AM.

  3. #3
    papvag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Originally Posted by Zag
    - You need to install an update from DirectX EVEN if you have directx 9c (you can find it on microsoft.com but you need to download a program to verify that you have a real version of microsoft (WGAPluginInstall.exe) and then you validate with the key you get and you can actually download the update (dxwebsetup.exe))

    Ty a lot i m thinking to buy it tommorw and u saved my life :P
    And 1 qstion about dx,if i dont have original version of windows,what next??
    Ty in advance and keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Originally Posted by papvag
    Ty a lot i m thinking to buy it tommorw and u saved my life :P
    And 1 qstion about dx,if i dont have original version of windows,what next??
    Ty in advance and keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited by Zag; 04-01-2007 at 09:53 AM.

  5. #5
    -Bish-'s Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    I'm thinking of buying IS. It is a lot better than WoWGlider, right?
    And, is there anyway I could try out IS before buying it?

  6. #6
    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    There is no way to try it before you buy it because you need to login when you start IS (and thus it is checking your IP and if there is more then one ip active at a same time on the same account, -> ban from IS). You need to make the distinction between your script (bot) and between IS. Innerspace is a platform hidding the process running in his folder and you can run scripts (aka Bytebot, project requiem or wowbot) to make it quest, grind and pvp. While glider is more user friendly, the source is closed whereas most scripts for IS are open source, which means you can add piece of code of your own to improve the script. (For exemple : mount up to go sell to the vendor instead of walking)

  7. #7
    JohnCoffey's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    I can personally attest to the fact that IS and WoWbot/Bytebot are incredibly powerful programs. Someone is working on a script for a "quest" bot, one that actually collects quests and then completes them all on it's own. It's much better then Glider but at the same time takes a little bit more effort to get set up. Zag's guide is exactly what people needed (like me) to set up IS properly and get WoWbot running.
    Last edited by JohnCoffey; 04-01-2007 at 12:29 PM.

  8. #8
    Benjamin356's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    So, I've been using this site for awhile, and I've never posted a question because, honestly, you can learn just about anything by looking through the other posts. However, this has me completely baffled. I followed your instructions exactly, but when I try and run WoW through IS I get a black screen. I managed to work around this and log myself in, but then I noticed another problem. Apparently ISXWarden isn't starting. I get an error that says:

    Script file 'ISXWarden' not found
    RunScript 'ISXWarden' failed
    Dumping Script Stack

    So, then I try the 'run wowbot/wowbot' command and I get this:

    ISXWoW requires ISXWarden
    C:/Program Files/InnerSpace/Scripts/wowbot/wowbot.iss(5): #error: ISXWoW is required but could not be loaded
    Preprocessing failed on C:\Program Files\Inner Space\Scripts\wowbot\wowbot.iss
    Failed to parse script 'C:\Program Files\Inner Space\Scripts\wowbot\wowbot.iss'
    RunScript 'wowbot/wowbot' failed

    Any ideas what's going on?

  9. #9
    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Maybe you typed 'run isxwarden' instead of 'ext isxwarden' ?
    Last edited by Zag; 04-01-2007 at 10:03 PM.

  10. #10
    Benjamin356's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Found the problem. In your tutorial you say to put 'exec ISXWarden', but for it to work for me, I had to put 'ext ISXWarden'. Are you using a European version of WoW?

  11. #11
    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Yea my bad, corrected.

  12. #12
    issacobra's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    glider works pretty well... lol i might get isx
    www. leetbrowser .com
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  13. #13
    elliot's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    I would like to do those of you concidering the isx way a favor. For those of you who know me from the isx site... it's safe to say I know from experience. Of those of you who have "nooby" questions, I suggest you put on noob armour rank 10000. Isx is a nice community, that will flame the HELL out of you.

    consider this before you ask noob questioins on the forums..

    oh and I'm starting a private server, aim me: gshortyn . Or pm me and I will get you set up with an gm account. (every one is a gm on my server, except me... I'm the only "player" )

  14. #14
    Zag's Avatar Member
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Originally Posted by issacobra
    glider works pretty well... lol i might get isx
    And your point is?

    Please people, only post if you have something interesting to say (and that could help the community).
    Last edited by Zag; 04-02-2007 at 03:56 PM.

  15. #15
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Re: Diary of a wowboter

    Glider can go to vendor and sell grey stuff and repair for you. you just need to configure it correctly
    You can make glider go from 1-70 without touching the computer more than once.
    You can run multiple copies of glider at the same time.
    You can run glider in background mode meaning it will play in the background while u surf..
    I know this doesnt exactly fit into this thread, but i just wanted to make it clear that some of the things that ppl said wasnt posible with glider is indeed possible.

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