Search before posting, this question has been answered countless times. Also, if you insist on posting, use proper grammar ( or atleast the best that you can ). I mean, google translator could do a better job than you did.
hey uhhh
was just wondering how much i gotta work for it so
how much account information do i need to fully take an account
ATM i have username and password.
i also have a keylogger if some1 can instruct me on how to use it. (armadax)
i think i can serriously take this account.
Search before posting, this question has been answered countless times. Also, if you insist on posting, use proper grammar ( or atleast the best that you can ). I mean, google translator could do a better job than you did.
Not possible
Previous technique:
Last name + email control > new account > transfer > ban old account
Possible for the moment of 26-10-08
Last name + email control + secret answer > new account > transfer > ban old account
And it indeed has been noted many times, so you might want to search before posting.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
for a US account you need the first + last name , account name and secret answer. call up blizz, change email, transfer to new account, ban old account.
thats what i used to do, but i havent scammed in a couple months so things may have changed.