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  1. #1
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    MMOwned Handbook

    The purpose of this thread is to help those who don't know how various things work here on MMOwned.
    All rules, reputation requirements etc. are subject to change without any warning or notice.

    The site rules

    The rules of the shoutbawx, The shoutbawx is the online chatsystem for the members who have donated(with more than 50 posts) or contributors and above.

    The rank system and information hereof

    How to post, send a personal message or report a post.
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 01-17-2009 at 09:14 AM.

    MMOwned Handbook
  2. #2
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    • No bad/inappropriate Language.
    • No Repping people so they can reach a certain rank "Go contrib"
    • No Repping people on their birthday

    Do not try to hide your language either by switching letters, etc.
    • No 4chan stuff, like mudkips/shoop da whoop.

    • No catpics, dogpics, spampics (etc lolcats), failpics, facepalm.

    • No Racism

    • No Insulting Other Member(s)

    Any insults from gender to race are not tolerated.
    • No Asking for Reputation

    • No Trolling(Starting Fights/Useless Comments/Flaming.

    • No Spam or Advertisements of any kind.

    It's the moderators judgment if he/she thinks it's spam/advertisement or not.
    • No Doubleposting
    • No Warez/cracks
    • No no posting illegal stuff like stolen paypals, stolen itunes acts, stolen email accounts and passwords or anything like this.

    • No Bumping/NecroPosting.

    Don't bump a thread to get more view/replies and don't reply in an old thread.

    • No Reposting.

    Please search before you post anything.

    • No Questions/Requests In Wrong Forum.

    If the forum does not allow questions/requests, do not post them.

    • No Bad Signature Content.

    Do not use your signature to insult member(s) or link bad content.

    • Use Proper Thread Titles.
    • No referral links.
    • No m y b r u t e crap!

    Specific Section Rules

    Tag your thread

    Rules and guidelines for exploration section

    Tag your thread
    Emulator Server Discussion
    Tagging your thread

    If you see a question in a wrong section, do not reply with "NO QUESTIONS HERE" or anything. At the end of the day, you are not a mod. What you can - and should - do is report the thread..

    Do not question actions taken by the mods

    Infractions and Infraction Points

    When you break the rules in a post or thread, there is a likely chance of you receiving an infraction from a Moderator as punishment.

    If you receive 3 separate infractions (On separate occasions), you will automatically be given a 2 day ban from the forums.

    If you receive 12 Infraction POINTS (Each separate infraction can give a number of infraction points, decided by the Moderator depending on how bad the offense was) the result is a permanent ban from MMOwned.

    Expired Infractions:

    Every infraction you receive will expire within a set amount of time. When an infraction you've received expires, it will still be displayed on your profile as it had before, but it will say 'Expired' and will no longer count towards the 12 Infraction points.

    Though expired infractions don't count point-wise, they still count infraction-wise, so it still counts towards the 2 day ban. Expired infractions are kept on your profile because they allow Moderators to see what sort of trouble you may have been up to in the past if needed, and so that even waiting a bit after getting in trouble won't save you from a suspension.
    Last edited by Errage; 05-27-2009 at 07:02 AM.

  3. #3
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    The shoutbawx is where the community is really knotted together, it is where the staff and the average user can have their laughs and discussions. It requires 50 posts to enter the shoutbawx along with either donating rank or contributors rank(80 rep and above).

    Shoutbawx Rulebook

    1. Hating/Flaming
      1. DO NOT make fun of others for stupid posts.
      2. DO NOT purposely try to hurt other's feelings.
      3. DO NOT flame someone for breaking the rules. Instead, tell them the rule they broke and point them to the rulebook.
      4. DO NOT impend someone from succeeding.
      5. DO NOT make fun of others for their gender.
      6. DO realize that other people are trying to contribute.

    2. Spamming
      1. DO NOT shout more than 4 times in a row.
      2. DO NOT spam to increase your shout bawx poster rank. If you have something to say, do not split it into multiple messages, put it into a single well-thought out sentence.
      3. DO NOT use NOU/NO U/no u/nou or any of the variants!
      4. DO NOT spam /me.

    3. Editing
      1. DO NOT edit your shout to make it look as if someone said something they didn't.
      2. DO realize that you can edit a shout by double-clicking it, rather than posting a new shout.

    4. Shouting
      1. DO NOT use different fontsizes, underline, hard to read colors (blue,black,etc) or anything else that would make your shout un-readable!
      2. DO think before you shout.
      3. DO think of other's feelings.
      4. DO remember that this is a family site. "MMOwned is a family site..." Repeat that two (or even three!) times in your head before hitting enter...

    5. Linking
      1. DO NOT link to shock sites (IE: 2Girls1Cup, Meatspin, etc.)
      2. DO NOT dis***** your link using BBC.
      3. DO NOT advertise your own thread.
      4. DO NOT use the [img][/img] tags
      5. DO merely LINK the image, without the tags.
      6. DO NOT link pornographic material, jailbait, loli, or anything else deemed inappropriate by a staff member (IV-Shouting, Rule 4)

    6. Other Members
      1. DO NOT release personal information about other members.
      2. DO NOT ask why another member is banned.
      3. DO NOT post other people's personal information (MMOwned Member or not).
      4. DO NOT annoy any member of the staff.
      5. DO NOT advertise / ask people to join your social group.

    7. Discussion
      1. DO NOT post 4chan stuff like shoop da whoop or mudkipz.
      2. DO NOT Rick Roll!
      3. DO NOT use other languages, whether real or game-oriented, in the Bawx. Not everybody can understand it / wants to use your translator.
      4. DO NOT discuss drugs in the shout bawx.
      5. DO NOT cuss in the ShoutBawx.
      6. DO NOT discuss sex in the ShoutBawx.
      7. DO NOT talk about Reputation in the Bawx!

    8. Trading/Begging
      1. DO NOT Trade/Sell in the Bawx (We are not a Markeedragon)!
      2. DO Take your trading/selling to the trading forum/MSN/PMs
      3. DO NOT beg for accounts/gamecards/gametime in the Bawx (no-one likes beggars)!
      4. DO post a request on the forums instead.

    9. Moderation
      1. DO NOT Question actions taken by moderators (If you have any question/issues, PM a Mod / Super Mod / Admin - Don't bring it up in front of everyone).
      2. DO NOT Question one's integrity as a moderator. People who become moderator have been picked carefully and are able to do their jobs properly. If you disagree contact an admin.
      3. If your name is not Cyan, Green, or Red, YOU ARE NOT A MODERATOR.

    Final rule: If any member of the staff tells you to do / change something, DO IT. The Staff is responsible for following and enforcing the rules given out by the admins, hence you must obey them. Rule-Breakers will be punished.
    If you see someone breaking the rules repetitively, take a screenshot and PM a staff member.
    KuRIoS usually punishes with -25 reputation PER offense or a site ban, Errage by SB bans and such. It is up to the different staff member to decide the punishment.

    Staff have priveledges - meaning they can break the rules. Just because a staffmember breaks a rule - doesn't mean that you can do it.

  4. #4
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    The ranks on MMOwned are determined by post count.
    Usergroup ranks are determined by reputation or selection.

    How the rep power system works
    Rep power determines how much reputation you can give out per time, giving our reputation does not deduct reputation from yourself.

    You must have 5 posts or above before your reputation is added to others.

    You gain 1 rep power for every 365 days that you have been on MMOwned.

    You gain 1 rep power for every 2000 posts by you on MMOwned.

    You gain 1 rep power for every 150 rep you have received on MMOwned.

    Usergroup ranks on MMOwned

    Lazy Leeching Lowbie (Default rank 0 - 5 reputation)
    This is the default rank you will start out with upon joining You will not leave this rank until you have at least 5 Reputation points or above.

    Active Member
    This rank is acheived by getting 5+ Reputation points.

    This rank is acheived by donating at least $15.00 to Upon donating, Donators receiving access to several new sections of MMOwned such as the Shared Lounge, the Private Lounge, and more!
    Last but not least, Donators will gain access to the Shoutbawx where they will get the chance to talk with the Staff and the most respected members of
    If you have any issues regarding donations or otherwise payments to MMOwned, please contact Ket.

    If you wish to donate, do so here

    Contributor (80 - 325 reputation)
    This usergroup rank is achieved by gaining 80 reputation points or above.
    Members of this usergroup have access to two new sections of MMOwned, the contributor discussions area and the shared lounge where donators also have access.
    Contributors also gain access to the shoutbawx that is described in the post above.

    Elite (325 - 600 reputation)
    This usergroup rank is achieved by gaining 325 reputation points or above.
    Members of this usergroup can change their user title to what they want and have access to a section of the website for elite members, and above, only.

    Legendary (600 reputaiton or above)
    This usergroup rank is achieved by gaining 600 reputation points or above.
    Legendaries also get the privilege of being able to give other users negative reputation points.


    The members of the newsteam have the job of writing reviews and articles on MMOwned. Reviews could be about the latest games out there and how we can exploit them. Articles could be about various members of the site. Newsteam are handpicked by staff.

    A moderator gets the privilege of helping clean up MMOwned, the Moderators are assigned to their individual parts of the forum.
    The moderators are handpicked by the administrators of MMOwned, asking to be a mod will not help increasing your chances for being a mod, but decreasing it instead, meaning DO NOT ask to be a mod.

    Super Moderators
    Supermoderators are moderators who have moved up in grades and therefore received more powers and responsibility. They have more powers than the average moderator and can moderate every forumsection.

    Adminstrators are a very select few that are in charge of keeping MMOwned up and running as well as making sure that everything is going smoothly and that people are enjoying their stay.
    They are in charge of different things between each of them such as donations, keeping the site running, username changes and other major changes unable to be done by the rest of the staff team.
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 01-17-2009 at 09:29 AM.

  5. #5
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    How to post - rep - report posts

    To edit a thread you have created click the edit button in the bottom right of the thread post:

    Then change whatever you need to such as spelling or adding things. Add a reason for changing note located below and click save:

    Thanks Execute for pictures

    Handbook was written by Kuiren, Jchunx, Errage, 2dgreengiant and KuRIoS

    Please ask any questions you may have about MMOwned in this thread. But please, keep only site related questions in this thread.
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 07-15-2009 at 08:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Couwae's Avatar Active Member
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    Last edited by Couwae; 01-18-2023 at 09:54 AM.

  7. #7
    JD's Avatar Fedora Potato Johnson V
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    Thanks for the final thread in this ;D

  8. #8
    Kaevex's Avatar Contributor
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    Nice compilation, really can help the people who are new on forums.

  9. #9
    [Thefuzz]'s Avatar Contributor
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    Thanks for the info ^^

  10. #10
    Dombo's Avatar Banned
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    I like it!

  11. #11
    treetree's Avatar Banned
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    ty that was very helpful


  12. #12
    Djfrederick's Avatar Banned
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    Lovely <3

  13. #13
    Ferag's Avatar Contributor
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    Great handbook, this should help people know what to do and encourage people to post more.

  14. #14
    RyeRye's Avatar Contributor
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    Nice Handbook KuR

  15. #15
    Obama's Avatar Legendary
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    it's all we'll ever need

    Donator 6/2008.
    Contrib 8/2008.Elite 10/2008.Newsteam 11/2008.Legendary 2/2009.

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