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    [Guide] BWL Complete Guide

    Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knock back. (Aggro reducer).

    Enrage: Flamegor gets enraged at which point he does an AoE that if very similar to Firemaws Flame Buffet, except it does not stack but is direct fire damage.

    Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. (If the target doesn’t have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, it’s a certain death.

    Inside the room DPS view.

    Outside the room Ranged/Healer view.

    The fight

    As mentioned above this fight is so similar to the Firemaw fight that we use the same positioning and tactics, with the addition of hunters tranquilising him when he gets enraged.
    Once you’ve done the firemaw fight and have it under control, this fight should be a walk in the park.

    Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster (If the target doesn’t have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, it’s a certain death).

    Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knockback. (Aggro reducer).

    Shadow of Ebonroc: Puts a curse on the target that make Ebonroc heal for 25,000 HP each time he hits the cursed target (Can’t be dispelled in any way or form). It can be resisted a Shadow Resistance of at least 240 is recommend you will see a resist rate of about 70/80% of all the attempts of him putting the curse on the tank. Duration 8 sec.

    The Pull

    Before even being able to pull Ebonroc you’re going to have to clear out A LOT of trashmobs. Our suggestion is to read through the trahsmobs guides so that your raid knows what to expect from these mobs. Once that is done get a hunter to pull him with his pet to the alcove shown in the picture.

    The fight

    The key to this fight is your tanks, you’re going to have to use them all to counter the Shadow of Ebonroc. As soon as the MT has him in position and under control, the rest of the tanks go in along with the rogues. Each time the main tank gets the Shadow of Ebonroc one of the offtanks taunts him, if that gets resisted the next tank taunts and so on, now the taunt only lasts for 6 second and the curse is 8 seconds. Now you can choose to have a taunting rotation to minimize the amount of hits the main tank receive while he has the curse, or you are natural born killers and have a feeling for it already. We strongly recommend that you assign a taunt rotation with a minimum of 3 tanks. But within the first encounters you should use all taunters available, even druids if necessary.

    Since it’s a taunt frenzy the Wing buffet doesn’t really matter that much in this fight unless the ranged dps catches the agro in which case you are in real trouble.

    This is a sensitive fight and everyone should be 110% clear on their position and know how to play their class.

    The healers should be wide awake and see which of the tanks has the aggro since he will be switching very fast and all the tanks will require healing.
    Our first kill took us approx 25 min and he healed for an amazing amount of health. But once you get the rhythm, this fight shouldn’t take more than 8 – 10 min.

    Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knockback (Aggro reducer).

    Flame Buffet: Inflicts 139 - 161 Fire damage to an enemy and increases the Fire damage it takes by 150 for 60 seconds.

    Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster (If the target doesn’t have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, it’s a certain death.

    The Pull

    Firemaw patrols through the entire room after Broodlord. The first thing you face after killing Broodlord is some of BWL’s few “trashmobs”, how to kill those are explained in the BWL trashmob guide. Cleat the pack in the doorway, since you are going to tank Firemaw there.

    When that is done clear the pack on the right-hand side as well before pulling the boss.

    Once that is done buff up get ready for Firemaw. Once the room is clear he should be an easy pull.

    Inside the room view

    Healer / Ranged Dps view

    The fight

    Once the pull is made the warrior needs to get Firemaw into position.

    Firemaw should be facing the iron fence to the left of the Broodlord doorway. This position is chosen due to the knock back

    We’ll be talking about this knockback for a while since it’s a potential raid wiper due to our placement. As shown in the picture the offtanks placement is strategically placed. Once Firemaw is about to do the Wing Buffet the offtank slaps him a taunt, if it gets resisted be papered for your secondary taunt, challenging shout, if successful the offtank should be knocked into Broodlords room and out of harms way. Now you can’t always rely on this since they will both get resisted from time to time and the main tank will receive an occasional knockback that will displace Fremaw and put the entire raid in danger.

    The rest of the raid should be standing diagonally in alignment with the main tank through the doorway as shown in the picture, this will make it so that the healers can line-of-sight the Flame Buffet and still be able to reach the tank, now as mentioned before the main tank will receive an occasional knockback from time to time changing Firemaws postion, at that time the healers will be hit by the Flame Buffet, there is nothing to do about it other than either moving out of sight or wait until the MT has him in position again.

    The ranged DPS will stand with the healers, until firemaw is around 40%; there is no way for them to legitimately LoS (Line of Sight) the Flame Buffet so they have to run out in the Flame Buffet, hit him as much as they can and LoS it again and wait for its timer to run out, and go out again.

    Once Firemaw is at 40% move into the next room way back to the right, there you can hide behind a little wall and still reach Firemaw. This is done due to MT getting knockbacks putting him lower on the hate list, this ensures that if he loses agro the healers won’t get the Shadowflame, no one else except for the main tank, and occasionally the offtank and rogues, should be hit by Shadowflame. We can’t underline this enough it’s VERY important for everyone to have their Onyxia Cloak equipped, especially for the close combat classes. It isn’t a vital part in the raid but we STRONGLY recommend that everyone uses it for the first few tries.

    For the close combat classes, there isn’t anything else to do other than to have a very nice fire resistance gear. With that still, the close combat classes will occasionally have to run out to get healed//get rid of the flame buffet, and jump into the fight again.

    Key item in this fight is fire resistance, all the tanks should have 315 or higher fire resistance it will otherwise be impossible to keep up your tank since the dot can stack up to 50 times, and then dealing 7500 dmg each tick.

    The Nefarian Guide

    Table of Contents:
    I. Nefarian's Main Attacks
    II. Quick Explaination of the Fight
    III. Position & Execution in the different stages
    IV. Tips & Tricks

    I. Nefarian's Main Attacks
    Nefarian has four attacks over his standard melee attack.
    The first one is a Shadowflame, just like Ebonroc, Flamegor and Firemaw it deals a lot of damage so keep the Onyxia cloaks on.
    The second one is a Fear, just like when you're at his sister Onyxia the ground will start shaking before the fear comes.
    third one is a Veil of Shadow curse that reduces healing taken by 75%,
    this one hits the target who has most aggro on Nefarian, so keep a
    player in range to decurse fast.
    The fourth and final one is a
    randomized yell which casts a debuff that affects any one specific
    class. It has the most annoying effect on every class and make the
    class harder to work with. Below is a discription of each debuff. Each
    yell is about 35-40 seconds apart from each other so you'll have a bit
    of time to prepare.

    The druid debuff forces the druid
    into catform for the duration of the debuff, while in catform the druid
    can only do things they would normally be able to do in catform, this
    means they can't heal. Once the debuff runs out they may go back and
    continue whatever they were doing.

    The hunter debuff
    is not exactly a debuff. When Nefarian yells at the hunters, their
    ranged weapons will be reduced to zero durability. Because the yells
    are timed, this can be countered by unequipping the weapon in the
    rangedslot just before the yell comes and then re-equipping afterwards.

    a mage are hit by the debuff he/she will randomly cast "Wild Polymorph"
    on a random member of the raid. The Wild Polymorph isn't affected by
    any type of casting neither does it have any castingtime, it will just
    randomly go off. However, if the mage goes into Ice Block, the debuff
    will be removed and they may continue casting their spells on Nefarian.

    the paladins get debuffed you'll start noticing melee doesn't have any
    effect on the dragon. This is because this debuff will cast Blessing of
    Protection on Nefarian.

    Maybe the most annoying
    debuff belongs to the priests. Corrupted healing, every time a priest
    lands any kind of heal on anyone, the reciever will be debuffed with a
    Damage over Time (DoT) spell that causes 175-225 damage per second.
    While this might not seem like that big of a problem it most definitely
    is, because it can stack up to 50(fifty) times. The only effected
    spells are direct heals, renew wont give the debuff to the tank and
    useage of the Prayer of Healing spell will give you the debuff instead.
    Put shields on the tank and have the Druids and Paladins/Shamans heal.

    will be automatically teleported to the head of the dragon and
    paralyzed for the duration of the debuff. During this debuff it's
    essential that the Main Tank turn Nefarian to either one of the sides
    and keep the frozen rogues out of harms way from cleave as well as the

    The shaman will cast a totem of each
    element on the ground. As you might have allready guessed these will
    have to be dealt with or you might end up with a windfury proccing on
    one of Nefarians melee attacks and killing your Main Tank.

    Nefarian decide to yell at the warlocks then you'll face two corrupted
    infernals from each warlock comming down from the sky and start hitting
    everyone in their path. You'll want to take these down rather quick due
    to the area of effect aura they have as it will interupt castingtime
    for anyone close. Move the mages in and frostnova to keep them in
    place, then either use blizzard or something other that's ranged to
    take them down.

    Forced Berserker Stance. This debuff
    kind of speaks for itself, it will put every warrior out there into
    Berserker Stance, Main Tank and Damage/off tanks alike. However it's
    not a normal Berserker Stance, this one is 30% more damage instead of
    standard 10%. Just be sure to put some extra speed on the healing of
    the Main Tank and you should be fine.

    II. Quick Explaination of the Fight
    In order to win you need to be prepared for what will happen in the fight. What will be thrown at you and how to counter it.

    one: After you've spoken to Lord Victor Nefarius on his throne, he will
    rise and disappear and mobs will start spawning from the two alcoves
    marked A and a second one on the right side of the wall. At first the
    spawnrate seemed to be bugged and impossible, however a way to kill
    them was made up. Within this guilde we'll share the strategy we found
    to work best for us..

    Stage two: Once you've killed 42
    (fourty-two) of these mobs they will stop spawning and Nefarian will
    literally fly into view from the balcony and land in order to try to
    kill you. The area where he land is the area that he will be tanked and
    sooner or later lay dead. Upon landing Nefarian will fire off a
    Shadowflame that will incinerate the whole room. It's currently
    avoidable if you stand on the throne area but might be subject to

    Stage three: When you've survived long enough for
    Nefarian to hit 20% hp he will again yell, this time not at you, but at
    the corpses of the drakonids you killed. They will now be revived as
    Bone Construct, Risen Construct mobs from Scholomance, and you're
    forced to fight both them and Nefarian.

    Stage four: The fourth
    and final stage of the fight. Nefarian has 20% hp and is now close to
    death. All his minions lie dead beneath him and you're there beating at
    him. If you've survived this far you shouldn't have much problem taking
    the last few percent away.

    III. Position & Execution in the different stages

    Stage one.
    stage one two different colours of "Drakonids" will spawn as well as a
    few chromatic drakonds. These Drakonids are a bit different from the
    Death Talons. To start with they don't have vulnerabilities. Instead
    they have increased resist, like players, towards one school of magic.
    They have a weaker kind of the Death Talon Brood Powers.

    Blue -
    The Blue Drakonid has a strong resistance to frost magic and as a small
    Area of Effect Mana Drain that drains alot of mana fast.
    Green - The
    Green Drakonid has a strong resistance to nature magic and has an
    attack that stuns everyone in a small area around the Drakonid for one
    Bronze - The Bronze Drakonid has a strong resistance to
    arcane magic gives players a debuff that reduces attack speed by 25%
    and increases casting time by 50%.
    Black - The Black Drakonid has a strong resistance to shadow magic and randomly cast a fireball on a single target.
    Red - The Red Drakonid has a strong resistance to fire and has a<span> Damage over Time spell that deals 1315-1685 every 1 second for 6 seconds</span>.
    Chromatic - The chromatic Drakonid has a pretty strong resistance to all schools of magic but uses no special attacks.

    are many people who will disagree with our positioning in this stage,
    however it's what we use and what we've always used and therefor it's
    what we share. As shown in the picture below we line up mages, hunters
    and warlocks away from the two spawnpoints with warriors and rogues
    between them and the spawnpoint. Up the throne are the healers
    dedicated to healing the warriors, rogues and paladins that's in the
    middle trying to keep the mobs in one spot. The healers on the throne
    should be the majority of the raids healers because the warriors,
    rogues and paladins are the only ones that should take damage in this

    the fight mobs will constantly spawn until 42 of them are dead, then
    they will stop. The trick here is to let warriors and paladins get as
    much aggro as they possibly can so that the mobs pretty much stay in
    one spot so that mages and warlocks can AoE. However melee-ranged AoE
    (such as Improved Arcane Explosion) will kill your mages due to melee
    aggro as well as special attacks from the drakonids (see above).
    Therefore you should use any ranged AoE such as Blizzard and Rain of
    Fire. The rogues in this stage will function as a "fence" to prevent
    drakonids from escaping the effected area and hit the mages. Should any
    drakonid escape the crowd then the rogues should quickly be all over it
    and make short work of it. Throughout the fight Lord Victor will
    randomly blink around and cast shadowbolts at random players. This
    shouldn't be a problem as it can easily be healed up by any
    healingclass. When about 35-40 mobs are dead the Main Tank should go to
    the land and tanking spot to take Nefarian as soon as he lands, be sure
    some healers follow your Main Tank around. The damagegroup should
    continue fighting as though nothing has happened until all mobs are
    dead. Because at 42 kills the mobs will only stop spawning, they wont
    run away, thus leaving you with about 10 more mobs to finish off before
    working with the dragon. The extra time it takes to kill the remaining
    mobs should be sufficient for the tank to keep aggro throughout the
    whole fight.

    Stage two.

    Stage two begins before one is
    complete. The Main Tank should, while the damagegroup is still fighting
    drakonids, position Nefarian as he wants to tank him. When we fight
    Nefarian we put him in between the two broken pillars facing away from
    the wall with our Main Tanks back faced towards the side of the
    balcony. This will then give your healers and damageclasses cover from
    the fear to bandage or such.

    only problematic thing in this part should be the reaction time on the
    different Nefarian class yells. If your players are fast at reacting
    you should easily be able to fight down to stage three.

    Stage three.
    Nefarian has been taking enough damage, namely 80%, he will call on his
    minions to serve him once more and all the skelletons left behind after
    the drakonid slaughter will be risen once again. Move warriors in
    Defensive stance into the pile of dead corpses at around 21-23% to
    prepare to area taunt as soon as they spawn. Move some paladins in next
    to the warriors and put Mages and Warlocks just below so they got range
    to use their attacks.

    have Paladins, Mages and Warlocks use all kind of AoE they have, again
    ranged for the cloth users as they hit hard. Keep them bunched up with
    frostnovas and it will make fast work of them.

    Stage four.
    really a stage of itself, more of a substage to three. Here it's fight
    like you fought number two. Just go at him as you normally would and he
    will be down in no time.

    Should all of this work in your
    favour then there's nothing left but to say: Congratulations, you're
    now the new Lord of Blackrock Spire.

    IV. Tips & Tricks

    section is designed for minor tips, not required to follow but never
    the less they are tips that can make the fight safer and/or easier.

    If you're a druid and only there for healing, don't go into melee range
    when you're debuffed, you might get feared and killed.

    Bring a repair robot should you miss unequipping your ranged weapon.
    Stay at maximum range to avoid the fear from Nefarian.

    Put three talentpoints into Improved Blizzard to slow the Drakonids and
    Bone Constructs down when they are under the effect of Blizzard. Having
    points in Frostbite will also help slowing the mobs down. Use items
    with mana / 5s on in addition to good damage / stats, it's a long fight.

    Keep Judgement of Life and Wisdom on Nefarian to help the Main Tank up
    as well as the rogues if the Main Tank isn't fast enough to move
    Nefarian and they get hit by a cleave.

    Priests: Stop healing when you're hit by the debuff to not give the Paladins, Shaman and Druids more to heal.

    Co-ordinate with each other on which path to run when you get unstuck
    and tell the Tank when he can move back to his original spot.

    Shaman: Help out killing your totems instead of healing when it's your turn with the debuff.

    Warlocks: Stay grouped together for the frostnova from mages to be most effective when the Corrupted Infernals spawn.

    Bring a two-hander as well as one-handers+shield, chances that you'll
    be forced to tank Nefarian are slim, however one-hand + shield will
    help when you Area Taunt the Bone Constructs.


    Corrosive Acid: Deals 875 to 1125 damage every 3 sec. Armour reduced by 3938 to 5062. 360 degrees around Chrommagus.

    Time Lapse: Frozen in time! Health reduced by 50%, and Wipes any threat generated. 360 degrees around Chrommagus.

    Incinerate: 3675-4275 Fire damage 360 degrees around Chrommagus.

    Frost Burn: Attack speed reduced by 80%. Does approx 1400 damage. 360 degrees around Chrommagus.

    Frenzy: Each 15 seconds Chrommagus will go into Frenzy increasing his attack speed and attack power. (Tranquilize).

    Skin Shimmering: From time to time Chrommagus skin will shimmer and change his resistance to schools of magic; he is resistant to 4 of 5 schools at any one time (Fire, Frost, Shadow, Arcane or Nature).


    Brood Affliction: Black: Increases fire damage taken by 100%. (Curse).

    Brood Affliction: Blue: Burns 50 mana every 1 sec. casting speed reduced by 50%.
    Movement speed reduced to 70%. (Magic).

    Brood Affliction: Bronze: Periodically stuns for 4 sec. (Can only be removed by Hourglass sand which is dropped by trash mobs).

    Brood Affliction: Green: Deals 250 damage every 5 sec. Healing effects reduced by 50%. (Poison).

    Brood Affliction: Red: Deals 50 damage every 3 second; Heals Chromaggus on death.



    General Information

    The breaths are LoS:able (Line of sight able).

    These breaths are randomized once your raid enters BWL. So there is no way to predict what type of breaths your raid will get, some combinations are easier than others, but in general any combination with Time Lapse can cause problems because of the aggro wipe.

    All the afflictions can be removes by some of the classes except for the Bronze one.

    The Fight

    We found a very flexible spot to tank this beast as shown in the picture, the alcoves make a perfect location to LoS the breaths. Be aware that you can still hit Crommagus through the walls, in doing so he will be able to hit you with his breath - no one else will be affected by it, only the ones that hit through the wall so make sure that you stop attacking him completely when you LoS the breaths. Do not attack through walls. He will do these breaths every 30 seconds, so if you have Frost Burn and Corrosive Acid he’ll use Frost burn wait 30 seconds then Corrosive Acid.

    To make it plain and simple, your raid will have to LoS the breaths each time they are about to hit EXCEPT when you have Time Lapse, in which case you want the entire raid to be hit by it EXCEPT for the off tanks and main healers since it removes your aggro.

    As you can see we’ve chosen to split up the raid in 2 sections one for the main tank healers and the second for DPS and off-tank. This is always done because it will be the best setup for the worst case scenario which is Time Lapse.

    We’ll concentrate on explaining how to beat him when you have Time Lapse since this is the tricky part about him.

    Basically since the main tank will loose his aggro at some point you’re going to have 2 off-tanks sundering him from behind, (we chose to have 2 off tanks because of the uncertainty that one of them might die in the transition back to the main tank, then you want someone high up on the aggro list so he can coordinate the transitions after that), and ready to move him into position. Once the main tank gets out of the Time Lapse the main tank MIGHT get the aggro back, but most of the times he will stick on the off tank that has him - they to move him into position again in order to get heals. During this manouvre the healers in the back will take care of the offank until he reaches the main healing pack. If chrommagus sticks on the off tank, the main tank will go to the back pack and sunder to get up in the aggro list again and basically do the off-tanks job. Repeat that process until Chrommagus is dead.

    Well we’re not there quite yet since there are a few other factors that you need to know.

    First one is that you probably have accumulated a few Hourglass sands, distribute them evenly to the raid. The main and off tank MUST have enough to get out of the Bronze affliction during the whole fight, the rest of the classes can get away with only 2-3 sands.

    Note there is a nice surprise if a player that gets all the afflictions on them, that person will be turned into a Broodling and mindcontrolled by Chrommagus - at this point he will go berserk on fellow raid mates. Since we don’t want that to happen you need to have dispellers of all kind in both front and back packs so that you can dispel all afflictions at all times.

    This is not all. The Mages and Warlocks will play a huge role in this fight, since his skin shimmers from time to time they’ll need to find out what school he is vulnerable to and inform the rest of the raid as fast as humanly possible. We solved this by assigning three mages one that checks for fire, the second for arcane and the third for frost, we also set a warlock to check for shadow, and if it isn’t any of those then it’s with 100% accuracy nature. Spare DPS casters also check for vulnerability and call them out of not yet announced, but hopefully if the 4 people you have picked are reliable they should call out their vulnerbility pretty quickly.

    As you also can see the hunters are slightly further away from him than the DPS pack, since they need more range in order to hit him than other DPS classes. Don’t forget about your Hunters, they need dispelling as well, or else you’re going to be ambushed by them turning into broodlings.

    This concludes this guide, we wish you the best of luck with this encounter, don’t be discouraged by wiping a few times on this fight, it takes a lot of coordination and timing to get everything right, communication is of most importance.

    The Infested area up to Broodlord
    Suppression device

    These devices give you a very nasty aura - it reduces your run speed, attack speed and cast speed. This is where your rogues come into play, with their disarm trap skill they can disable the suppression device for a period of time. Keep in good contact with your rogues so that you don’t run in the whole raid into a suppression.

    First floor.

    Second floor.

    The Whelps

    Stand in the right-most corner as a group and let a hunter pull the first whelp pack; once they arrive at the group let the mages and warlocks AoE them.

    Before you start killing anything in this section, the surrounding area around broodlord is empty; once you kill your first pack on the first floor you will clear that tile and the whelps will spawn at broodlord instead, we estimated that you can clear 6 tiles before having the mobs popping in your back.

    These whelps don’t have any special attacks but they do hit fairly hard so keep everyone up.

    The Hatchers

    These hatchers aren’t as easy as the whelps, they have and ability called Growing Flames - it’s a short proximity area of effect flamestrike, with one difference. It doesn’t do that much damage in the beginning (around 50 fire damage) but stay in the affected area and it will climb up to 1000+ damage per tick very fast, so tank the hatchers a few yards away from the ranged dps and healers. The melee based classes will have to be affected by the growing flames so the faster you kill the hatcher the better.

    Blackwing Taskmasters

    This is a group of 3 Orcs patrolling the entire area, once it’s time to pull them make sure you sheep two of them and kill the remainder.

    The reason we don’t clear the left side of the room is because the warlock AoE reaches the second floor and pulls all the mobs up there and down to us,so we choose the safe route even though it’s a bit longer. Once you clear the entire right section start moving your raid to the other end of the room fast, you might get a few pops on the way there but the mages can handle that pretty easily.

    Keep a minimum of one rogue stealthed around your raid in case a suppression device should repop, they should be fast to disarm it again. The most important thing is to keep it moving once started; we take 4 breaks when we do this, 4 very short ones, first one is in the first corner on the far wall, second one is on the ramp up to the next floor, third one is in the first corner on the second floor (again on the right-hand side) and finally the alcove on the right hand wall. Send a few rogues before the raid to get down the suppression devices and let the hunters pull packs in front of you to clear the way; note you don’t want to kill more mobs than you have to, so keep it to a minimum and stick to the right-hand wall at all times until you reach the first alcove on the right hand side. Once there you’ll also see broodlord, be very careful here he has a huge aggro range and can also detect the sneaky rogues, don’t get closer to him than necessary.

    Once you are in the alcove pointed out in the picture, you’ll have your first real breather; you’ll have to clear the entire area in front of broodlord, so drink and eat at every opportunity. Also note that the Hatchers and Humanoids spawns do not work the same way as the whelps - they are on a 15 min spawn timer so keep the pace up!!.

    Once you’ve cleared the desired area in front of broodlord and feel confident to start the fight, make the tank run in first and grab the initial aggro and take him to the direct right hand alcove, all the ranged DPS and healers run to the area where broodlord was standing before aggro.


    Mortal strike: Broodlord has one nasty mortal strike that hits the tanks for 5000+ damage depending on the tanks gear.

    Short Proximity knockback: This is an area of effect knockback does mild damage and reduces your threat level.

    Cleave: Frontal/side attack cleaves everyone in the area for around 1300+.

    The Fight

    nce the tank has him in position the rest of the tanks go in to sunder because the main tank WILL lose aggro because of the knockbacks, so the healers must be awake to see who broodlord is hitting. The ranged DPS should go in to Broodlord to get the knockback to loose a bit of threat, as long as you have your back turned the right way so that you don’t go flying off into a group of mobs. It's vital the ranged DPS players do this regularly, or they WILL pull aggro.

    From time to time a ranged DPS class may get aggro, at least when learning the fight - this can wipe your raid and end your attempt prematurely. If this happens, the person with aggro needs to run in the opposite corner where broodlord is tanked. Even if the main tank get the aggro back it's likely the DPS character will grab the aggro again eventually, so he a liability to the healers and the rest of the ranged dps, once he gets the aggro back for a second time that guy will most certainly die ( an expendable loss); you may combat resurrect him, but it isn’t a necessity.

    I would also like to point out that it is very important for the tank that is tanking him at any given point to get him back into position and facing the right way.

    Welcome to the Vaelastrasz guide!
    This is one of the most interesting fights we’ve encountered in our WoW history, and it took us some time to get him under control. Lord Victor Nefarius corrupts Vaelastrasz (the dragon that helps you in UBRS). He has 30% of his HP left when the fight starts. As soon the encounter starts everyone in the raid will receive a buff that is different for different classes, rogues get unlimited energy, casters get unlimited mana and warriors receive unlimited rage.


    Essence of the Red: Gives the raid a 3 min buff that has different effects depending on what class you are, casters receives 500 mana/s, rogues 50 energy / s, and warriors receives 30 rage / s.

    Burning Adrenaline: This is both a buff and a debuff, the buff part about it is that all your abilities becomes instant cast. The debuff part is that after 18 seconds you will blow up and kill anyone in near proximity of you.

    Fire Nova: Does 500-1000 damage each time cast (to the entire raid) there is no way of outranging this AoE, but FR helps.

    Flame Breath: Frontal attack that does approximately 5000 damage, this number will decrease the more fire resistance you have.

    The Fight

    As the picture shows the placement of your raid, why we place our raid the way we do will be explained in detail.

    The small dots are where those players stand; the large dots are the blow-up spots for that group (see below).

    Mages, Warlocks, Hunters are placed by the pillar under the balcony near the door. If a mage gets burning adrenaline he turns around blinks towards the wall (between the two pillars) and fires off all the spells he can; since the explosion from the burning adrenalin is short proximity AoE you’ll be out of range for your team and won’t blow them up. The player then has a few seconds of instant cast spells, so once you’re a safe distance from everyone else fire off everything you’ve got. Obviously the warlocks and hunters can’t blink, they simply run to the blow-up spot when they get it but that shouldn’t be a problem; once they reach their blow-up spot they do the same as the mages and unload all the DPS they have. Assign one priest per party with these groups so that they can spam team heals to counter the DoT that Vaelastrasz does. Rogues stand as marked, with their blow-up spot being on the other side of the dragon. Rogues (and the warriors off-tanking) need a priest in their group as well in order to out-heal the DoT.

    Paladins / Shamans and Druids are the MT healers. As before, have one priest in each group that spams team heals on the druids & paladins/shamans so that all the druid and paladins/shamans can concentrate on the main tanks. The MT healers have a seperate blow-up spot, when they receive burning adrenaline they can run there and still be in range of all the melee, hence he/she can spam greater heals on everyone until blown up.

    Aggro Management

    Once the main tank has landed a few sunders on Vaelastrasz the rest of the warriors go in and sunder like there was no tomorrow, but in a sequential order; i.e. the secondary tank starts to sunder, then 2 seconds later the Third tank starts to sunder, and 2 seconds after that the 4th warrior starts to sunder. This is done to keep an aggro order that Vaelastrasz goes through. Once these 5-6 seconds the warriors need to get on top of the aggro list have passed the rogues go in to for melee damage and the Ranged DPS starts to fire off their spells and arrows.

    Once your first warrior gets the burning adrenalin and blows up Vaelastrasz will move slightly towards the tank spot and the secondary tank, that warrior need to be fast getting him back into position or else he’ll flame breath all the warriors and if any of the should die the fight is more or less over unless you have an overflow of tanks in your raid.

    Also when the first tank dies all the rogues use Vanish to drop their threat generated and give the secondary tank the chance to get the aggro, at that time the remainder of the tanks stop sundering for a second to stabilize the aggro on the new MT.

    This fight is all about aggro management and damage, the fight should take 3 min which is the duration of the buff you get at the start of the fight, if it runs out the chances of your raid killing him will decrease dramatically

    [Guide] BWL Complete Guide
  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    that's one sick-ass guide

  3. #3
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Hehe, thanks. I like to think I do what I can.

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    Cush's Avatar Elite User
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    Nice...Loving the picture guide with a key :P

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