How to make a lot of gold with Jewlcrafting, Alchemy and Enchanting in Cataclysm menu

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    Swiftyxz's Avatar Sergeant CoreCoins Purchaser
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    How to make a lot of gold with Jewlcrafting, Alchemy and Enchanting in Cataclysm

    The Jewlcrafting Shuffle

    (You only really need JC you can find people on trade or friends with Enchanting and Alchemy)
    Around 5OOO Gold
    Enchanting at 525
    Jewlcrafting at 525
    Alchemy at 525

    Hello members of the Ownedcore community! To get started you will need around 5OOO gold. (If you have mining and don't have enough gold you can quickly head to Uldum and go mine some ore.) Once you have everything ready and you have a lot of room in your bags, head over to the auction house and spend around 4OOO gold on elementium ore. You will need your 1OOO gold for tipping and listing.

    Once all the Ore is in your bags. You will need this macro.

    #show Elementium Ore
    /cast Prospecting
    /use Elementium Ore

    Once you have this macro on your bars you will need to go to your interface and activate "Auto-Loot". You can locate your interface by pressing "Esc".
    Your Ore has to be in stacks of 5, 10, 15, 20 or your ore won't be prospected. Now you will need to prospect your ore. You do this by pressing the macro on your bar.

    Once all your Ore is prospected you will end up with a lot of gems. DON'T DELETE THE GREEN GEMS, THEY ARE JUST AS VALUABLE AS THE BLUE GEMS. Now you will need to separate all your gems. To get started you will need an Alchemist, if you or your Alchemist has Transmutation Master this will let you gain more gold.

    Now with your Alchemist ready, head back to the auction house and count the amount of Carnelians you have for every 3 Carnelians you will need 3 Heartblossoms. Now will your correct calculations buy the correct amount of heartblossoms. [I.E. I have 60 Carnelians I will need to buy 60 Heartblossoms] Now hand your Heartblossoms and Carnelians to your Alchemist. Tell them you need them to make Inferno Rubies (Transmute: Inferno Ruby). I normally tip them 5 gold for every proc. (Extra Ruby they get)

    Once you have all your Bold Inferno Rubies ready you will need to cut them and list them on the auction house. I like to cut 50% of my Inferno Rubies into Bold Inferno Rubies and the other 50% into Brilliant Inferno Rubies. Now with your Rubies ready you can list them onto the Auction House. I like to undercut everyone to get them to sell quickly.

    Now you see all those extra gems in your bag? You will still need to use them. [Something worth little is something with great value.] Now go to your JC vendor and buy around 100 stacks of [Jeweler's Setting]. They only cost 1g 27s 3c so it's really ****ing cheap. Now open your JC window and click filter click SubClass>Miscellaneous. Now start making [Nightstone Choker], [Hessonite Band], [Alicite Pendant], [Jasper Ring]. Once all those are in your bags, Find an enchanter and get him/her to start disenchanting those Rings, Necks for you. You will end up with a lot of [Lesser Celestial Essence], [Hypnotic Dust], [Small Heavenly Shard] now make [Lesser Celestial Essence] and
    [Small Heavenly Shard] into [Greater Celestial Essence] and [Heavenly Shard] and list those on the auction house. I recommend you list the [Hypnotic Dust] for 48+ Hours because they take ages to sell.

    Now with the remaining Blue Gems cut them into:

    [Reckless Ember Topaz] (Orange)
    [Solid Ocean Sapphire] (Blue)
    [Purified Demonseye] (Purple)
    [Rigid Ocean Sapphire] (Blue)
    [Quick Amberjewel] (Yellow)
    [Fractured Amberjewel] (Yellow)
    [Veiled Demonseye] (Purple)
    [Mystic Amberjewel] (Yellow)
    [Puissant Dream Emerald] (Green)
    [Lightning Dream Emerald] (Green)

    List those blue gems on the auction house.

    Spending ONLY 5OOO gold I was able to make 6OOO in return as Profit which totaled in 11OOO gold.

    Thank you for reading my guide on the JC Shuffle. This Guide took me time to write so please please leave me some feedback!
    Last edited by Swiftyxz; 05-06-2012 at 02:26 AM.

    How to make a lot of gold with Jewlcrafting, Alchemy and Enchanting in Cataclysm
  2. #2
    dannyinside's Avatar Member
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    Well , this isnt helpful to me since no one buys the rares one anymore so it would be wasting money just to transmute them
    And i rather make Carnelian Spikes that DE to 2-6 Greater Celestial Essences than make inferno ruby
    About the rare ones , the only ones i can sell are Amberjewel , Infernos and Ember Topaz, the other ones i just vendor them
    To finish , grab some Jewel Setting and make rings and necks , DE them all and you will get a huge profit, at least on my server

  3. #3
    LoveOne's Avatar Contributor
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    On my server 1 carnelian = 80 gold and 1 inferno = 100 gold, soo there's no point in transforming carnelian into inferno, but nontheless it's a guide soo gj.

  4. #4
    xcrossover25x's Avatar Active Member
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    This has literally been being done since first week of cata, probably on beta.

  5. #5
    kamil234's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by xcrossover25x View Post
    This has literally been being done since first week of cata, probably on beta.
    actually its been done in wrath also as "saronite shuffle"

  6. #6
    Batesii's Avatar Banned
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    Elementium Shuffle... I am sure there are thousands of posts on this.
    The price of rare gems has plummeted due to the release of epic gems, and enchanting mats have seen brighter days too.

  7. #7
    Ibiza's Avatar Member
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    Wtf... Elementium Shuffle, really? Like there isint 99999999999999999999999999999 guides like this alreday

  8. #8
    Yano's Avatar Active Member
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    So tired of people complaining about guides already existing for gold making. Of course guides exist already, just about every method has been done, as is proven by the countless posts in every topic I view.

    It was a nice refresher for me, and a method I have used. It was helpful in getting me back on track after a long while of raiding without spending time making gold. I made 20k yesterday using this and a couple old tricks. I also liked how in-depth the guide was. Provided you posted it yourself, you spent a lot of time on it, and people crying that it's been posted spent far less time typing "repost."

    Thanks to those of you who spam repost for every topic, you're the reason I rarely see any new threads these days.


  9. #9
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    While the tips in this guide are good, they are not profitable on all servers. Here is what I do on mine.

    First I either bot or buy Elementium Ore - Item - World of Warcraft and Pyrite Ore - Item - World of Warcraft.

    Once you have those you are going to prospect them you will get the following:

    Alicite - Item - World of Warcraft

    Carnelian - Item - World of Warcraft

    Hessonite - Item - World of Warcraft

    Jasper - Item - World of Warcraft

    Nightstone - Item - World of Warcraft

    Zephyrite - Item - World of Warcraft

    Dream Emerald - Item - World of Warcraft

    Ember Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft

    Amberjewel - Item - World of Warcraft

    Demonseye - Item - World of Warcraft

    Inferno Ruby - Item - World of Warcraft

    Ocean Sapphire - Item - World of Warcraft

    Volatile Earth - Item - World of Warcraft

    I'll start with what you should do with the blue gems. On my server at least rare gems sell for next to nothing, so instead you are going to want to craft The Perforator - Spell - World of Warcraft, this has a 100% chance to give you a heavenly shard, which sell for 70-100g on my server. With your remaining blue gems you can craft vicious jewelry, as if you mined yourself you will likely have some volatiles to spare; this pieces also have a 100% heavenly shard drop rate. However, if your server does have a good gem market then check the auction house and see which of each cut sells for the most. If you are just getting started though it's best to just do what I described above as it will take awhile to get all the recipes you need.

    Now for the green gems you are going to craft green jewelry that you are going to disenchant, then you will either sell the mats or make enchanting scrolls with them (depending on your server prices and competition). On my server almost everyone is geared and there are a tons of enchanters, so the scroll market is pretty bad, but there are only two other on my server who actually sell enchanting mats, so this is a great thing to do for me.

    First, to begin making your green jewelry you are going to need a lot of Jeweler's Setting - Item - World of Warcraft.

    For the first green gem, Alicite - Item - World of Warcraft, you are going to make Alicite Pendant - Spell - World of Warcraft, these have about a 75% chance to give you Hypnotic Dust - Item - World of Warcraft and a 25% chance to give you Lesser Celestial Essence - Item - World of Warcraft. Sometimes when crafting these you will hit a proc and craft Alicite Pendant - Item - World of Warcraft instead, which have a 100% chance to give you a Small Heavenly Shard - Item - World of Warcraft. Since these only proc to give small heavenly shards they are not the best of the jewelry, but they should still be crafted if you have the gems to make them.

    For the second green gem, Carnelian - Item - World of Warcraft, you are going to make Carnelian Spikes - Spell - World of Warcraft. Now some have the mind set where you should transmute all of these and make red gems, however the gem market is going down very fast on my server but the enchanting one is not; also if you are just starting out you won't have the recipes for all these rare gem cuts. This is the most profitable green gem because it gives you a 75% chance to get 2-6 Greater Celestial Essence - Item - World of Warcraft, which sell for 40-50g a stack on my server. You also have a 25% chance to get some Hypnotic Dust - Item - World of Warcraft.

    For the third green gem, Hessonite - Item - World of Warcraft, you will once again be crafting jewelry. Hessonite Band - Item - World of Warcraft, the ring you will be crafting is one of the better jewelry pieces because its proc, Hessonite Band - Item - World of Warcraft, has a 100% chance to drop a Heavenly Shard - Item - World of Warcraft. The normal ring has the same DE rates as the first green.

    For the fourth green gem, Jasper - Item - World of Warcraft, you will be making Jasper Ring - Item - World of Warcraft. These have the same disenchanting rates as the ones above them and its proc, Jasper Ring - Item - World of Warcraft, only gives off a Small Heavenly Shard - Item - World of Warcraft.

    For the fifth green gem, Nightstone - Item - World of Warcraft, you will be making necklaces again, the Nightstone Choker - Spell - World of Warcraft. These have a 73% DE chance for Hypnotic Dust - Item - World of Warcraft and a 27% chance of Lesser Celestial Essence - Item - World of Warcraft. The rare proc, Nightstone Choker - Item - World of Warcraft, also has a 100% chance to give you a Heavenly Shard - Item - World of Warcraft which is why this is one of my favorite green gems.

    For the last green gem, Zephyrite - Item - World of Warcraft, there's really nothing you can do with it. It's best to save a few for your JC dailies, but you're pretty safe with vendoring the rest.

    So now that you have all your enchanting mats what are you going to do with them? Well the heavenly shards and Greater Celestial Essences are best on the auction house for sure, but with Hypnotic Dust you have some options, because it sells for so little. On my server Hypnotic Dust only sells for 20g/s, but I list it anyway because I am too lazy to make enchants; however, if there are some enchants that require only Hypnotic Dust that you know are selling good then you could try the waters. You may think that I have forgotten about
    Volatile Earth - Item - World of Warcraft, but I have not! You are just going to auction house this as well.

    Doing this each day can make you a ton of money, but if you want to make even more while you're playing here's a couple of things you can do to make some side cash.

    If you enjoy PvE, try to get all the epics you can that people don't need, you can disenchant these and get Maelstrom Crystal - Item - World of Warcraft, which sells for about 160-200g on my server.

    I myself cannot stand PvE, and so all I do is PvP, however I already have all my honor gear but I still enjoy doing battlegrounds. If you are like me then you can make some great side money by buying low prices honored gear and then disenchanting it. Now I'm a druid, so we have relics that we can buy for only 700 honor, which I gain easily every two battlegrounds, or less if I have some leftover honor. So while I'm enjoying the game I can buy a Ruthless Gladiator's Relic of Dominance - Item - World of Warcraft and disenchant it to receive a Maelstrom Crystal - Item - World of Warcraft or two. This is a great way to make side money if you just want to play for a day.

    I hope this reply/guide helped people who were looking to do this. I am not trying to steal the thread but just adding on with what I do on my server so that others have a few ideas of what they can do on theirs.
    Last edited by Confucius; 05-08-2012 at 10:48 AM.

  10. #10
    Yano's Avatar Active Member
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    Again, extremely helpful post. I for one am appreciative you took the time to put it up.

  11. #11
    Confucius's Avatar Moderator The Idiot

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    Originally Posted by Yano View Post
    Again, extremely helpful post. I for one am appreciative you took the time to put it up.
    Thanks nice to know some people got use out of it. I am currently leveling up inscription and alchemy so I can use my herbs, I can post a guide in this thread or in a new thread later if people would find that helpful also.

  12. #12
    UNmergedwowacc's Avatar Legendary Professional Seller Premium
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    isnt mining and herblism professions better?
    Buying your US/EU WoW/Classic Gold Skype: oldschooltoons

  13. #13
    Batesii's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by UNmergedWowAcc View Post
    isnt mining and herblism professions better?
    Define "better". Crafting professions usually have less time involved, and a smaller gain, whereas gathering professions typically take longer, but the profit margin is larger. It just depends on whether time is important to you or not.

  14. #14
    carlos005's Avatar Private
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    i like mining

  15. #15
    Reknon's Avatar Member
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    I've been doing almost exactly what this guide says for a while now and i make tuns of profit------great guide, props.

    i was selfishly keeping my system to myself >.<

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