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  1. #1
    Stephen Colbert's Avatar Knight-Captain
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    WSG For Nubs

    It seems like I always see nubs infesting the bg's nowadays, like some guys running screaming "Wait, I know how to win guys! All you have to do it right click on the flag to pick it up!!!!!" or "Hey guys, did you know Num Lock actually makes you auto-run!!!!"

    So I decided to make a post about WSG that will hopefully be useful to others X).

    Lets start with the basics:

    In WSG, KNOW YOUR PLACE. Don't go flag carry'ing if your a mage. We will get into what the roll of each class is later.

    Use common sense! If you are a FC, don't run down the hallway if the enemy FC is coming into the base! I'd say about 80% of the time the enemy gets the flag, they will enter their base throught the halls. So if they are about to cap and you snatch it, don't run into the enemy FC and his gaurds.

    Don't argue in /bg. If someone is a noob, just ignore them. I mean, if they really do suck, then they prolly won't get any HK's (which is the real way of gaining honor. Winning/Losing is not as important as getting lots of kills.) Besides, ppl will be talking about important info across the entire BG channel, so you don't want to block out important info with your whining/arguing.

    -Now to talk about what to do based apon your gear/lvl/such.

    I am quite tired of saying "if you aren't above 27, leave because you aren't helping." Because ppl won't listen, I have figured out a lvl basis on which you can use when in WSG.

    10-14, 20-24, etc. - Low levels of the BG. If you are a healer, stick to a higher lvl and lay down heals like no tomorrow. If you are attacked, stay close to your higher lvl, and they will prolly deal with it. If you aren't a healer, all I can suggest is to stick with others, because alone you die easy and don't do damage.

    15-17, 25-27, etc. - Mid levels of the BG. Members of this level should stick together in large groupss, where they are most effective. I find that these groups should hang around mid-field and gank any incoming enemies. If a enemy group of larger/higher lvl toons charges you, simply hold your ground and wait for higher lvl allies, or split up and make a run around them. I find retreating as the worst option, for you if you run you will get mauled with ranged attacks and you will not be able to fight back, so the enemy would get alot of easy kills.

    18-19, 28-29, etc. - High levels of the BG. These levels are most effective as offensive tools, and are the best FC's. Everyone in the high level range should not worry about grouping, but pairs always help. However, when in a group, they are highly effective when infiltrating the enemy base and stealing the flag.

    Now onto classes. Below I will describe each classes roll(s) in a BG.

    Druids- This class has a wide variety of rolls, depending on their form/spec.
    Restro- Should obviously play the roll of healers, see the priest section.

    Feral- When in bear form, they pack quite a punch, but not enough to take effect. Bears could FC in dire conditions, but I would suggest another tanking class to take it over. Cat form/travel form can be effective as a DPS class (like a rogue), however they have extreme potiental if they use speed boost/ speed enhancing gear. If a toon in travel form has the proper gear/pots/enchants, they could FC and outrun all of their enemies.

    Balanced-Great barriers because of roots, stay in a group of allies and roots any fleeing/ evasive enemies, and you become a big help to the ppl trying to catch them. Otherwise, stick to spamming moonfire/healing.

    Hunters- Hunters are NOT good FC's, even past lvl 40 when they can wear mail. However, they are great at defending/midfield, because the right hunter, when using the right set of traps, concussive shots, and pet actions, can kill his enemy without even getting hit. They are also great at getting the flag back, for their ability to track humanoids allows them to find the hiding spot of the enemy FC so that they are others can go and get their flag back. Plus, if they enemy FC tries to escape, they can frost/freeze trap them or concussive shot them, impairing their chances of escape greatly.

    Mages- As a clothee, they aren't too good at FC'ing, however their frost abilities plus their abilities to teleport (blink) make them superb at intercepting FC's running for their base.

    Paladins- Great at FC'ing because of their amount of HP and their ability to remove movement imparing effects (Blessing of Freedom), pallys also play a good roll at defending/gaurding their FC as well.

    Priests- Priests lack any good offensive spells (unless you are a shadow priest) and therefore should rely to sticking with others and laying down heals. If you must get HK's, however, simply lay down a quick spell on the enemy before they die, then continue healing.

    Rogues- Some argue that rogues can FC because of their speed boost, their ability to dodge, and their spell evasion. However, rogues are best when stealthed and sneaking, so I suggest rogues as a general offense class, picking off the enemy ranks or helping others in combat. (Btw, if an ally is in combat, HELP HIM, dont wait for him to die so you can fight a weakened enemy. Better for your buddy to get a killing blow and you a HK then for the enemy to get a Killing Blow/HK and your ally nothing.

    Shaman- Shamans are great flag defenders, and are also good at intercepting. Although a bit lacking in FC'ing, they are quite good at intercepting enemy FC's, with the ability to slow enemies down (earthbind totem) and also lay down a few quick heals on themselves/allies.

    Warlocks- The 2 things Warlocks can't do is FC and heal. I say that because everything else, they CAN. With the ability to fear, they are superb at fighting enemies in any situtation, and are good at defending. Plus, with the help of a demon, they can unleash lots of damage on the enemies. And with the ability to curse/plage/etc. an enemy, they can die and still kill their target with the numerous debuffs they left him.

    Warriors- Your generic FC class. Lots of HP, plus the ability to buff ppl around them with battle shouts. They also a bit good at intercepting with ability to charge and momentarily stun the enemy, and when used properly this ability could stop enemy FC's in their tracks.

    General WSG Strategies (for ppl new to the BG)

    Turtling- This is a technique named aptly after the animal that inspired it. When turtling, every goes on defense, huddling around the flag so that they can make any enemy atempts at stealing it impossible. Occasionally when turtling, the team may send out a scout(s) (ussually a rogue) to do things like check for any enemy inc's, see who is defending the enemy flag, and even possibly to grab the flag and make a run for it.

    Zerg Rush- Zerg Rush is basically the oppisite of turtling. When Zerging, the entire team groups up and charges the enemy base. This is risky, because it leaves your base wide open, however when done properly it can garuntee a flag capture.

    Truce Splits- This is a relatively new term, however after hearing it quite a few times in my BG server group, I deemed it worthy of mention. When 2 teams are at a truce (both teams are huddled in each with the enemy flag), a teammate may called "Truce Splits". At the moment, each person nominates themselves to either go Offense or Defend the FC. Most of the time there will be too much of one or the other, so a member may take intiative and ask a certain player to switch from group to another. When a person feels they can work better as offense/defender, they simply announce they are going from one group to another, just so ppl like the FC can acknowldge them.

    That is all for now, I hope you learned something for this.

    NOTE: This guide is for ppl NEW to WSG and to ppl looking to learn a bit about WSG. This guide is NOT for twinks. ANYONE can FC if they have the correct gear or if they know what they are doing. However, this is simply a GENERIC guide to BASE general WSG strategies.


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    Last edited by Stephen Colbert; 07-10-2007 at 11:39 PM.

    WSG For Nubs
  2. #2
    serania's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    quote: then they prolly won't get any HK's (which is the real way of gaining honor. Winning/Losing is not as important as getting lots of kills.)

    that is really really wrong , winning wsg is the only way of getting fast and nice honor in wsg.

  3. #3
    Stephen Colbert's Avatar Knight-Captain
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by serania

    that is really really wrong , winning wsg is the only way of getting fast and nice honor in wsg.
    I challenge that. Look it up anywhere. Blizz implemented this factor so that even if you lose all day you will still get honor. The average person gets about 20 killing blows a game. Winning a game is somewhere near the equilvilent of 7 killing blows, which is a very rough estimate, for the amount of honor from a HK is decided based apon your enemies lvl, if you got help, etc.

    Here is an example of what I mean:
    Bob is alliance
    Tom is Horde.
    They play against each other 4 times in a row.
    The alliance win all of the games.
    Bob got 5 Killing blows every game, and he won each game.
    Tom got 20 killing blows every game, but he lost each game.
    Bob got the equilvilant of 52 killing blows.
    Tom got the equvilant of 80.

    Therefore, winning/losing does change the amount of honor you receive in the end, but by a very small amount.

    If you have any document/webpage saying otherwise, show it.
    Last edited by Stephen Colbert; 07-09-2007 at 06:33 PM.

  4. #4
    Cakewalk's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Good guide except one thing, druids can be really good flag carriers. They got %"&/loads of armor, their HP is good, they can charge (if specced) and they can shift to travel, the only permanent movement increase in WSG except AotC.

  5. #5
    ggqqhaha's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by ninjanisse
    Good guide except one thing, druids can be really good flag carriers. They got %"&/loads of armor, their HP is good, they can charge (if specced) and they can shift to travel, the only permanent movement increase in WSG except AotC.

    i have to agree, them druids are nasty flag runners... grr heal.. run fast... hell they even make my rogue not able to stealth for a while sadness

    but im so sorry, =) i take DPS and kill over stupid flag ... hahaha

    check this UBER killer
    Last edited by ggqqhaha; 07-09-2007 at 07:39 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

  6. #6
    devilish_hunter's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Not a bad guide... but...
    "Don't go flag carry'ing if your a mage. We will get into what the roll of each class is later."

    Um... have you ever played a twink mage in the 19 block? I had one that was around 1600 HP and 1600 mana unbuffed... speed enchant on boots, and off she goes. Get jumped? Frost nova. Get a Rogue on you while Frost Nova is on cooldown? Sheep. Get stranded on a rooftop with no way to escape? Light Feathers in the pack make Feather Fall a cinch in a pinch. Get too many to deal with and need some breathing room until Frost Nova clears cooldown? Swiftness potion never fails to impress. Swiftness potion on cooldown and low on mana? Big Bronze Bomb stuns for a few seconds to let you make some distance.

    The bottom line... it is as even more about how well the toon is built and how well the pilot plays that toon than it is about class.

    The right guy handling a Druid will be a flag carrier SUPREME. The right mage and player will cap 3 faster than anything you have ever seen. And Rogues... OMFG a rogue with stacks of Swiftness Potion, 2 points into Improved Sprint, Goblin Rocket Boots, Gnomish Rocket Boots and a pair of Swift Boots in their bags will move the flag back and forth so frigging fast you will think they are speed hacking. If they hog the Speed in both tunnels too, it gets OUTRAGEOUS. I had a 39 twink rogue I played the HECK out of the Gulch on... they were making jokes about him being the Horde version of Deion Saunders... And I have had Priests that I could not stop when they ran the flag... that AoE fear and Swiftness Potion is a LETHAL combination, even against a full group of people.

    For the MOST part your guide is good.
    But lower levels should just not bother showing up, and twinks break all of your rules. But the most IMPORTANT thing you left out was player skill. Enough skill can make a godly flag carrier out of ANY class in this game.
    Last edited by devilish_hunter; 07-09-2007 at 11:21 PM.
    I run 47 AddOns. My UI has an MP3 player. Unbuffed I am 10k hp/10k mana, 12k armor. I can wear shadow gear and destroy any 3 level 70 shadowpriests. At once. I AM a badass. And anything with C cups or better and pretty eyes will OWN me.
    Know your limits. That is life as a Pally in Warcraft.

  7. #7
    iaretehfunny?'s Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by devilish_hunter
    Not a bad guide... but...
    "Don't go flag carry'ing if your a mage. We will get into what the roll of each class is later."

    Um... have you ever played a twink mage in the 19 block? I had one that was around 1600 HP and 1600 mana unbuffed... speed enchant on boots, and off she goes. Get jumped? Frost nova. Get a Rogue on you while Frost Nova is on cooldown? Sheep. Get stranded on a rooftop with no way to escape? Light Feathers in the pack make Feather Fall a cinch in a pinch. Get too many to deal with and need some breathing room until Frost Nova clears cooldown? Swiftness potion never fails to impress. Swiftness potion on cooldown and low on mana? Big Bronze Bomb stuns for a few seconds to let you make some distance.
    Well i think this guide is excluding twinks, if you are a good twink then pretty much any class can FC. But if you are skilled then i wouldn't think twice about FCing with a mage, if you have the skills, go for it, but the guide is, WSG fir Nubs (haha) so this is probaly intended for "Nubs" but you do raise am interesting point devilish.

  8. #8
    devilish_hunter's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by iaretehfunny?
    Well i think this guide is excluding twinks, if you are a good twink then pretty much any class can FC. But if you are skilled then i wouldn't think twice about FCing with a mage, if you have the skills, go for it, but the guide is, WSG fir Nubs (haha) so this is probaly intended for "Nubs" but you do raise am interesting point devilish.
    And... MMOWNED is such a wonderfully welcome spot for newbies, and there are so so many of them here...? Oh, there aren't?

    Yeah... generally the folks that frequent the MMOWNED website are not looking for "how to press autoattack your first time ever playing a game" they are looking for exploits, guides to better enrich their banks, and ways to just plain own people outright...
    I run 47 AddOns. My UI has an MP3 player. Unbuffed I am 10k hp/10k mana, 12k armor. I can wear shadow gear and destroy any 3 level 70 shadowpriests. At once. I AM a badass. And anything with C cups or better and pretty eyes will OWN me.
    Know your limits. That is life as a Pally in Warcraft.

  9. #9
    Sn00p's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Hehe I'm a warlock, but I go FC, 50-59 wsg I have nearly 4000 health 4.5k mana and my pet has 3500 (Fel Guard), i can do 500 dps and heal with bandadges... Your telling me I'm a bad flag cature? :P

  10. #10
    devilish_hunter's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by Sn00p
    Hehe I'm a warlock, but I go FC, 50-59 wsg I have nearly 4000 health 4.5k mana and my pet has 3500 (Fel Guard), i can do 500 dps and heal with bandadges... Your telling me I'm a bad flag cature? :P
    Add to that the fact you can have a Pally running with you and tossing Holy Shock as needed or the almighty Blessing of Protection and seriously, you are easily one of the strongest FCs around. That Fel Guard + fear + DoT damaging the lone attacker while you keep moving is plain nasty.
    I run 47 AddOns. My UI has an MP3 player. Unbuffed I am 10k hp/10k mana, 12k armor. I can wear shadow gear and destroy any 3 level 70 shadowpriests. At once. I AM a badass. And anything with C cups or better and pretty eyes will OWN me.
    Know your limits. That is life as a Pally in Warcraft.

  11. #11
    doomed461's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    I am a Hunter Pfft i have captured the flag plenty of times.

  12. #12
    arcaton's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    I had a legendary 19 rogue twink and i letally could walk through wsg not in stealth and get the you ask ..well first when the gates went down i ran to the speed boost in the middle of the tunnel .. so i got to around 1/3 of the whole field just from that..then i hit the walk button and went on my way..nobody went for me some actually went right past me and still nobody went for me because they knew id kill them easily in less then 10 i went up got flag walked down the tunnel got speed boost once again im at 1/3 of the feild started walking to the right to walk up the path thing going upwards..and thats how..and i guess it could be that i had crusader and lifestealing on my weapons..and after 10 rounds of WSG i had over 10K honorable kills..and to this day i still have him...and hes still a legend

  13. #13
    arcaton's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    I had a legendary 19 rogue twink and i letally could walk through wsg not in stealth and get the you ask ..well first when the gates went down i ran to the speed boost in the middle of the tunnel .. so i got to around 1/3 of the whole field just from that..then i hit the walk button and went on my way..nobody went for me some actually went right past me and still nobody went for me because they knew id kill them easily in less then 10 i went up got flag walked down the tunnel got speed boost once again im at 1/3 of the feild started walking to the right to walk up the path thing going upwards..and thats how..and i guess it could be that i had crusader and lifestealing on my weapons..and after 10 rounds of WSG i had over 10K honorable kills..and to this day i still have him...and hes still a legend

  14. #14
    Stephen Colbert's Avatar Knight-Captain
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by iaretehfunny?
    Well i think this guide is excluding twinks, if you are a good twink then pretty much any class can FC. But if you are skilled then i wouldn't think twice about FCing with a mage, if you have the skills, go for it, but the guide is, WSG fir Nubs (haha) so this is probaly intended for "Nubs" but you do raise am interesting point devilish.
    Thanks, that is the point I was trying to get across. There are PLENTY of guides talking about twinks, twink gear, twink strategy, etc.

    This is for an average WSG player. I am sure any class, when twinked, can FC. I have plenty of twinks and support that. However, when this guide is for noobs and average players. If one wishes to twink, they can go look at the other 1,000's of guides on MMOwned. Besides, the title does say "WSG For Nubs"

    Originally Posted by ninjanisse
    Good guide except one thing, druids can be really good flag carriers. They got %"&/loads of armor, their HP is good, they can charge (if specced) and they can shift to travel, the only permanent movement increase in WSG except AotC.
    Lawl, I said that to begin with.
    Originally Posted by auron_dude
    If a toon in travel form has the proper gear/pots/enchants, they could FC and outrun all of their enemies.
    Last edited by Stephen Colbert; 07-10-2007 at 11:42 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

  15. #15
    zabean's Avatar Member
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    Re: WSG For Nubs

    Originally Posted by arcaton
    I had a legendary 19 rogue twink and i letally could walk through wsg not in stealth and get the you ask ..well first when the gates went down i ran to the speed boost in the middle of the tunnel .. so i got to around 1/3 of the whole field just from that..then i hit the walk button and went on my way..nobody went for me some actually went right past me and still nobody went for me because they knew id kill them easily in less then 10 i went up got flag walked down the tunnel got speed boost once again im at 1/3 of the feild started walking to the right to walk up the path thing going upwards..and thats how..and i guess it could be that i had crusader and lifestealing on my weapons..and after 10 rounds of WSG i had over 10K honorable kills..and to this day i still have him...and hes still a legend
    u posted twise y? or did i just see that (tell me if i did) any way cna u tell me what ur gear was and what ur enchants were

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