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    jerry_teps's Avatar Member
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    [Horde] Pilgrim's Bounty Achievement Guide

    The latest event, Pilgrim's Bounty celebrates Thanksgivings Day, for more information, visit the WoW Pilgrim's Bounty article, or the WoWWiki Pilgrim's Bounty article. This guide is aimed primarily for Horde characters.

    To start, head to your nearest Faction city, head on outside and talk to the quest giver. The locations of the events are as followed:

    - Outside the main entrance.
    Thunderbluff - Surrounding the lift from Mulgore.
    Undercity - Above the Undercity, in the Ruins of Lordaeron, next to the Silvermoon translocator.
    Silvermoon - Next to Stillwhisper Pond (right outside the entrance).

    Collect the quests and head on over to the vendor. Buy the Bountiful Cookbook which contains,

    - Recipe: Spice Bread Stuffing
    - Recipe: Pumpkin Pie
    - Recipe: Cranberry Chutney
    - Recipe: Candied Sweet Potato
    - Recipe: Slow-Roasted Turkey

    The separate quests and achievements will be detailed below.


    1. Pilgrim's Bounty

    - Speak with Miles Standish in the courtyard above Undercity.

    It's as simple as it sounds, head on over the event at the Undercity and talk to Miles.

    2. Spice Bread Stuffing

    - Prepare Spice Bread Stuffing (5)
    - Spice Bread Stuffing (5)

    This is simple. Buy 5 Simple Flour and Mild Spices and create some Spice Bread. Purchase 5 Autumnal Herbs and cook some Spice Bread Stuffing. The "Prepare" requirement for the quest means you must cook the food while having the quest, so you cannot cook the food beforehand as it will not count (for the prepare objective).

    3. Pumpkin Pie

    - Prepare Pumpkin Pie (5)
    - Pumpkin Pie (5)

    Head to the Undercity and buy 5 Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin as well as 5 Honey. Cook em, go and hand your quest in.

    4. Cranberry Chutney

    - Prepare Cranbery Chutney (5)
    - Cranberry Chutney (5)

    Purchase 5 Tangy Southfury Cranberries and Honey in Orgrimmar, cook, turn in quest.

    5. Candied Sweet Potatoes

    - Prepare Candied Sweet Potato (5)
    - Candied Sweet Potato (5)

    Buy 5 Mulgore Sweet Potato, Honey and Autumnal Herbs. To get the potatoes, head to Thunderbluff. Turn it in.

    6. Undersupplied in the Undercity

    - Spice Bread Stuffing (5)
    - Cranberry Chutney (5)

    Cook 5 Spice Bread Stuffing and another 5 Cranberry Chutney (recipe's in the above quests) and hand them in at, you guessed it, The Undercity.

    7. Slow-roasted Turkey

    - Prepare Slow-roasted Turkey (5)
    - Slow-roasted Turkey (5)

    Head out of the Undercity to Tirisfall Glades. Spread through the region are Wild Turkeys, hunt and loot 5 of them. Go back to the Undercity and buy 10 Honey and 5 Autumnal Herbs. Cook, turn in.

    Sharing a Bountiful Feast

    - Spirit of Sharing.

    Simple. Go to one of the event tables, sit down, and spam 1 five times (times five). To get the achievement you must gain 5 stacks of every sort of food stuff. At a table, there should be 5 named chairs, you must sit in each unique chair and obtain 5 stacks of the specific buff from the chair. Get 5 buffs with 5 stacks, it will transform into The Spirit of Sharing which is a 10% bonus rep buff. Then go hand the quest in.


    Don't Forget The Stuffing!

    - Spice Bread Stuffing (20)

    This may seem simple, but i've seen a fair amount of people on general asking how to do this. First off, buy 20 Mild Spices and Simple Flour and cooked some Spice Bread. Now, buy 20 Autumnal Herbs and cook some Spice Bread Stuffing from the recipe you should of learned earlier.

    She Says Potato

    - Candied Sweet Potatoes (20)

    Head on over to TB (unless you were there previously) and buy 20 Mulgore Sweet Potato, Honey and Autumnal Herbs. Cook the Candied Sweet Potatoes from the recipe you previously learned.

    Easy As Pie

    - Pumpkin Pie (20)

    Off to the Undercity! Here you need to buy 20 Ripe Tirisfall Pumpkins and Honey. Cook the Pie and turn the quest in.

    We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again?

    - Cranberry Chutney (20)

    Head to Org and purchase 20 Tangy Southfury Cranberries and Honey. Again, cook them and turn it in.

    Can't Get Enough Turkey

    - Slow-Roasted Turkey (20)

    This is the most annoying daily in my opinion. Head to 50, 57 in Tirisfall Glades (map) and start kill you some Turkeys! Ok, ok. Orphan 20 Wild Turkeys and loot their corpses. This time, you'll have to buy 40 Honey and only 20 Autumnal Herbs. Cook the Turkeys and turn the quest in.


    Sharing is Caring

    Head to one of the event areas and find yourself a nice table. Notice that each chair is named, you want to sit in each chair at least once. When you sit in a chair, press 1 to share one of the food stuffs. Repeat this in each chair to obtain the achievement.


    Sit in one of the chairs at the event tables but this time target someone when sharing. This will cause you to throw it at them. This may take several attempts.

    Pilgrim's Paunch

    This requires you to have 5 stacks (possibly 1 stack, unconfirmed) of each buff from each food stuff. Rather than "sharing" all that is necessary is eating each type of food.

    Now We're Cookin'

    This one is simple enough, just create each of the new recipes you obtained from the Bountiful Cookbook. This achievement is best done in conjunction with the dailies and the Pilgrim's Progress achievement. Read the daily section on information to create each recipe.

    Pilgrim's Progress

    Simply complete each and every daily available for this event. For information on the dailies, visit the Dailies section. Best done in conjunction with Now We're Cookin'.

    The Turkinator

    The most batshit (or turkeyshit) crazy achievement here. I've pulled my hair out for ages trying to get this one. Go to the area stated before with the turkeys (here) and start killing them. You will gain a buff that stacks with each kill and has a 30 second duration. The bad thing is, lots of people are trying to get the achievement (3 am here, with a dozen people). What's that? "But that's not too bad, it's a long duration." With the scare amount of turkeys normally (they're spread fairly far apart) and the vast amount of people going for this makes it near impossible.

    Oh, and did I mention you need 40 kills to get it?

    One possible tactic is to hunt the turkeys in the field south of the Scarlet Monastery. (thanks Lolapa2k)

    Turkey Lurkey

    To do this simple achievement, complete one of the dailies and choose the Turkey Shooter. You may end up having to obtain multiple Shooters as they appear to be consumed upon use. Once a reasonable stock has been supplied, head to Dalaran and start shooting as many rogues as you can find.

    Pilgrim's Peril

    Very, very hard. Assuming you make it to the event tables, the vast amount of allies doing the event is enough to make the most seasoned arena veteran cringe with fear (and a large amount of dots too). Even if you do make it past all the allies to the tables, then you face one more challenge. No seats! The seats are all taken.

    To do this achievement, you must get a Dress, Robe or an Attire which you can obtain from the Daily event quest rewards. Then head to an Ally city and sit down at one of their tables.

    Terokkar Turkey Time

    Back to BC content. Firstly, form a group (unless you are confortable soloing) and head to Auchindoun (Dalaran > Shattrath > head south east). Once at Auchindoun, enter the eastern side and enter Sethekk Halls. The boss you are after is Talon King Ikiss. Make sure you have obtained a piece of clothing as a reward from the event Dailies, and make sure you are wearing that piece when you engage him too. Ikiss is the 3rd and final boss in Sethek Halls.

    Your finished! Grats on the new title and non-combat pet!
    Last edited by jerry_teps; 11-22-2009 at 08:25 AM.

    [Horde] Pilgrim's Bounty Achievement Guide
  2. #2
    sp00ken's Avatar Member
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    very nice guide +rep.. my question is what lvl cooking do you need to cook most of the stuff?

  3. #3
    jerry_teps's Avatar Member
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    Unfortunately, you need 280 cooking to cook the Slow-Roasted Turkey. Which may exclude some players.

  4. #4
    wolf2349's Avatar Member
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    Pilgrim's Peril

    Very, very hard. Assuming you make it to the event tables, the vast amount of allies doing the event is enough to make the most seasoned arena veteran cringe with fear (and a large amount of dots too). Even if you do make it past all the allies to the tables, then you face one more challenge. No seats! The seats are all taken.

    To do this achievement, you must get a Dress, Robe or an Attire which you can obtain from the Daily event quest rewards. Then head to an Ally city and sit down at one of their tables.
    Because this is more of a horde guide and it does benieft alliance as well I should add the information that the event locations in alliance cities.

    Stormwind:- Outside of the main gate (also the same location as brewfest)
    Ironforge:- Outside the main gate toward the right (as you enter Ironforge)
    Exodar:- Outside on the right entrance or towards the mount vendor
    Darnassus:- Within Darnassus itself between the maingate and battlemasters (note for alliance players, it is an easy way to get City Defender and for horde players, an easy way to get the 5 kills for Wrath of the Horde)

    The Turkinator

    The most batshit (or turkeyshit) crazy achievement here. I've pulled my hair out for ages trying to get this one. Go to the area stated before with the turkeys (here) and start killing them. You will gain a buff that stacks with each kill and has a 30 second duration. The bad thing is, lots of people are trying to get the achievement (3 am here, with a dozen people). What's that? "But that's not too bad, it's a long duration." With the scare amount of turkeys normally (they're spread fairly far apart) and the vast amount of people going for this makes it near impossible.

    Oh, and did I mention you need 40 kills to get it?
    I have seen a lot of chat saying where are the wild turkeys, for the people who want to know they are in both Elwynn Forest and Tirisfal Glades. To get this achievement I found it easy to make the following macro /targetexact Wild Turkey , it may not tell you where the turkey is but it will let you know if there is one close to you.

  5. #5
    Lolapa2k's Avatar Active Member
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    If you have trouble with The Turkinator, go to the field south of scarlet monastery. Got it in the first try there

  6. #6
    BloodhoofMage's Avatar Active Member
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    +rep for this awesome guide

    Originally Posted by Lolapa2k View Post
    If you have trouble with The Turkinator, go to the field south of scarlet monastery. Got it in the first try there
    This worked +rep

  7. #7
    Syncness's Avatar Legendary
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    I was going to make my own thread, then I saw this.

    Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors

  8. #8
    QwEEErtzu's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    One good tip for [The Turkinator] from me. Get a friend or ask random guy with rocket mount to help you do it. He runs infront of you looking for turkeys and just stands near one and it will save you time by just jumping into his mount...so 4 eyes better then 2 Helped a friend that way, had no problem
    Last edited by QwEEErtzu; 11-22-2010 at 06:35 AM.

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