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    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    25 NR leggings quest guide

    Here is a complete walkthrough I just created for my guild detailing the entire quest chain with pictures. Enjoy...

    The quest line starts at Cenarion Hold in Silithus:

    Talk to Commander Mar'alith and he will give you a quest called “Dearest Natalia”.

    Then head south to the Bronzebeard Encampment:

    Speak with the 2 dwarves there- Frankal Stonebridge and Rutgar Glyphshaper (also make sure you pet the monkey):

    They will tell you a big story about how this lady went crazy, which completes the “Dearest Natalia” quest and unlocks 2 other mini-quests which you must also complete.

    The names of these quests are “Breaking the Code” which will be given to you by Frankal and “Glyph Chasing” which will be given to you by Rutgar. *Note: Rutgar also hands you a ‘Geologist's Transcription Kit’ which is needed to complete his quest, so if you accidentally delete it just abandon the quest and talk to him again to get a new one.

    Now before you start these quests, return to Commander Mar'alith in Cenarion Hold and turn in the “Dearest Natalia” quest. He will give you a new quest called “Into the Maw of Madness”, which you will complete while doing the other 2.

    Basically these quests are going to take you into the 3 hives of Silithus (Hive'Ashi, Hive'Zora and Hive'Regal):

    It doesn’t matter which ones you do first, however I recommend a party of 5 to move through it quickly (although you can still do it fairly easy with 2-3 skilled people).

    SUMMARY OF "GLYPH CHASING": In the middle of each hive that is a cave that you need to enter and explore until you find the final room. In this room there will be a small white crystal that you use the ‘Geologist's Transcription Kit’ on to obtain the rubbing. This quest is completed once you obtain a rubbing from each Hive.

    SUMMARY OF "BREAKING THE CODE": Make sure you check the bodies of each bug you kill on the way to (and from) the final room of each hive. You are looking for a white quest item named “xxx Silithid Brain” (xxx being the name of the hive). It is a random drop so if you haven’t gotten it by the time you finished coming out of the cave then make sure you continue killing bugs until it drops. This quest is completed once you obtain a Silithid Brain from each Hive.

    SUMMARY OF "INTO THE MAW OF MADNESS": Inside the final room Hive'Regal you will find a Night Elf priest named Natalia Mar'alithnamed. This quest is completed once you kill her and loot the item from her body. (Don’t forget to obtain the rubbing from the crystal in that room).

    Once you complete all 3 quests return to Commander Mar'alith in Cenarion Hold and turn in “Into the Maw of Madness”. Then return to the dwarves in Bronzebeard Encampment and turn in “Breaking the Code” to Frankal and “Glyph Chasing” to Rutgar.

    At this point Rutgar will give you another quest named ” Unraveling the Mystery”. This quest is simple, just take the ‘Glyphed Crystal Prism’ that he gives you to Geologist Larksbane in Cenarion Hold:

    She will then give you the final quest named “The Calling”!

    At this point you will need a group of 25-40 people to kill the Emissary Roman’khan. If your guild is already raiding AQ-40 then it's prolly easiest to just wait until the next raid night and kill him prior to heading inside. Otherwise have fun spamming the LFG channel.

    He is summoned at the Bones of Grakkarond:

    Once he is dead check his body for loot and then return to Geologist Larksbane in Cenarion Hold. Once you turn in “The Calling” she will give you another quest that you instantly turn in to claim your reward and receive your +25 NR legs!

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    25 NR leggings quest guide
  2. #2
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: 25 NR leggings quest guide

    <3 Alk.
    Character limit.

  3. #3
    Roflcopterzzz's Avatar

    Re: 25 NR leggings quest guide

    ima try this on my 70 rogue lol.

  4. #4
    Nolixz's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Re: 25 NR leggings quest guide

    Hmm, nice info
    Last edited by Alkhara Majere; 03-02-2007 at 11:43 PM.

  5. #5
    original~GANK~staz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: 25 NR leggings quest guide

    lawl, still a nice guide tho, sweet pants gto them for my rogue b4 tbc

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