Battlenet Account hacked - all info resetted? menu

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  1. #1
    [Soul Eater]'s Avatar The God King of Tails
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    Battlenet Account hacked - all info resetted?

    Battlenet Account hacked - all info resetted?

    Like the title said, at the moment my battlenet account is currently hacked. But when I try to retrieve it, it says the account doesn't exist.

    I made a new account with the same email, and to my surprise it worked. All info and games were resetted. My wow account is not attached onto it anymore and previous games are erased.

    My question is, how is this even possible? What kind of information could the hacker use against me that they can reset my battlenet account and have my wow account attached onto another one? For more information, I don't ever send in an ID so they don't got ahold of it, I only can imagine that they got somehow ahold on my secret answer and cd-keys when I registrated my battlenet account or something.

    Well ofcourse I want it back, so my other question is, how do I do that? Should I make the battlenet account with the same email and then send in a webform or what?

    Thanks beforehand.

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    Battlenet Account hacked - all info resetted?
  2. #2
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by [Soul Eater] View Post

    Like the title said, at the moment my battlenet account is currently hacked. But when I try to retrieve it, it says the account doesn't exist.

    I made a new account with the same email, and to my surprise it worked. All info and games were resetted. My wow account is not attached onto it anymore and previous games are erased.

    My question is, how is this even possible? What kind of information could the hacker use against me that they can reset my battlenet account and have my wow account attached onto another one? For more information, I don't ever send in an ID so they don't got ahold of it, I only can imagine that they got somehow ahold on my secret answer and cd-keys when I registrated my battlenet account or something.

    Well ofcourse I want it back, so my other question is, how do I do that? Should I make the battlenet account with the same email and then send in a webform or what?

    Thanks beforehand.

    This happened to me... My email password was the same as my B.Net password, I got hacked on B.Net, and they used my email(same password) to move all of my wow accounts and my Starcraft account to there email address.

    Ring Blizzard, tell them what has happened, they will ask you when you last played ect. They may ask for ID, or cd keys, however they didn't for me. They just checked the IP jump.

    Edit: also make sure you tell them you remade your to make sure you haven't just forgotten your password.
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  3. #3
    [Soul Eater]'s Avatar The God King of Tails
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    But, how is it possible that the whole battlenet account is resetted? I remade it with some kind of fake information only to test it out, but now I am stuck with those information lol. So how can I, like them, reset the whole account again?

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  4. #4
    kys89012345's Avatar Member
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    talk to WoWunlocker on AIM

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