Transfer them to a new account with same last name and then ban the old account.
Ok, I just got an awesome account with a few 70's that i really want to make mine, and maybe sell.
I have all the info: username/password, cd keys for wow and tbc, full name, email addrss, answer 2 secret question. etc.
I reaaally need to get his hotmail password, does anyone know about how to do that?
I dont want to call blizzard to "recall " it because all the info is american.
I have changed the password but thats not going to do muchanyone got any tips to change the email? thx
Transfer them to a new account with same last name and then ban the old account.
you can just change the email by calling, it doesnt matter if its all american, it will still work, or if your willing to spend some cash, just make a new account like Poglia said, transfer them off, and ban the account u scammed,
ya safest way is make new acc with same last name and copy all chars and get banned scammed one
To transfer the account must have the same last name and Secret Answer
Then ban the account u xferred them off
where i must click to transfer it? +Rep for who replies!
If you want I can call it in to recall for you, I've done it on 15+ accounts so far.
Just PM me if you want me to do it. It would be cheaper than transfering all those characters.
Looking for blank account! I will love you long time!!!!
Hmm, like Decayd said, he will call it in.. It isn't hard GL on making it yours :]