Just put something legit and use it before, ask help from your friends for some traffic.
Then change to phiser.
I have made many phishers, all free and mostly on this site. but i figure that if i payed for domains and what not, ill definitively increase my already great flow of accounts coming in. I have tried to buy and use 2 different domains on freehostia that all got banned before i could even put up the site, im not sure why. Has anyone successfully purchased and hosted a domain for phishing on freehostia? if so please reply.:wave::wave:
Just put something legit and use it before, ask help from your friends for some traffic.
Then change to phiser.
Well the problem is they drop my sites based on the url i pick. such as wow-batttle.com and what not. not whats on it.
Freehostia is used for scams all the time. They probably auto drop anything that might be a phisher, seeing as it's illegal to phish.
get offshore hosting
free hosting sites are really fast banned nowadays.... and some explorer and stuff block automatically free hosted domains.... even if its not a phischer
02/02/2011 01:52 <Jackie Moon> I might just go whack off all this talk about man boobs is making me frisky