I just want to play around on a mage with a few specs. I also just like undead, they are friggin. Awesome, I think I deserve the account cause I have a decent rep, and I posted first
EDIT: Also pm'd u
From my phisher~
Server: Mannoroth - PvP
70 Undead Mage, S2/S3-ish gear
It has time on it until January 25th, only BC enabled =[
Full info, and all that good stuff.
You can either post here on PM me~
Just tell me what you plan on doing with the account and I'll decide a winner at random.
I just want to play around on a mage with a few specs. I also just like undead, they are friggin. Awesome, I think I deserve the account cause I have a decent rep, and I posted first
EDIT: Also pm'd u
Last edited by Dr. Doom; 12-04-2008 at 08:35 PM.
Level him to 80, get him geared, and then give him to my brother.
PMed you like a sec before alcuard posted=)))
Holy shit, people are quick now a day. and omgowned, you already got an account from someone else. quit leeching accts
I'd like the account because I've always wanted a Mage, never leveled one, and with raiding on my Shaman I'd love to level from 70 and not 0.
Anyways, thanks.
Jchunx: "Damn! You're amazing at this exploiting stuff!"
21:47 <Noobcraft> dont you hate it when like 6 rep people call people leecher
I've read all of the stuff so far, I'll be leaving this up till I get home from school tomorrow. Sorry for the suspence or whatever XD
I'd love the mage because mages are one of my personal favourite classes, and with WoTLK out, they are now quite OP. I would level it up to 80, get it geared and then either give it away or sell it![]()
Carey i gave that back to him- dont want it- and stop complaining
i pm'd you![]()
I would like the account because I would like to pick WoW up again, now that the expansion has been released. I will be playing with my IRL friends, and therefore, do not want to have to level a character from 1-80...
i would like to play with this mage : P , i'll use it for playing (not for selling or anything)
Last edited by MysterioussouL; 12-04-2008 at 09:26 PM.
Like I said before, I'm leaving this post up till tomorrow.
Also I would really enjoy it if people didn't harass each other in this thread, you can do that over PMs if you feel the need.