Bit scared now, scammed over 30k using some methods which are not to be released on this site. (too good to be released)
I gave away like 1k to random ppl and 29k to my friend (on another ip)
I was using VPN aswell. And I cleared cache and wtf maps before and after.
And yes, after he got teh gold he put it in a guild bank.
What will happen?
bit hard to say when we dont know what method you used
Involves spectral tiger.
I believe sending large amount's of cash to other plays can trigger something in warden if i'm not mistaken. And an investigation might go on.
If you've send 29k to your friend I believe Blizzard will probably ban your account and your friends account. The whole reason Blizzard added a 1hour delay to the likes of sending mail / recieving auction house money is so they can track gold sellers and stop them.
Seeing you've send 29k will defenitely trigger an investigation, though not knowing the shape and form of the account it may not be a reason to ban them yet (depending on multiple sendments / good behaviour / how long the account is active and other sorts of possible values).
But it's quite possibly you will be flagged as a possible gold seller and your friend as the buyer, in both cases these are bannable offenses.
I'd pray nothing will happen, GL.![]()
I traded it.
Not emailed.
Nothing will happen - Probably 99% of the time.
I've bought 30k gold once from a site - Face to Face trade too. Nothing happened. You're alright you're not in trouble or anything.
Blizzard does hold the right to ban of any and all reasons...
But like the others...I'd say you're safe.
Well in the case of trading it face to face, then you're safe.