2000g succesful scam, followed by a Blizzard boning.
Ok, so here's my little story. I sucessfully scam an account (just the name and pw cause thats all I could get), but thankfully thats all I wanted. Used hasslehoff's "Pose as a Company scam".
Link for his scam provided
Next I used the TCG scam (so many threads I don't know who deserves credit for it), create a level 1 named Spectraltig and proceed with scam.
I successfully make about 2500g so I'm all happy. I run to the AH bridge and spam "GIVING AWAY FREE GOLD OPEN TRADE". So next I start giving bunches of gold away to many different players. Finally, I give my main the majority of it, and finish off with like 20g to one last dude.
Next I log off the scammed account, delete and remake Spectraltig like 5 times. Next I use the scammed money to buy a bunch of shit off the AH. So now I figure I'm in the clear and its all good........
Get this Blizzard didn't warn me or anything but I log on later and all the items I bought are gone. So I was successful, yet Blizzard took it all away?
And I guess I finish with a question. What can I do to stop this?
Because you didnt use a proxy, didnt delete your cache and WTF folder, They easily tracked it back to your main account. And they probably also recalled the gold from the other people as well.
Active Member
Blizzard has a HUGE database of everything you do and what IP's / Accounts they are linked to best thing you could do is give your main all that gold... have him buy the items on the scammed account, then re-place the items up for buyout and buy them out on your main... that way they can see you did purchase them legitly