Okay, well i suggest either
A- Setting up a phisher, and then scam the gold off of the accounts, and then sell it.
B- Do the 25k gold scam. Where u go onto markeedragon, say selling an account. Get the money sent to a fake paypal, then go and buy a bunch of gold. Then have it sent to ur char, then later sell off the gold.
If u want to do ingame scams, do the Spectral Tiger or TCG scam. Same thing pretty much. You can average 5-10k gold per person. 1k gold sells for $5 and up.
I have made a total of 20k gold on Spectral Tiger scam, that is equal to $100 bucks.
If u make a phisher, then u can easily get 5 level 80 accounts per day (depending on if ur phisher is good). A week u should be able to average 20k+++ gold. Maybe around 50k if u know how to scam (10k per account).
I dont suggest scamming paypal or anything, because thats bad. Dont screw with real money and companies like that.