Well if your just scamming off of your account doing like TCG scams and stuff, absolutely not. 0% chance of legal action, maybe temp ban and usualy not even perm ban.
Well if your just scamming off of your account doing like TCG scams and stuff, absolutely not. 0% chance of legal action, maybe temp ban and usualy not even perm ban.
What about gold scams? and GC scams? and Acc. Scams?
P.S. I live in Canada? does that mean anything?
40% of the people that did youtube scams ended in jail 2 years or if they were under 18 they did school correction for an year and a half .
you can get busted and you will and if your using proxies and shit they will call up a federal investigation and you will face a civil lawsuit
also you can get sued if you scam someone for more than 1,5k gold
thats about it gl & hf and take care
Hey I have an idea, how about you don't scam at all? NO RISKS! IMAGINE THAT!
Unbelievable, right?
What's a Parog?
Looking for competitive Valorant team!
You deserve whatever happens to you. How about do what Parog suggested and not scam at all?
Now Im more afraid...
Dont worry you wont get caught. Its funny that people think you will get jail for scamming a gamecard ^^.
But isnt it technicallly stealing?
So... No legal action will be taken? u say even the guy who got 2 mill a year had no action taken?
I think it will be retarded for going to jail for scamming wow accounts or taking a gamecard.
Now you can go to jail for using an account that has a credit card on it and then putting time with that unknown credit card.Basically dont really fuk around with money shit if your scared
No im just messing with gold and timecards.
wow, if you read, you CANNOT be owned by REAL LIFE if you're scamming gold/GCs -- THEY CAN IN NO WAY get you for anything, the ONLY thing that CAN and WILL happen is you're going to be warned/banned on the account you're scamming on. It's been explained a million times. Please stop with the continous OMG IM SO SKERD OF GETTING TEH BAN