Where did you get the cash? Paypal disputing money sounds weird. Are you sure you didn't just get limited or something?
Yesterday I got some cash, and then I bought some stuff... Well PayPal disputed cause they thought it was "High risky" or something like that... PLEASE HELP! So I donated to a popular site, and now they're showing my fake info on the front page... But I didn't dispute to there money, PayPal did... and I wasn't under a proxy... Am I in trouble? Please help me!
PS: I never received the items I donated for :\
Last edited by Vannakix; 04-12-2009 at 07:27 PM.
Where did you get the cash? Paypal disputing money sounds weird. Are you sure you didn't just get limited or something?
Bro, run away. The Internet is coming!
Happent to me 3 times in total on 2 different paypals.
They do this to ''steal'' you money, if you can't remove the limitations, they basicly keep your money.
You will have to add a credit card, with the same name on both.
Add a bank account
Confirm your location
And call them atleast 10 times.
Trust me, its a pain in the ass.
Naah, just screw that website, they cant do anything to u. All they can do is cry about it.
If they just limited you, all you have to worry about is the money you had. You're not going to jail, you're not going to pay fees. Don't worry at all.