can't get on it, long load :-\
can some people see if my website works? i can get on it but my partner can't. Im hosting it on my PC too.
Website WITH DNS:
its not done yet its just the main part. basically, there will be a program, which will be compleately safe, no virus, keylogger, does not send any info to an e-mail, that says this "Thank you for using MegaDeadLord's (or whatever name me and my partner use for advertising this program on youtube) World of Warcraft hack. Go to the Blizzard website to add a gamecard to your account. If this program is running, your gamecard will be able to be used as many times as you want. Keep in mind, it has to go through our server first before being sent to Blizzard so it will take up to 3 hours to complete. Follow the link below to go directally to Account Manegment." Then they click on a link that takes them to a fake login page. Then, once they do that, they are redirected to a page that looks like the site for adding gametime to your account and they put in the info. Then it sends all of the info to our e-mail and we get an account and a gamecard.
After you go to the links, tell me if they work. Thank You!
FIXED: New Links are
Last edited by Megadeadlord; 02-16-2009 at 06:37 PM.
can't get on it, long load :-\
You need to make it YOUR IP. Go to What Is My IP Address? - Lookup IP, Hide IP, Change IP, Trace IP and more... That's your IP. Not
poor guy D:
website with DNS: is not working for one because u are hosting it off ur network IP not ur External IP go to and u will be able to find out what ur ip is and change ur configs around.
website without DNS: just what i said just with out the
sry i just added the login page so all the links are changed. fixing now