Failing on scamming
I just tried to scam some dump acc. I get the acc name, pass, cd-key ( last 6 chars) and the email. ( NO Secret q/a)
Then , the first thing that I do is change the email ussing the acc name and the cd-key. Next step, I change pass, and acc info.
However , 1 day later, the owner gains control of the acc ( changing email I think).Im just getting pissed beacuse I thought i got all necessary info...:confused:
Should I do a double email change?
Where Im failing and how to improve it. Btw getting athenticator next week but.. Im feeling pissed now
Change email twice.. would help with immediate change, but you need SQ/A to be successful.
ok, but what exactly to do with SQ/A ? I mean , what another think can I change?
If I change email using cd key , the owner of the acc won`t know the new email. So he s recalling using blizz support.
How to apply the SQ/A to stop that. I can do a new recall if he retrieves tha acc but I need lock down it before he does nothing.
What is exactly the info that he tells to blizz support to recall? Name and SW/A ?
And when u guys are talking about ID, what means exactly ? code of the box? cd? (national document info?) . Im missing something in some way.:confused:
cool, and how to stop the recall ?