Also when I file a dispute after I have control over the account. How do I go about that? Would I file it as virtual goods and that I never recieved the item?
From my understanding, the Original owners can always access the account if they still have the CD code and know the SQ/A to the account. So how exactly are you suppose to gain full control of the account if they are able to do these things.
Also when I file a dispute after I have control over the account. How do I go about that? Would I file it as virtual goods and that I never recieved the item?
Use a blizzard Authenticator/ Parental controls.
There are two main possible ways:
The Most Secured/Most Expensive Way:
You need to have full info to the account and what you need to do is mainly recall the account and get the email and password changed on a friday night so they cannot call back in until monday.
After you have done that, you will want to make a new account with all the keys (WoW,BC and WOTLK) which will cost about 80-100$ depending on where you spend it. The account has to have the EXACT last name of the scammed accounts name. Now you proceed to transfer the characters you want which will cost 25$ per, and then after all the transfers are sucessful you will need to ban the scammed account. Use hacks/mods or just whatever way you can get banned. This will basically make it impossible to get his characters back. It comes at a hefty price, so only do it on a character you want.
Really Cheap/ Kind of Secured Way
You only need the account name and password, and you just buy a Blizzard Authenticator for $7 dollars and throw it on the account, and now the only wey they can get the account back is to fax in id prooving that they are the real account holder. Which a lot of times people wont do that or just wont even know how to get to that point.
Parental Controls doesn't mean he gets to keep account. If he puts parentals on it, that just means he will lock them out of play. However, I guess if you have his email and can re-recover the account from him, posting parentals on the account will eventually lead the person to quit that account, you could recover, remove the parentals and tada, be fine.
okay thanks
someone did that on my scammed account, what you do is remember the date u last played on that toon, and check armory from time to time to see if date changed. if it did, means the parental control is off and u can reclaim the account. so parental control is for mean purpose only. if u remove it, they will find out. any gear change, name change, or date will make them reclaim.
You can get an authenticator removed over the phon
Authenticator can get removed if only he get acc name and pass? And what about the 6key code?
What are the posibilities of recall an acc scamed with acc/pass and Authenticator?
yeah i need help with this too i hate the athenticator >.>
I think the authentacator is a pretty good idea i havent heard that one before
Authenticator can and most likely will be removed over the phone. What you need to know to do this are the usual things: Account Name, SQ/A, Owner's Name and sometimes they will ask for a fax or an e-mail of an ID. But it's definitely removable.
Authenticator CANNOT be removed via phone. It requires legal documentation proving you are the OO of the account. This may include a government ID +/or notary