No such thing. Sorry to shatter your dream.
hey i need a good legitimate account renting website that will give me/level me a new account if mine gets banned while their renting. also, if any1 knows of a good scam guide to make sure that i get full access to the account for atleast a day i could use that, although im preatty sure i should be fine with the info i have now
No such thing. Sorry to shatter your dream.
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There is no such thing as an 'legit' account renting agency.
FYI: No renting company offers compensation.
Yeah some of the renting sites may pay you, but if you get banned they won't compensate you. Your best bet is to just go get Glider and then bot and sell gold.
Some renting sites pay you but they stop after a day or 2 and even though they say they give something for being banned they don't
Just let them rent it and after 1 or 2 days at the most, take your account back. Otherwise there is a good chance it will get banned.
well I was just going to try a scam on them. I was going to let them rent the account for a day, then send a fake ban email to myself and change the password and make them level another account for me.