no they won't...
no they won't...
Blant says no.
But I still wouldn't have used my personal If Blizzard really does want to pursue the issue, it is up to blizzard whether or not they ban you.
Best option would have been to create a second account in your name, merge the account to that, if it doesn't get repoed within 30 days, do a character transfer and then get the account banned.
In my personal experience, blizzard doesn't care about the person involved just the account(s).
For example, if you log onto a scammed account and do some crazy ass crap with it and then log onto your main account from the same IP, Blizzard will ban the scammed account and leave your main account un-touched (Even though, obviously its the same person)
Last edited by Ayar; 07-24-2009 at 06:47 AM.
What they said is true.
From experience though it's not the best idea to merge scamming accounts with your legit b-net.
I had a particularly good scamming b-net that was maxed with scamming characters and one day I tried to log on to find the whole b-net account banned.
So you can do it, but don't overdo it.
Yeah and it is possible for them to get the account back. My account got compromised last week and he merged it with his bnet account so I couldn't change the password. All I had to do was call blizzard and tell them my Secret answer and they unmerged it and resetted the pw. Pretty easy......
But one quick question is if I merge it with my bnet account and I do a char xfer and the person recovers it will my xfer still go through? If so will they get the character back? Also if they do cancel it would they refund the 25$?
no the other bnet accounts will not be banned... i had 8 merged accounts in my bnet and i was renting them out but now theyre all banned lol (1 by one though) and im getting my 350$ today for renting xD