Its a very usefull technique for bannin thanks bro
Like the title said this is a way on how to instant ban your account. Or well, not really instant but it close your account immediately if they find it out, aka if you get reported for it!
First, visit this page.
World of Warcraft Europe -> Game Policies -> Harassment
Read the policy about "Paedophilia"
The thing is, if you don't abide by their rules then they will instant ban your account. Simply put, the way to instant ban your account is to act like a pedophile (ridiculous I know but it works!)
Just go in trade channel and spam relevant topics about paedophilia. Examples:
"Hello, I am a old man playing wow, and I need some help from you fresh young ones, especially girls since they are so smart. If there are kids around the age of 10-12 willing to help me don't hesitate and whisper me"
"Any 8-12 year olds who wants to chat with me?"
"Kids, you know there is a funnier game then wow for you, if you are around the age of 8 till 12 then whisper me and be sure to follow my instructions"
You get the deal. After spamming those you WILL surely get reported, and if you are then your account will get closed.
Evidence #1
The email. I received this email that was in german, so I just google translated it so you guys can read it.
Evidence #2
The log in window. Here you can see that the account is definitely closed.
Evidence #3
Here you can see that the account is actually closed also on the wow management page.
Like I said, it will give you instant perma ban when they find out. And if you guys look on evidence #1 , you see the date. 23 October 2008, that was yesterday because today is 24 October 2008. So you see that the success chances are high.
I don't know if there are any negative side effects when doing this, but if you want to perma ban your account as fast as possible, this is one of the many ways to do it.
Have fun perma banning your account, and if this is in the wrong section just tell me it and why, because I find this more of a help guide then a actually scamming guide.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
Its a very usefull technique for bannin thanks bro
It is indeed a good technique. But why would you want to ban an account?
Because when you transfer a scammed character to another account, the first thing you want is to ban the original account so that even if the original owner recalls it, Blizzard can't do anything since they have banned the account and they will not look up even further.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
I dont see the point unless you rob an account and wish to dispose of it.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
Great job. So many noobs in this thread though. +Rep