Give me the info on the account :P I CAN HELP YA
Basically, i'm wondering how to secure the g i recieve after executimg a scam like the fake Spectral Tiger?
my main aim is to sell the gold to farnmers, but how do i make sure gms dont take the gold back after im reported on my scammed acct?
i've seen a few methods in the forum but was wondering which works best!?
Give me the info on the account :P I CAN HELP YA
I do this often, but it can get you banned, trade the acct's gold to an alt, you can use a secured scammed acct, or a blank one. Then sell the gold to farmer websites/people when you can.
If you want help, drop me a PM.
Just sell right away after u trade it to a blank account
dont scam another mmowned member no matter how retarted you are sounding
Good question, I would like to know the answer to this one..
I was thinking just trade low ammounts (100-250 gold) to a whole bunch of friends then your friends send mail to another account to sell to the gold farmers..?
easiest, best, least used method is to put it into your guilds bank, which your main is the guild banker or leader or w/e and withdraw it on the main.
you would think they do, but they in fact do not have logs of everyones guild bank, due to the massive ammounts of space and everything they would have to check.
most secure, i have a guild bank on my main and do it all the time, bout 50 times and not caught yet.
I agree with rune.
I've done it alot. [^_^]
hi, is this for real?
because 2 days ago i put about 10k gold and a LOT of items into my guild bank from a few scammed accounts and then /gquit to get rid of any evidence. i havent touched the gold or items in the bank yet because im scared of getting banned
but if this is true then i can withdraw happily haha