prolly called blizz and took mail back
Hello as the topic says i got scammed big time a few days ago... Anyway too make a long story short, We traded account's he changed the email on his account to my email. I took retrieve password to check if he had done it. Yes i got an email to my adress with the new password. I got all the information about the account, I gave my information to him. When we had switched accounts i thougt good i dident get scammed, What a fool i was. I logged in to world of warcraft on my new account with the password i got from blizzard. Right after that i was going to logg in to the account management again to change password and guess what? it said wrong password. I thougt what the hell? it had onley been like 40 sec since i took retrive password. I tested again it said wrong password. I tabbed up wow again, I was still online. I tried to take retrieve password again, Didnt work! And i was disconnected from wow. And poof my new account and my old account was gone. NOTE that i got email from blizzard with the new password i tested it with another account to check if it was the same email and yes it was and the same sender.
Anyway shit happens its just an wow account. But i would realy like to know how he did this... Anyone know?
prolly called blizz and took mail back
A. Why did you title your post "asd"? You don't need to title replies.
B. I doubt it. He claims that this entire thing took 40 seconds. I doubt he recalled the account by phone in 40 seconds.
Anyway, when the email on the account was changed to yours, did you verify that the first letter of the email address changed to the first letter of your own email?
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
No i didnt and it was probably there i screw my self over... But i took retrieve password and i got it too my mail i did it 2 times.. i did it with another account also.. same email same sender.. after this happend i tried to figure it out how he did it so i tried to change email but not accept it in my mail.. So i thougt maby it will activate both emails meanwhile but it didnt i couldent use the email i had changed too if i didnt accept the change on the old email...I had the account for about 1 minute and thats it. And i doubt that he could have called blizzard that fast and get his account back. And it was pretty late at night so.
Last edited by sped88; 10-15-2008 at 04:32 PM.
This is how he could have done it.
Send you a fake email that the email was changed to yours.
Send you a fake email with the password.
Wrong Igzz. As i have said before i took retrieve password 2 times and not at the same time. There is no way that he could have known that. Also these emails was from [email protected] = Blizzard email. I have also said before that i took retrieve password with another acccount that mail also came from [email protected] and the same text in the message. So there is no way that he sent me fake emails.
Just cause they say they are from [email protected] doesn't mean that they are from [email protected].
No i have been told that now. Anway a guy told me that most mask programs will show the real adress if you highlight the adress but it wont it still says [email protected] and i also tried to reply and i was replying to [email protected] But still it seems pretty odd that he manage to send me an fake email 2 times right after i did the 2 retrieve password at different times. But anyway. What kind of program can do that? with the email adresses? its impossible to see that the adress is an fake, Atleast if you are me and just look at the adress and try to highlight it and send back.. It still says the same adress no other adress.
Evil Page
there you go sunny =p
No offense sped but you know nothing about emails.
I could send you an email from [email protected] or [email protected] and it would look completely legit. The real address and the name would show up as
Spoofing email addresses is incredibly, incredibly easy. There are lots of websites and programs that do it. There's Evil Page,, and a ton more.
Chances are he just sent a fake email and you fell for it. It's a fairly common scam.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
Yes i probably did. And yes you are right i dont know anything about these stuffs at all thats why i am here to ask and learn. Thank you all very much for you answers.
But there is one more thing i would like to know. Even if he did send a fake email to me how did my email get acceptet when i took retrieve password from Because if its not the same email as the account has, There would be an error. but i dident get one?
And thank you all again you have been very helpfull.
Last edited by sped88; 10-16-2008 at 04:34 PM.
To sum it up.
-Scammer changed the acc email to yours
-You retrieved password
-Password worked for a while
-Password doesn't work after 40 seconds
-Scammer recalled the account
if that's so, then that means you were scammed by the change-email scam I developed...1 year ago lawd. It's a scam that involves you to be logged onto the account management page. You are doing 2 email changes. 1 is for the victim, and 1 is for your own. You are first doing the one of the victim, verifying the email change. BUT, your own email change will be left in your inbox, you don't change it yet. After the trade you just quickly change the email back via the email change left in your inbox, making it a double email change. The reason why you still need to be logged onto the account management page is because you need to be logged in for the email change to occur. Very risky scam but if it works, then it gives you 100% guarantee that it will be scammed. I myself used that awhile back when I was trading legit, but if I ever got scammed I just simply change the email back to mine. Simple exploit.
Read all of the above. As a last note, write in alineas next time please, makes reading much easier.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
Lol okey.. Well now i know how he did it! Thank you all very much for your answers.
Soul is most likely correct, but he also could have used the old fake email sender method as well.
If he never changed the email to yours, he would have seen the second recover email come in, and just sent you a 2nd fake email.