Hello there i need some help getting an account back that i know the username off but dont have the mail on or SQ dno if this is possible
. But the thing is that the person who has the account dont have his email on it either so i only need the password, so i was thinking that i still got a chance to get it back with a key-logger or phising mail etc (sucks at this things:P). My question is if anyone on this extremly awsome site could help me with this. If there is anyone who can help me you can send me a PM and ask for my mail so we can talk over msn or w/e you use.
even if you think this is an opporunity (spelling) to scamm this account i dont care (wtf?) even if you wanna help me i just dont want him to play on it
no i do not have any rep or posts since i dont have anything good to contribute with or any helpfull to comment.