your being paranoid, and the dude is talking out of his ass.
just contiue on with your scamming, and stop talking to the victim while YOUR on HIS account.
P.S. if the police show up at your house, i suggest you run for your life.
your being paranoid, and the dude is talking out of his ass.
just contiue on with your scamming, and stop talking to the victim while YOUR on HIS account.
P.S. if the police show up at your house, i suggest you run for your life.
I'm hoping that last statement was a joke?
Im only worried that I may get legal action taken upon me for the pishing site.
Hmm im worst case it can be some minor thing for "copying" blizzards content and logos etc but i dont think they have time to mess with each phisher and scammer.
Alright ty.
And "minor" thing would be...?
The site getting taken down?
The title makes me want to shout "TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT!"
But anyways, either nothing will happen, or, you get a request to remove your phishing site or else legal action will be taken, blah blah blah.
Just like with Emu servers, there's way to many Phishing sites out there for Blizzard to pay to much attention to one at a time.
I used to be a Super Mod. Now I'm just Super, thanks for asking.
Alright thanks for all the answers!
+rep to those I haven't already!
Did you buy a domain for the phishing site? If so, what information did you enter?
Try doing a WHOIS on the domain.
You will most likely be fine, he's just attempting to scare you, most people do that, or he may be serious, then good luck!
i wouldnt even trip over it.. they can trace your ip to an exstent.. but legal maters, no, wont happen, like above to many people do this.
About the phishing site....
a. If you used a free web-host, like freewebs (for instance) site will be taken down, you won't be tracked, although freewebs may have logs of your IP.
b. If you registered a domain.... whois on the net, can find the address, name, and phone number you registered with, and most likely your web-host, and they'll probably do the same.
Legal action however is probably going too far.
Yes, Warden tracks everything, its like a spyware when your WoW is open.
Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors
I am in the same situation. I sent an e-mail to the guy and he typed in his information. Than I got into his e-mail and started reading what he was talking about. He messaged
"Blizzard Hacking and Piracy Team" and was talking to them about my scammed e-mail. Then I read a message from them that told them how to get the IP address of the scammer. I just deleted the message so that he wouldn't read it, and I closed down my phish because I can just set up another one in a few minutes when I need to.
Soo.. You should be fine. The only thing they will do is contact the host and tell them to lock the phish site.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
Haha thanks for reviving an old thread, but anyways:
Nothing happened, my phishing site DID get taken down today, but that's probably due to the fact that many people reported it.
Everyone in this situation should be fine.
Yeah, there are SOO many phish sites out there. They won't go around suing everyone.
Scammed Gold: 31821g